If you are one of the students with this question in mind “What would be the Best Project Topics for Computer Science Students?” you are in the right place.
This article will give you an idea about new projects for computer science engineering students.
With this idea, you will be able to have practical final year projects for computer science with source code.
Computer science could be a branch of engineering that deals with the scientific study of computers and their usages like computation, processing, systems management, advanced recursive properties, and computer science.
Aside from this list of computer science projects ideas 2025, I will give you a list of final year projects for computer science with source code.
By the way, I also have here some list of Best PHP Projects with source code, Python Projects with source, Django Projects with Source code, C/C++ programming projects with source code, Java Projects With Source Code, JavaScript Projects With Source Code, and VB.Net Projects with Source Code which I believe after finding your Final Year Project Title, you need to find a Sample projects with source code.
Being a Computer science student is not easy, especially if you will be doing your final project for the last year or capstone projects.
To lessen your burden, I have listed here 100 Computer Science project topics for final years.
List of Best Project Topics For Computer Science Students 2025
Time needed: 5 minutes
Best Mini Project Topics For Computer Science Students 2025
- A Distributed Learning System with Desktop recording, VoIP, Desktop Sharing and Session Sharing
- A Railway Anti-Collision System with Auto-Track Changing and Phis Plate Removal Sensing
- A Wireless Communication Protocol Based on Electric Bulb
- Adaptive Coaching and Co-Operative System for MANETS
- ADHOC Networks Based Bandwidth Estimation of IEEE 802.11
- Agent-Based Blocking and Response, Intrusion Detection using Signature
- An SSL Back End Forwarding Scheme of Clusters Based On Web Servers
- Approximate and Efficient Processing of Query in Peer-to-Peer Networks
- The architecture of Distributed Database in Next Generation Mobile Networks for Global Roaming
- Artificial Neural Network Based Verification of Digital Signature
- Authentication and Adaptive Security for DNS System
- Automated Image Enhancement Based Identification of Plaque
- Automated Transport Enquiry System in MySQL and C# Based on Voice
- Automatic Removal and Estimation of Noise in From a Single Image
- Automatic Teller Machine Network Implementation based Controlling of CAC Connection Admission
- Bullet Physics and Cinder Graphics Based Doodle Processing System
- Using Concurrent Engineering Train Simulation Based on Genetic Algorithm
- By Using Steganography Compression and Decompression of Wavelet
- Camera-Based Heart Rate Detector using Android
- Channel Rate Allocation for Scalable Video Streaming Using Genetic Algorithm over Error-Prone Networks Based on GOP
- Chinese Input with Eye Tracking and Keyboard
- Coded Structured Light-Based Real-Time 3-D Data Processing
- Computer Folders ‘Security with a Bluetooth-Enabled Mobile Phone and Rinjdal Security Extension
- Computer-Aided Instruction with Voice Recognition system
- Controlling of Topology in Ad hoc Networks by Using Cooperative Communication
- Credit Card Reader with Face Recognition based on Webcam
- Customer Relationship Management Based on Distributed Component Router
- Data Integrity Maintenance and Dynamic University Linking
- Developing the Encryption, API, Architecture, and Security of Biometric Technology
- Data Mining Technique Based Building Intelligent Shopping for Web Services
- Data Warehousing and Data Mining Dictionary
- Design and Implementation of E Secure Transaction
- Design and implementation of Mobile Banking
- Development of an Application for Weekly Automatic College Timetable
- Digest Algorithm for Efficient Message for Data Security
- Document Tracker System with Intensive Algorithm
- Dynamic Logistics Management and Support Systems
- Dynamic Time Warping and Triangular matching Based on a Fingerprint Verification System
- Efficient and Distribution and Secure Content Processing by Cooperative Intermediaries
- Filtering and Analyzing of Effective Packet System for ATM Network
- Fingerprint Verification System Based on a Correction
- Flexible Data Dissemination Strategy in Mobile Wireless Communication Networks for Effective Cache Consistency
- Fuzzy Keyword Search in Cloud Computing over Encrypted Data
- Graph Analysis and Generation for Detecting the Source Code Plagiarism Based on Program
- Hidden Markov Models Based Credit Card Fraud Detection
- High-Speed Face Recognition Based on RBF Neural Networks and Discrete Cosine Transform.
- Online Hotel Reservation System in PHP/MySQLi
- Image Analysis and Compression with PSNR and MSE Technique
- Identification and Matching of Robust-Face Name Graph for Movie Character
- Image Processing for Resizing and Bilinear Filters
- Image Processing Segmentation Based Verification of Secured Fingerprint Using
- Computational Geometry Algorithms
- Image Retrieval Imaging Based on Content, Adaptive and Personal
- Implementation of Multi Router Traffic Monitoring
- Implementation of Threshold Cryptography for MANET Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography
- Implicit Approach Based Animating and Buildup of Wind-Driven Snow
- Increased Development Process Quality-Based Testing of Automotive Real-Time
- Inter-Domain Packet Filters based Controlling of IP Spoofing
- Internet-Based Monitoring of Remote Electrocardiogram
- Internet Protocol Trace Back Based Detection and Modeling of Camouflaging Worm
- JMX Based Managing and Monitoring the Clusters
- Load Balancing of Artificial Intelligence Network using Ant Colony Optimization
- Management System of Pharmacy in MySQL and PHP
- Mathematical Morphology Based Algorithm for Image Noise Reduction
- Mobile Health Tips using Android
- Modeling and Detection of the Camouflaging Worm
- Motion Extraction Techniques Based on Identifying the Level of Perception Power from Video
- Multicast Routing For Collaborative Applications with Delay Variation Constraints On Overlay Networks
- Multicasting of Bandwidth Efficient Video in Multiradio Multicellular Wireless networks
- Multidimensional and Color Imaging Projections
- Multithreaded Socket Based Email Server
- Musical Conversion and Recognition for Music Compression
- Near-Optimal Multicast Scheme Using a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Hoc and Mobile Networks
- Network Border Patrol for Promoting Fairness on the Internet and Preventing Congestion Collapse
- Network Security Implementation Layer through Voice Biometric
- Novel Framework for Personalized Retrieval and Semantic Annotation of Sports Videos
- Pattern Recognition and Dynamic Character Using Neural Network
- Query Workload Based Online Index Recommendations of High Dimensional Data Bases
- Recognition of Digits Back Propagation and Handwritten Based on Neural Network
- Real-Time Transmission Protocol Based Broadcasting of Multicast Video
- Recognition of Dynamic Pattern and Character Using Neural Networks
- Recognition of Hand Movement for Paralytic Persons Based on a Neural Network
- Ridges and Fusion of Minutiae Based Fingerprint Identification Using Strength Factors
- Rule Mining Algorithm for Efficient Association in Distributed Databases
- Simulation and Modeling of Unknown Factors in Acquisition
- Smart Card Security and Static Analysis Perspective from a Java
- SNMP Based Network Monitoring and Analyzer Tool
- Software and Algorithms for problems in Radiation Therapy and Radio Surgery and Medical Applications
- Speech Stress Analysis based Cheap Lie Detector for Loyalty Test
- Storage Systems Based HBA Distributed Meta Data Management for large Cluster
- Supply Chain Management System Based on Distributed Component Router
- Travelling Salesman and Genetic Algorithm Problem Using ATL COM and C#
- Using Pythagoras and Trigonometry to Watermark an Image
- Verification of Dynamic Signature Using Pattern Signature
- Voice-based E-mail for the Blind
- Water Turbidity Monitoring and Notification System
- Web-Based Bus Ticket Reservation System
- Web-Based Graphical Password Authentication System
- Weather Forecast Application using Android
- Web-Based Online Blood Donation System
- XML Enable SQL Server Based Data Storage and Minimization
Machine Learning Projects For Computer Science Students
Here are the Best Machine Learning Projects For Final Year Computer Science Students with Free Source Code.
1. Holistic Detection
A OpenCV Python Holistic Detection We are going to detect left and right hand, face mesh, and pose detection. MediaPipe has a lot of built-in customizable Machine Learning Solutions.
MediaPipe is the newest and fastest within machine learning solutions and can be run on common hardware which we are going to see throughout this article.
2. Volume Control With Hand Detection
Building a Volume Controller with OpenCV can be accomplished in just 3 simple steps:
- Step 1. Detect Hand landmarks
- Step 2. Calculate the distance between thumb tip and index finger tip.
- Step 3. Map the distance of thumb tip and index finger tip with volume range. For my case, distance between thumb tip and index finger tip was within the range of 15 – 220 and the volume range was from -63.5 – 0.0.
3. Brightness Control With Hand Detection
Building a Brightness Controller with OpenCV can be accomplished in just 3 simple steps:
- Step 1. Detect Hand landmarks
- Step 2. Calculate the distance between thumb tip and index finger tip.
- Step 3. Map the distance of thumb tip and index finger tip with volume range. For my case, distance between thumb tip and index finger tip was within the range of 15 – 220 and the volume range was from 0 – 100.
4. Extract Faces From Image
This Python OpenCV Project With Source Code, Images make up a large amount of the data that gets generated each day, which makes the ability to process these images important.
One method of processing images is via face detection. Face detection is a branch of image processing that uses machine learning to detect faces in images.
A OpenCV Extract Faces Python you will use a pre-trained Haar Cascade model from OpenCV and Python to detect and extract faces from an image. OpenCV is an open-source programming library that is used to process images.
5. Eye Blink Counting Detection
A Eye Blink Detection OpenCV Python focused solely on using the eye aspect ratio as a quantitative metric to determine if a person has blinked in a video stream.
However, due to noise in a video stream, subpar facial landmark detections, or fast changes in viewing angle, a simple threshold on the eye aspect ratio could produce a false-positive detection, reporting that a blink had taken place when in reality the person had not blinked.
**More to follow***
Final year projects for computer science with source code
The list given below is the web development project for final year students or college students created using PHP, CSS, and JavaScript Programming Language that can help the coding skills of the student in their software development project.
- Student Management System Project In Django With Source Code
- Billing System In PHP With Source Code
- Loan Management System Project In PHP With Source Code
- College Management System Project in Django with Source Code
- Attendance Management System Django With Source Code
- Hostel Management System Project In PHP With Source Code
- Bus Reservation System Project in Django with Source Code
- Online Voting System Project In PHP With Source Code
- Library Management System Project In Django With Source Code
- Online Job Portal Project in Python Django with Source Code
- Online Food Ordering System using Django with Source Code
- Employee Record Management System Project In PHP with Source Code
- Online Hospital Management System in PHP projects with source code
- Online Blood Bank Management System in PHP with Source Code
If you are a BSIT Student and looking for best Thesis title Proposal for IT/CS students you can click here.
Here are some articles that might help you doing your document to support your computer science project topics for your final years :
- How to Make An Effective Thesis or Capstone Document
- Writing A Good Research Title For Thesis or Capstone Project
- Chapter 1(Research Description) Capstone Project Guidelines and Sample
- Chapter 2 in Thesis Writing for IT/CS Students (with Sample)
The study of CS Engineering includes programming, design, analysis, and theory. Engineering comes to involve coming up with and developing of different application-based codes.
Engineering project topics will be enforced by a variety of tools like Java, VB.NET Application, Databases, Oracle, and the likes.
Note: If you have any questions or suggestions about best project topics for a computer science student, please feel free to contact us at our contact page of leaving a comment below.
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