The college management system ER diagram shows the connections between the system’s entities, which make up the database design. This shows how the database or data storage works from a logical point of view. College administration involves identifying entities, their properties, and how they interact.
ER Diagram for College Management System: Details
The table shows the overall description of the Entity Relationship Diagram for College Management System. It has a complete overview of the project’s information.
Name: | College Management System ER Diagram |
Abstract: | The college management system ER diagram depicts the relationship between various entities. It can be thought of as a blueprint for your system (project) structure. |
Diagram: | ER Diagram is also known as Entity Relationship Diagram |
Tools Used: | Diagraming tools that provide ER diagram symbols. |
Users: | College Admin and Staff and the students. |
Designer: | |
What is College Management System?
A college management system helps colleges manage student enrollment, attendance, fees, grades, assignments, and library materials.
College Management System Features
- College Management: This system manages the college, and the ER diagram offers basic information. This basic information is composed of the courses and programs offered.
- Student Management: This feature plays a big role in the system because it gathers important information about the students. This data was used to keep track of their transactions and other important system details.
- Manage Courses and Subjects: The college admin must set each student’s courses and assign instructors to each subject.
- Manage Instructors: This system manages instructors’ information, class schedules, and more.
- Transaction and Scheduling Management: It stores student and instructor transactions, including information and subject and timetable schedules.
What is an ER Diagram?
In DBMS, the college management system’s ER Diagram is also called the system’s database design. It is a picture of how all the parts of the system are connected to each other. Entities, Attributes, and Relationships are its most important parts.
Importance of ER Diagram
Entity Relationship diagrams assist represent a college management system’s database. It’s the project’s database foundation. The college management system entity-relationship diagram (ERD) defines data types, attributes, and characteristics.
Entity Relationship Diagram for College Management System
ER Diagram of College Management System shows the system entity relationships in each entity and their supposed functions in each relationship.

Students, teachers, transactions, courses, subjects, and schedules make up the college management system tables in the entity-relationship diagram. The tables meet the system’s needs and provide more particular information about each entity.
College Management System Database Design
A database for a college administration system was built to manage college requirements. Student data can be stored. College admins can see how students are doing and acquire critical facts. They can manage student and teacher files and transactions.
College Management System ER Diagram Tables
These tables below provide the complete database table details such as Field Name, Descriptions, data types, and character lengths. Each of these tables represents the characteristics and the attributes of data storage.
The field column shows the names of each database’s attributes, while the description column gives a full description of each attribute. The type column shows what kind of data each attribute is, and the length column shows its length.
Table Name: Student
Field | Description | Type | Length |
stud_ID (PK) | Student ID | Int | 11 |
fname | Student First Name | Varchar | 255 |
lname | Student Last Name | Varchar | 255 |
gender | Student Gender | Int | 11 |
age | Student Age | Int | 11 |
contact_add | Contact Address | Int | 11 |
stud_email | Student Email | Varchar | 255 |
stud_pass | Student Password | Varchar | 255 |
Table Name: Instructor
Field | Description | Type | Length |
ins_ID (PK) | Instructor ID | Int | 11 |
fname | Instructor First Name | Varchar | 255 |
lname | Instructor Last Name | Varchar | 255 |
gender | Instructor Gender | Int | 11 |
age | Instructor Age | Int | 11 |
contact_add | Contact Address | Int | 11 |
ins_email | Instructor Email | Varchar | 255 |
ins_pass | Instructor Password | Varchar | 255 |
Table Name: Course
Field | Description | Type | Length |
course_ID (PK) | Course ID | Int | 11 |
course_name | Course Name | Varchar | 30 |
course_desc | Course Description | Varchar | 30 |
school_yr | School Year | Int | 11 |
Table Name: Subjects
Field | Description | Type | Length |
sub_ID (PK) | Subject ID | Int | 11 |
name | Subject Name | Varchar | 255 |
course_ID (FK) | Course ID | Int | 11 |
Table Name: Schedules
Field | Description | Type | Length |
sched_ID (PK) | Schedule ID | Int | 11 |
course_ID (FK) | Course ID | Int | 11 |
sub_ID (FK) | Subject ID | Int | 11 |
ins_ID (FK) | Instructor ID | Int | 11 |
stud_ID (FK) | Student ID | Int | 11 |
day | Day of schedule | Date | |
time_start | Starting Time | Time | |
time_end | Time Ended | Time |
Table Name: Transactions
Field | Description | Type | Length |
trans_ID (PK) | Transaction ID | Int | 11 |
trans_name | Transaction Name | Int | 11 |
stud_ID (FK) | Student ID | Int | 11 |
trans_date | Transaction Date | Date |
College Management System ER Diagram [PDF]
The College Management System (DBMS) ER Diagram PDF shows the project database. These details can help with your capstone. You can use it as is or edit it to satisfy your project. Click the download button below to view the complete ER diagram for college management system.
How to create an Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram
Time needed: 5 minutes
Steps in building the ER Diagram for College Management System with Cardinality Ratio.
- Step 1: Familiarize the ER Diagram (Entity Relationship Diagram) Symbols and Cardinality
Entity Relationship Diagram – shows the structure of data types in a project. It uses symbols to clarify its parts and relationships. Their symbols and applications must be familiarized before you build the ER Diagram.
ER Diagram Symbols:
• Field – are the parts of a table that define the entity’s characteristics. In the database that the ERD models, attributes are commonly thought of as rows.
• Keys – is a technique to categorize data qualities. It is used to organize ER diagrams and assist users in modeling their databases to ensure that they are efficient. This is also used to connect different tables in a database.
– Primary Key: identifies a single entity instance which means a unique attribute or set of attributes.
– Foreign Key: is produced when data attributes have one too many relationships with other entities. - Step 2: Finalize the entities included
Start your ER Diagram by listing all the college management system components. You’ll need to leave an area in your design for these rectangles to be included later.
- Step 3: Add the attributes of each entity
After choosing the entities, consider their qualities. In a conceptual ER diagram, entity characteristics provide details. Attributes are qualities, many-to-many or one-to-one relationships. Several-value attributes can have multiple values.
- Step 4: Describe the relationships (cardinality) between entities and attributes
Entities, characteristics, and relationships are needed to draw the ERD. You’ll utilize the acquired data to develop the Entity Relationship Diagram.
ER (entity-relationship) diagram is only one of the diagrams used to design and develop the College Management System. Each of the diagrams you design and create will help you in presenting your ideas and impart your abilities.
By generating an ER diagram, you can view the software’s back end, where data enters and exits. To learn more about the ER Diagrams and more, check out the related and recommended articles below.
Related Articles
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micro project is nice