In this section, we’ll talk about what is a cover page in MS Word and how to make a cover page in a word document. Almost all good documents and books have an interesting first page with the title, subject, author, publisher, etc. of the document. This first page is called the Cover Page, and it’s easy to add a cover page in Microsoft Word.
This tutorial shows how to use Microsoft Word to make a cover page. First, we’ll use a built-in design to make a cover page. Then, we’ll make a cover page that can be used more than once. Then we’ll get rid of a cover page.
Table of contents
What is Cover Page in MS Word
The cover page is the main part of your document that stands out. It has the title of the document, pictures, the company logo, information about the document file, etc. The first thing a reader will see is the title.
In addition, the cover page gives an idea of who the author is. Depending on the style you choose, the cover page will look different, but it will usually have the name of the author, the name of the professor, the name of the student’s school, and the date the paper is due.
Furthermore, cover pages make your document more attractive. Adding a cover page to your document is a great way to make it look more professional. So you should put a cover page at the beginning of your document.
You can also use a picture of your project as the background of your cover page, among other things. MS Word has a large number of different cover pages that have already been made.
What is the purpose of Cover Page?
The purpose of Cover Page it serve as an introduction to you and your background experience. Since it is usually the first impression you make on the employer, you want it to be your finest. Cover page allows to complete title, author, date and other information.
For instance, the cover page of a periodic report on business development can feature your company’s logo. Word provides templates for the cover’s design and treats it similarly to any other page. Word distinguishes the cover further by leaving off the header and footer and by omitting it from the page numbering system.
Microsoft Word offers a gallery of convenient pre-designed cover pages to accent your resume. Choose a cover page and replace the sample text with your own.
Why do you need a cover page?
We need a cover page when creating our documents because it is the first page a reader will see while reading your document. It is used to provide a brief summary of the content, as well as information about who created it, when it was written, and its name, if any.
In addition, a cover page may be the first page of your essay or the first page of your proposal, introducing the document formally.
Cover pages are extremely personal, and there is a reason for that. You should see the cover letter of your document as a way to capture the reader’s attention and provide them with all of the key information they may be looking for at a glance.\
Advantage of Using Cover Page
Cover pages make your document more attractive. Adding a cover page to your document is a great way to make it look more professional. So you should put a cover page at the beginning of your document.
You can also use a picture of your project as the background of your cover page, among other things. Microsoft Word has a large number of different cover pages that are already made.
How to Make Cover Page in MS Word
Here are the steps on How to Make Cover Page in MS Word.
- Step 1: Select Insert tab from the ribbon.
- Step 2: Then, select Cover Page Button in the Pages group,.
- Step 3: Select pre-made design from the drop-down menu’s gallery.
To see more options, move your mouse over More Cover Pages from
- Step 4: To insert your cover page somewhere other than the top of your document, right-click the pre-designed cover page template and then select a location from the contextual menu.
This is optional choice.
- Step 5: Put your cursor in the sample text, and then type your own information.
- Step 6: To delete a section of sample text, right-click select “Remove Content Control” from the shortcut menu.
- Step 7: Your Word file should now have the built-in cover page that you selected.
How to Design Custom Cover Page
You can design a cover page that you can use in more than one Word document. Here are the ways to do it.
- Open a blank document. To open a blank document, press Ctrl + N.
- Make your cover page and add images if you need to.
- Select all of the words and pictures that should go on the cover page.
- Select Insert from the ribbon.
- In the Pages group, select Cover Page.
- Using the drop-down box, select Save Selection to Cover Page Gallery.
- In the Create New Building Block dialog box, type a unique name in the Name text box.
- If you need to, add more information to the Description text box. This is optional.
- Select the OK button. Now, your personalized cover page should be in the Cover Page Gallery.
- Close the document that you used to make your cover page. This file doesn’t need to be saved.
- Click Save, When asked if you want to save changes to Building Blocks.dotx.
- Open the document you want to add the custom cover page to.
- Select the Insert tab.
- Select Cover Page in the Pages group.
- Select your custom cover page from the gallery.
There you have it. Your own cover page has been inserted into the current document.
How to Remove Cover Page
Step 1: Select the insert option on the navigation menu.

Step 2: Select cover page from the left side of the navigation menu.

Step 3: Now click on the remove current cover page option as shown.

Finally, the created cover page will then be removed from the document.
In summary, we’ve learned what a cover page is and how to make custom and use built-in cover pages and remove unwanted cover pages in MS Word, as well as what those terms mean. Furthermore, we understand how different types of cover pages can be used in our document to make it more presentable and professional.
Meanwhile, if you want to learn more about formatting pages, see the previous tutorial on what is page break and how to remove and insert blank page as well as how to adjust page margin in Microsoft Word, which are still part of formatting your documents. You can browse those guides if you are having a hard time formatting your documents.
We hope this tutorial helps you as you format your documents in MS Word.