Top 20 Deep Learning Projects for Beginners with Source Code

Deep learning Projects with Source Code is a machine learning technique that allows computers to learn by example in the same way that humans do.

Deep learning is a critical component of self-driving automobiles, allowing them to detect a stop sign or discriminate between a pedestrian and a lamppost.

What if machines could function similarly to the human brain?

Deep learning is founded on this principle. But what is deep learning, exactly?

Deep learning is a kind of machine learning that use artificial neural networks to mimic human cognitive abilities.

Deep learning’s purpose is to create computer systems that can function independently of human input. While the notion of deep learning has been present since the 1950s, its applications have just lately become available.

What is Deep Learning?

Deep learning is a type of machine learning that employs multiple layers to extract higher-level features from raw data.

Lower image processing layers, for example, may recognize edges, whereas higher layers may recognize human-relevant notions such as numerals, letters, or faces.

Machine learning utilizes simpler principles, but deep learning uses artificial neural networks, which are designed to replicate how people think and learn.

The complexity of neural networks was previously limited by processing capacity.

Thanks to improvements in Big Data analytics, larger, more powerful neural networks are now conceivable, allowing computers to watch, learn, and react to complex events faster than humans.

Deep learning has aided image categorization, language translation, and speech recognition. It can solve any pattern recognition challenge without the assistance of humans.

Use of Deep Learning

Just a few years ago, we could not have imagined deep learning applications delivering us self-driving cars and virtual assistants like Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant.

These inventions, on the other hand, are already a part of our daily life.

Deep Learning continues to enthrall us with its seemingly infinite applications, such as fraud detection and pixel restoration.

Deep learning is used in the following industries in addition to these:

#Use of Deep Learning
2.Virtual assistants
8.Customer experience
9.Computer vision
10.Language translation
Use of Deep Learning

Theoretical knowledge alone will not enough in a real-time work context.

We’ll look at some entertaining deep learning project ideas in this article that both beginners and experts may utilize to put their skills to the test.

Those who want to obtain some hands-on experience with the technology will benefit from the projects described in this article.

20 Deep Learning Projects for Beginners with Source Code

Here are the Top 20 Deep Learning Projects for Beginners with Source Code.

1. Image Classification Using CIFAR-10 Dataset

You’ll construct an image classification system in this project that can determine the image’s class.

Working on this project will help you to learn about a number of deep learning topics because picture categorization is such an important application in the field.

Working on picture categorization is one of the best ways for students to get started with practical projects for deep learning.

CIFAR-10 is a large dataset of about 60,000 color images (3232 sizes) organized into ten classes of 6,000 images each.

2. Dog’s Breed Identification

How frequently do you find yourself wondering about a dog’s breed name? There are numerous dog breeds, and most of them are very similar.

Using the dog breeds dataset, we can create a model that can categorize different dog breeds based on an image. Dog lovers will benefit from this endeavor.

To implement this, a convolutional neural network is an obvious solution to an image recognition challenge.

Unfortunately, due to the limited number of training examples, any CNN trained just on the provided training images would be highly overfitting.

3. Human Face Detection

Face detection is a computer vision problem that entails identifying people in photographs.

It’s a simple difficulty for people to solve, and classical feature-based algorithms like the cascade classifier have done a good job at it.

On typical benchmark face identification datasets, deep learning algorithms have recently attained state-of-the-art results.

4. Music Genre Classification System

This is an impressive deep learning project concept. You’ll build a deep learning model that employs neural networks to automatically classify music genres.

The model takes as an input the spectogram of music frames and analyzes the image using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) plus a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN).

5. Drowsy Driver Detection System

One of the leading causes of traffic accidents is driver drowsiness. It’s natural for drivers who travel long distances to fall asleep behind the wheel.

Drivers might become tired while driving due to a variety of factors, including stress and lack of sleep. By developing a drowsy detection agent, our study hopes to avoid and reduce such accidents.

We will use OpenCV to collect photos from a camera and feed them into a Deep Learning model that will classify whether the person’s eyes are ‘Open’ or ‘Closed’ in this project. For this project, we’ll take the following approach:

  • Step 1- Take an image from a camera as input.
  • Step 2 -Create a Region of Interest around the face in the image (ROI).
  • Step 3- Use the ROI to find the eyes and input them to the classifier.
  • Step 4- The classifier will determine whether the eyes are open.
  • Step 5- Calculate the score to see if the person is sleepy.

6. Breast Cancer Detection Ssing Deep Learning

Cancer is a severe disease that needs to be caught as soon as possible. Histopathology photos can be used to diagnose malignancy.

Cancer cells differ from normal cells, therefore, we can use an image classification algorithm to identify the disease at the earliest.

7. Gender Recognition Using Voice

We can accurately determine a person’s gender by listening to their voice. Machines can also be taught to distinguish between male and female voices.

We’ll need audio clips with male and female gender labels. The data is then fed into the classifying model using feature extraction techniques.

8. Chatbot

Making a chatbot using deep learning algorithms is another fantastic endeavor. Chatbots can be implemented in a variety of ways, and a smart chatbot will employ deep learning to recognize the context of the user’s question and then offer the appropriate response.

9. Color Detection System

The project given below can predict up to 11 Distinct Color Classes based on the RGB input by users from the sliders. Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Purple, Brown, Grey, Black, and White are the 11 classes.

10. Crop Disease Detection

When it comes to using technology in agriculture, one of the most perplexing issues is plant disease detection. Despite the fact that research has been done to determine whether a plant is healthy or diseased utilizing Deep Learning and Neural Networks, new technologies are continually being developed.

CNN uses an image to identify and detect sickness. In a Convolutional Neural Network, there are several steps. These are the steps:

  1. Operation of Convolution.
  2. Layer of ReLU
  3. Pooling.
  4. Flattening.
  5. Full connection

11. OCR (Optical Character Reader) Using YOLO and Tesseract for Text Extraction

Extracting information from any document is a difficult operation that requires object classification and object localization.

In many financial, accounting, and taxation fields, OCR digitization addresses the difficulty of automatically extracting, which plays a significant role in speeding document-intensive operations and office automation.

12. Real-Time Image Animation

This is an open-source computer vision project. You must use OpenCV to accomplish real-time image animation in this project.

The model modifies the image expression to match the expression of the person in front of the camera.

13. Store Item Demand Forecasting

Building a forecasting model to estimate store item demand is difficult due to numerous external factors such as the store’s location, seasonality, changes in the store’s neighborhood or competitive position, a considerable variance in the number of consumers and goods, and so on.

14. Fake News Detection Project

Consumers can now get the most up-to-date news at their fingertips thanks to the digital age of mobile applications.

But, are the things we read on these sites always accurate? No, that is not the case.

There are no graphs, social network analysis, or photos.

Three deep learning architectures are presented in this paper and then tested on two datasets (the fake news corpus and the TI-CNN), yielding state-of-the-art results.

  • LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) Based architecture
  • CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) Based architecture
  • BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from transformers) Based architecture

15. Coloring Old Black and White Photos

Automated picture colorization of black-and-white photos has become a prominent topic in computer vision and deep learning research.

The network is built in four parts and gradually becomes more complex.

  1. The alpha network deals with how an image is transformed into RGB pixel values and later translated into LAB pixel values, changing the color space. It also builds a core intuition for how the network learns.
  2. The network in the beta version is very similar to the alpha version. The difference is that we use more than one image to train the network.1.
  3. The full version adds information from a pre-trained classifier. You can think of the information as 20% nature, 30% humans, 30% sky, and 20% brick buildings. It then learns to combine that information with the black and white photo.
  4. The GAN version uses Generative Adversarial Networks to make the coloring more consistent and vibrant.

16. Human Pose Detection

Humans are expressive beings. This project was developed using deep learning concepts and it can detect the pose you make in front of the camera.

17. Language Translator Using Deep Learning

Have you ever traveled to a new location and struggled to communicate in the native tongue? I’m sure you’ve tried to imitate the local language and accent with Google Translator at least once.

Machine Translation (MT) is a popular topic of computer linguistics that focuses on translation from one language to another.

18. Typing Assistant

Devices these days are capable of finishing our sentences even before we type them. Google began automatically finishing my sentence as soon as I started entering the title “Auto text completion and creation with De…” It correctly predicted Deep Learning in this scenario!

The project given below provides the ability to autocomplete words and predicts what the next word will be. This allows you to type faster, more intelligently, and with less effort.

19. Hand Gesture Recognition System

Suppose you want to create a cool feature in a smart TV that recognizes five various gestures made by the user and allows them to operate the TV without using a remote.

20. Lane Detection and Assistance System

Automatic driving technology has advanced rapidly in recent years. One of the major concerns in the manufacturing of self-driving cars is the detection of the lane line.

The given project is the implementation of lanenet model for real-time lane detection using a deep neural network model.

In this project, you will implement a Deep Neural Network for real-time lane detection using TensorFlow, based on an IEEE IV conference article.

For a real-time lane detection task, this model includes an encoder-decoder stage, a binary semantic segmentation stage, and instance semantic segmentation using a discriminative loss function

Deep Learning Projects for Final Year with Source Code

#Deep Learning Projects for Final Year with Source Code
1.Real-Time Face Blur
2.Gender and Age Detection
3.Motion Detection
4.Traffic Signs Recognition
5.Real-Time Emotion Detection
6.Real-Time Car Detection
7.Image Caption Generator
8.Real-Time Drowsiness Detection
9.Real-Time Object Detection
10.Real-Time Text Detection
11.Real-Time Plate Number Detection
12.Real-Time Counting People
13.Real-Time Face Landmark Detection
14.Real-Time Right Eye Detection
15.Real-Time Left Eye Detection
16.Real-Time Smile Detection
17. Real-Time Profile Face Detection
Deep Learning Projects for Final Year with Source Code


We’ve compiled a list of the Best Deep Learning Projects with Source Code, you can work on to hone your skills and expand your portfolio.

Technology is still in its early stages, and it is constantly evolving as we speak.

Deep Learning has a lot of potential for generating revolutionary ideas that can help humanity solve some of the world’s most pressing problems.

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