Event Management System Project Source Code In Python
The Event Management System Project Source Code In Python was developed using Python Programming, This Event Management System Project In Python is a console based program that is easy for the users to understand and also to manage this simple System Project.
A Event Management System In Python you can create an event, view the event you’ve created , you can booked ticket at the same time you can also view the ticket you’ve booked and also you can view the summary report of the events.
This Event Management System also includes a downloadable Project With Source Code for free, just find the downloadable source code below and click to start downloading.
Event Management System Project In Python : Features
- Create An Event
- View Events
- Book Ticket
- View Ticket
- Condition Check If Customer Already Buy Same Event Ticket
- Condition Check if All Tickets are sold Out.
- Show Overall Event Summary
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To start executing Event Management System Project Source Code In Python, make sure that you have installed Python 3.9 and PyCharm in your computer.
Event Management System Project Source Code In Python : Steps on how to run the project
Time needed: 5 minutes
These are the steps on how to run Event Management System Project In Python
- Step 1: Download the given source code below.
First, download the given source code below and unzip the source code.
- Step 2: Import the project to your PyCharm IDE.
Next, import the source code you’ve download to your PyCharm IDE.
- Step 3: Run the project.
last, run the project with the command “py main.py”
Installed Libraries
import pickle import os import pathlib
Complete Source Code
# Event Management System # Features : # 1. Create An Event # 2. View Events # 3. Book Ticket # 4. View Ticket # 5. Condition Check If Customer Already Buy Same Event Ticket # 6. Condition Check if All Tickets are sold Out. # 7. Show Overall Event Summary import pickle #Python pickle module is used for serializing and de-serializing a Python object structure import os import pathlib ############################### Book a Ticket Class class Ticket: name = '' email = '' event = '' reference = 200000 def bookTicket(self): self.name= input("Enter Customer Name: ") self.email = input("Enter Customer Email: ") file = pathlib.Path("events.data") if file.exists(): infile = open('events.data', 'rb') eventdetails = pickle.load(infile) self.reference = input("Enter Reference Code(10000 - 50000) : ") while True: if int(self.reference) <= 10000: print("Warning: Please Enter Valid Reference Code") self.reference = input("Enter Reference Code(10000 - 50000) : ") else: break for event in eventdetails: print("Available Event Code : " + event.eventcode + " Event Name : " + event.eventname) infile.close() self.event = input("Enter Event Code: ") def check(self): file = pathlib.Path("tickets.data") if file.exists(): infile = open('tickets.data', 'rb') ticketdetails = pickle.load(infile) for ticket in ticketdetails: if ticket.email == self.email and ticket.event == self.event: return True infile.close() def gettotalticketcount(self): file = pathlib.Path("events.data") if file.exists(): infile = open('events.data', 'rb') eventdetails = pickle.load(infile) for event in eventdetails: if event.eventcode == self.event: return int(event.eventTotalAvaibleSeat) infile.close else: return 0 def getBookedSeatCount(self): file = pathlib.Path("tickets.data") counter= 0 if file.exists(): infile = open('tickets.data', 'rb') ticketdetails = pickle.load(infile) for ticket in ticketdetails: if ticket.event == self.event: counter = counter + 1 return int(counter) return 0 ############################ Create Event Class class Event: eventname = '' eventcode = '' eventTotalAvaibleSeat = 10 def createEvent(self): self.eventname= input("Enter Event Name: ") self.eventcode = input("Enter Event Code: ") self.eventTotalAvaibleSeat = input("Enter Event Total Availble Seats: ") print("\n\n ------> Event Created!") ############################################## Main Program Modules # Book Ticket and Check Condition def bookEventTicket(): ticket = Ticket() ticket.bookTicket() if ticket.check(): print("Warning : You Already Book A Seat") elif ticket.getBookedSeatCount() >= ticket.gettotalticketcount(): print("Warning : All Ticket Sold Out") else: print("Sucess : Ticket Booked!") saveTicketDetiails(ticket) # Save Ticket Detials to File def saveTicketDetiails(ticket): file = pathlib.Path("tickets.data") if file.exists(): infile = open('tickets.data', 'rb') oldlist = pickle.load(infile) oldlist.append(ticket) infile.close() os.remove('tickets.data') else: oldlist = [ticket] outfile = open('tempTicket.data', 'wb') pickle.dump(oldlist, outfile) outfile.close() os.rename('tempTicket.data', 'tickets.data') # Display Saved Ticket Details def getTicketDetails(): file = pathlib.Path("tickets.data") if file.exists (): infile = open('tickets.data','rb') ticketdetails = pickle.load(infile) print("---------------TICKET DETAILS---------------------") print("T-Ref C-Name C-Email E-Code") for ticket in ticketdetails : print(ticket.reference,"\t",ticket.name,"\t", ticket.email, "\t",ticket.event) infile.close() print("--------------------------------------------------") input('Press Enter To Main Menu') else : print("NO TICKET RECORDS FOUND") # Create Event Module def createEvent(): event = Event() event.createEvent() saveEventDetails(event) # Save Event Details to File def saveEventDetails(event): file = pathlib.Path("events.data") if file.exists(): infile = open('events.data', 'rb') oldlist = pickle.load(infile) oldlist.append(event) infile.close() os.remove('events.data') else: oldlist = [event] outfile = open('tempevents.data', 'wb') pickle.dump(oldlist, outfile) outfile.close() os.rename('tempevents.data', 'events.data') # Display All Event Details def getEventsDetails(): file = pathlib.Path("events.data") if file.exists (): infile = open('events.data','rb') eventdetails = pickle.load(infile) print("---------------EVENT DETAILS---------------------") print("E-Name E-Code E-Total-Seats") for event in eventdetails : print(event.eventname,"\t", event.eventcode, "\t",event.eventTotalAvaibleSeat) infile.close() print("--------------------------------------------------") input('Press Enter To Main Menu') else : print("NO EVENTS RECORDS FOUND") # Display Reports About Events def getEventsSummary(): filetickets = pathlib.Path("tickets.data") if filetickets.exists(): infiletickets = open('tickets.data', 'rb') ticketdetails = pickle.load(infiletickets) fileEvents = pathlib.Path("events.data") if fileEvents.exists (): infileEvents = open('events.data','rb') eventdetails = pickle.load(infileEvents) print("---------------REPORTS---------------------") for event in eventdetails : print("\n\nEvent Name : " + event.eventname + " | Total Seats : " + event.eventTotalAvaibleSeat + " \n") for ticket in ticketdetails: if event.eventcode == ticket.event: print(ticket.reference, "\t", ticket.name, "\t", ticket.email) infileEvents.close() infiletickets.close() print("--------------------------------------------------") input('Press Enter To Main Menu') else : print("NO EVENTS RECORDS FOUND") ###################################################### Start Program ch='' num=0 while ch != 8: print("\t\t\t\t-----------------------") print("\t\t\t\tEVENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM") print("\t\t\t\t-----------------------") print("\tMAIN MENU") print("\t1. BOOK TICKET") print("\t2. VIEW TICKET") print("\t3. CREATE EVENTS") print("\t4. VIEW EVENTS") print("\t5. SHOW SUMMARY") print("\tSelect Your Option (1-5) ") ch = input() if ch == '1': bookEventTicket() elif ch == '2': getTicketDetails() elif ch == '3': createEvent() elif ch == '4': getEventsDetails() elif ch == '5': getEventsSummary()
Download Source Code below
This was developed using Python Programming Language, And this Simple Project With Source Code is good for the beginners or the students to enhance their logical skills in studying programming like Python.
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