The Employee Management System is developed in C programming language, this system is based on the concept to generate the Employee’s records and to add their records and update them.
Here “user” can add their Employee’s details safely and it’s not time-consuming.
Moving on, the Employee Management System in C Language makes it easy to store records of every employee.
The whole project is designed in ‘C’ language and different variables and strings have been used for the development of this project.
This mini project is easy to operate and understand by the users.
Anyway, This employee record management system also includes a downloadable Source Code In C Language, just find the downloadable source code below and click to start downloading.
However, To start creating an Employee Management System In C, make sure that you have code blocks or any platform of c language installed on your computer.
Project Information and Recommended Tools Used
Project Name : | Employee Management System |
Project Platform : | C/C++ |
Programming Language Used: | C Programming Language |
IDE Tool (Recommended): | Dev-C++/Code blocks |
Project Type : | Desktop Application |
An Employee Registration Management System is a distributed application that will be made to keep track of the information about the people who work for a company.
It would keep track of the personal information of employees, making it easy for the organization’s human resources department to know everything about everyone who works there.
It would be easy to understand, and even people who have never used the legacy employee system could use it.
It would be easy to use because the user would only have to do a few things in a certain order.
It would be fast and able to do many things for a business.
The front end of this software package would be made with the powerful coding tools of Visual Basic, and the back end would be a Microsoft Access database.
The user’s feedback will be taken into account to improve or develop the package further.
The Employees Registration Management Software would make it easy for the employer to keep track of all the records.
When these modules are combined into a single application, they provide the perfect platform for re-engineering and aligning human resource processes with the goals of the organization.
This proposed system would make it easy for any organization to keep track of the details of its employees.
The goal of this project is to design and build an employee registration and management system to fill gaps in the way employees are managed electronically.
Employee Management Issues
Since every person and employee is different, managing employees well remains one of the most common management problems businesses face in today’s fast-paced business world.
Businesses can definitely hire people with good credentials and strong resumes.
But it’s just as important to hire people with the right experience and education and to manage them well if you want to build a good employee base that will be a key part of your future success.
What is the employee management system?
A system for managing employees gives managers information about their employees and helps them better plan and schedule work hours.
This makes it easier to control labor costs and boost productivity.
Where is the employee management system used?
Employee management systems can help a business run smoothly, especially if it has a lot of employees. It helps HR staff keep track of information about employees, like salary details, medical information, records of attendance and time off, overall performance, and more.
Why is an employee management system important?
Managers have used this system to assign their team members goals, and both of them and the manager can keep track of progress well. Employees can also give and receive feedback about how well they are doing their jobs. All of these things are important in helping employees reach their full potential.
What are the limitations of the employee management system?
The primary issues with the project are the following: Because of limited resources and time, the project could not be made bigger. The project was made by using employee records and other information that were available at a certain organization.
How to create an employee management system in C?
Time needed: 5 minutes
Here are the steps on how to create the Employee Management System in C.
- Step 1: Create a new project.
First open the code blocks IDE and click “create a new project“.
- Step 2: Choose console application.
Second click the “console application” and after that click “next“.
- Step 3: Choose C language.
Third choose “C language” and click “next“.
- Step 4: Name Your Project.
Fourth name the project you’ve created and click “next” after that click “finish“.
- Step 5: The actual code.
You are free to copy the given source code below or download the downloadable source code given.
The Code Given Below Is For The Main Module
int main()
int i=0;
FILE *fp, *ft; /// file pointers
char another, choice;
/** structure that represent a employee */
struct emp
char name[40]; ///name of employee
int age; /// age of employee
char address[20];//address of employee
float bs; /// basic salary of employee
struct emp e; /// structure variable creation
char empname[40]; /// string to store name of the employee
long int recsize; /// size of each record of employee
/** open the file handling in binary read and write mode
* if the file EMP.DAT already exists then it open that file in read write mode
* if the file doesn't exit it simply create a new copy
fp = fopen("EMP.DAT","rb+");
if(fp == NULL)
fp = fopen("EMP.DAT","wb+");
if(fp == NULL)
printf("Connot open file");
/// sizeo of each record i.e. size of structure variable e
recsize = sizeof(e);
/// infinite loop continues untile the break statement encounter
system("cls"); ///clear the console window
printf(" \n :::::::::::::::::::::::::: |EMPLOYEES RECORD MANAGEMENT| :::::::::::::::::::::::::: \n");
gotoxy(30,05); /// move the cursor to postion 30, 10 from top-left corner
printf("1> Add Employee's Records"); /// option for add record
printf("2> List Employee's Records"); /// option for showing existing record
printf("3> Modify Employee's Records"); /// option for editing record
printf("4> Delete Employee's Records"); /// option for deleting record
printf("5> Exit System"); /// exit from the program
printf("Your Choice: "); /// enter the choice 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
fflush(stdin); /// flush the input buffer
choice = getche(); /// get the input from keyboard
case '1': /// if user press 1
fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); /// search the file and move cursor to end of the file
/// here 0 indicates moving 0 distance from the end of the file
another = 'y';
while(another == 'y') /// if user want to add another record
printf("\nEnter name: ");
printf("\nEnter age: ");
scanf("%d", &e.age);
printf("\nEnter Address:");
printf("\nEnter basic salary: ");
scanf("%f", &;
fwrite(&e,recsize,1,fp); /// write the record in the file
printf("\nAdd another record(y/n) ");
another = getche();
return 0;
This module is the main module of the system.
Downloadable Source Code
This employee management system project with source codes is being developed in C programming language, and this simple project can enhance the knowledge of the beginners or the students to develop their skills in programming, also this project is easy to understand the module and their variables.
Also, read or visit the other interesting languages used in employee management systems.
- Employee Management System Project in PHP With Source Code
- Employee Management System Project In CodeIgniter With Source Code
- Employee Management System Project Report (PDF)
- Employee Management System Project in Django with Source Code
- Employee Management System in Laravel With Source Code
- Employee Management System Project In Java With Source Code
If you have any questions or suggestions about Employee Management System project in C, please feel free to leave a comment below.
Can you create a similar thing with multiple header files and to read data from a text file?
the code is not running,
undefined reference to ‘login’
undefined reference to gotoxy