Top 10 Great Tips to Pass Thesis Defense Successfully
As a student of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Science in Information System of any computer related course, it is necessary to undergo System Analysis Projects, Case Studies, Capstone or Thesis projects, and it is common to experience a “sleepless night” or you can call it as “Zombie Mode” especially when beating the deadlines or the Schedule of final defense is too close.
Today, while I am browsing my Facebook account, I accidentally saw a post from one of my Facebook friends. This post was all about the Top 10 Great Tips for Thesis or Capstone Projects. With this post, I remember when I was having my Capstone and Thesis Projects during my school days.
By the way, I also have here some list of Best PHP Projects with source code, Python Projects with source, Django Projects with Source code, C/C++ programming projects with source code, Java Projects With Source Code, Javascript Projects With Source Code, and VB.Net Projects with Source Code which I believe after finding your Final Year Project Title, you need to find a Sample projects with source code.
So after seeing this post on Facebook, it popped up in my mind to share this post by creating a blog and post it on here in I hope some of these tips on how to “Pass Thesis Defense” can also help you to have a successful presentation during the defense.
Top 10 Great Tips to Pass Thesis Defense Successfully
- Don’t be Boastful in thesis because for sure this will be a basis for the panelist to crashed you out. When asked about the function don’t tell everything, just tell only the most significant that needs clarifications.
- Correct Answer when asked to elaborate something, that’s the only time you have to elaborate your points. Just use the concept of “IF-THEN-ELSE”.
- Speak Their language when the panel speaks in English, you have to answer in English.
- Eye Contact, If you can’t look to the eye of the panel, just look at your laptop monitor and do pointing your finger on the screen.
- Sign Language – If you don’t know the answer, you must give a sign language to your group mates or you have to feel your group mates.
- Don’t Panic, just give your opinion but not straight to the point. For example: “We believe…”
- Add to recommendation… Just say “Mam/Sirs we will add it to the recommendations…”, but take note: You can only say this once else automatically deducted 1 to your grade.
- Don’t be technical/Code… Basically, the panel is always focused on the admin, User, and their difference. For example: where to go…? What to do next…? what will happen if..? in Short, study the User Interface.
- It doesn’t mean that you are the programmer of the group you’re the highest… Usually, the highest portion of grades is based on how far you understand the system, confident in answering the questions.
- Dress Well, and always starts with a prayer and after the defense, don’t forget to say thank your panelist.
I hope this article could help you to succeed in your thesis defense in the future.
If you have any questions or suggestion with regards to this topic, please feel free to contact me at our contact page. of you can add me on Facebook.