Employee Attendance Management System Project Report (PDF)
The Employee Attendance Management System Project Report and Documentation give complete instructions and methods for the project development. This report and documentation for the employee attendance management system include the project proposal, abstract, synopsis, and PDF files. Each of these topics discusses every part of the project.
This employee attendance management system has an automated daily time record system that can be used as a tool for monitoring the attendance of all employees of the company. It uses Javascript, Codeigniter, Python with MySQL, VB.Net, and C source codes to develop the system’s interface and database.
Employee Attendance Management System Project Report: Content
The table below reveals the full content of the Employee Attendance Management System Project Report. It reveals the overall description of the project which were needed in its development.
Name: | Employee Attendance Management System Project Report |
Abstract: | The Employee Attendance Management System is used to track how much time the workers spend working and how much time they spend off. It also lessens the use of paper, spreadsheets, or punching time cards, but with attendance software online. |
Modules: | Biometric Attendance, Time-in and Time-out Recording, Late Monitoring, Over-time Recording, Leave Management, Working Day Monitoring, Attendance Reports, and Payroll Management. |
Documentation: | Introduction, RRL (Review of Related Literature), Methodology, Evaluation, and Recommendations |
UML Diagrams: | ER, Diagram, Use Case Diagram, Data Flow Diagram, Class Diagram, Activity Diagram, and Sequence Diagram. |
Source Codes: | Javascript, Codeigniter, Python with MySQL, VB.Net, and C source codes. |
Developer: | ITSourceCode |
Employee Attendance Management System Project Abstract
The employee attendance management system project abstract must answer or address the needs of every issue that happens in the company The issues could include difficulty in tracing employees’ attendance, managing their working hours, and preventing the employees from stealing time.
Abstract: Employee Attendance Management System aims to help keep track of employees’ working attendance. It’s the system used to track how much time the workers spend working and how much time they spend off. It also lessens the use of paper, spreadsheets, or punching time cards, but with attendance software online. This system prohibits employees from stealing time. There is a real-time attendance management system that connects all of the different types of attendance devices that people use, such as smart cards, biometrics, and facial recognition devices.
The employee attendance management system’s goal is to assist administrators in keeping track of employees. This software is automated can save time and money for administrators. A solution like this also saves staff workload and boosts efficiency. An employee attendance monitoring system allows HR to observe who is clocked in and when they are timed out. You may rest assured that you are only paying your staff for the time they spend on the job. The employee attendance system provides a precise view of the company’s labor costs. It is a requirement of the HR department.
Employee Attendance Management System Project Modules:
- Biometric Attendance: It assists in keeping track of employee schedules and accurately records employee entry and exit timings.
- Time-in and Time-out Recording: Timing in and out keeps track of how many hours an employee works each day and throughout the working days. The number of hours they work was also continuously checked during the working hours.
- Late Time-in Monitoring: This feature helps the admin monitor the late time-in of the employees using the Employee management System.
- Over-time Recording: This feature helps the admin track the overtime work done by the employees using the Employee management System.
- Leave Management: This is the feature where the employees’ leave can be managed by the admin and the employee will also be informed about their leave status.
- Working Day Monitoring: This will serve as the basis for checking holidays and working days.
- Attendance Reports: This will help in determining the number of working hours and days complied by the employee and will report to the admin about the performance of their employees.
- Payroll Management: This feature helps in securing all the results of every employees’ performance that will reflect to the salary that is right for them.
Your employees’ hours are tracked through Attendance Management. It’s the system you use to track how much time your workers spend working and how much time they spend off. Employee Attendance management can be accomplished by keeping track of working hours through this Employee Attendance Management System.
Employee Attendance Management System Project Documentation
The employee attendance management system project documentation contains all the information and guideline for its development. This project documentation presents chapters 1 to 5 containing the employee attendance management system introduction, RRL, methodology, and others. It provides the PDF file afterward to let you view what is actual documentation of the employee attendance management system project.
Employee Attendance Management System Project Documentation on Chapter 1
This Documentation about Employee Attendance Management System Project Documentation for Chapter 1 will give you a head start on completing your thesis project. With this full Employee Attendance Monitoring System Project Chapter 1, you will be able to get the main idea of what will the content of the Attendance Monitoring System Introduction.
- Project Context – (Should be at least 2 pages of presentation and discussion)
- Purpose and Description – The researcher should discuss what would be the main purpose of developing the proposed system.
The researcher should give a brief description of the proposed system - Objectives – A research objective is a concrete statement that describes what the researcher is trying to achieve. A well-worded objective will be SMART, i.e. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound.
Specific objectives – are short-term and constricted in focus. - Scope and Limitations – The scope explains the nature, coverage, and time frame of the study. The limitation, on the other hand, explains all that is NOT included in your project.
- Significance of the Study – Describes the contributions of the study as new knowledge and makes findings more conclusive.
- Definition of Terms – The definition of terms gives a definition of the major terms that are relevant to your study. Lastly, the definition can either be connotative or denotative in relation to the study only.
Employee Attendance Management System Project Documentation on Chapter 2
The employee attendance management system documentation – chapter 2 will discuss the background of the study and review literature related to the Attendance Monitoring System. In this Employee Attendance Management System Project Chapter 2, you will discuss critical studies and systems citing similarities and differences which you aim to improve.
Steps in creating Employee Attendance Management System Project Documentation (Chapter 2)
1. Background of the Study – You will discuss the problem of your target client and their background. In this part, you can state the difficulties of using a manual system.
2. Related System – You will cite different SYSTEMS that are similar to your study and state significant parts of it that can be applied to your thesis.
Employee Attendance Management System Project Documentation – Chapter 3
Methodology – In this part, you will generally describe the whole chapter 3 is about and tell what SDLC you chose to adopt.
Systems Development Life Cycle – Next is discussing the Systems Development Life Cycle you chose in order to create your Attendance Monitoring System. There are a lot of SDLC methodologies you can choose from with advantages and disadvantages.
Discussing the Chosen SDLC – You need to explain your actions taken following your chosen SDLC. The number of phases might differ in another SDLC.
Constraints – Enumerate and explain the possible constraints that you might encounter during the development.
Architectural Diagram – The Architectural Diagram illustrates the connections between the hardware of the Attendance Monitoring System. Also, write a short description below the diagram.
System Testing and Implementation – In this part of the documentation, you will describe how the attendance monitoring system is implemented and tested by the users.
System Features – Enumerate the functions of the Attendance Monitoring System.
Recommended Hardware Specifications – List down all hardware the Attendance Monitoring System needs to work.
Recommended Software Specifications – List down all software that the Attendance Monitoring System needs.
Recommended Network Specifications – List down all network peripherals the Attendance Monitoring System needs.
Attendance Management System Project Documentation – Chapter 4
The attendance management system is a manual entry for the students’ and teachers’ information. Here, the attendance will be carried out in handwritten registers. It will be a tedious job to maintain the record for the user. The system requires more human effort. The retrieval of the information is not easy because records are maintained in handwritten registers. This application requires the correct feed in the respective input field. Supposed there were wrong inputs entered, the application resists requiring the user to input correct data.
- The Existing System – The researcher needs to describe the current manual system of the client.
- General Objectives of the Manual System – The researcher must state the general objective of the current system.
- Specific Objectives of the Manual System – Break down the general objective into smaller parts. Specific objectives give a clearer vision of what the study is trying to achieve.
- Scope of the Existing System – The scope explains the nature and coverage of the manual system.
- Concept of the Operation – In this part, the researcher will discuss the overall process of the existing system.
- Activity Diagram – The activity diagram will illustrate the actions done by the users of the existing system.
- Data Flow Diagram – The Data Flow Diagram will illustrate the flow of information through the system. In this case, we only used level 0 of the DFD.
Attendance Monitoring System Project Documentation – Chapter 5
The proposed system is entitled Attendance Monitoring System for Raymundo T. Tongson NHS Su-ay Ext. The system is developed to provide automation for the daily attendance of the students and teachers. The purpose of this system is to help the RTTNHS Su-ay Ext. is to improve the attendance monitoring system for students and teachers. With
The system is created with a user-friendly environment, the school staff would find their work easy and efficient. The system will help the school administrators to make the process of providing daily, weekly, and monthly attendance reports easy to generate. The system will also help the school administrators to evaluate the attendance performance of the students and teachers with ease. This will help the school a lot in its development and performance in terms of attendance monitoring.
UML Diagrams of Employee Attendance Management System Project Documentation
Here are the essential UML Diagrams of the Employee Attendance Management System Project. Each of these UML diagrams has a role and function in developing Employee Attendance System.
Employee Attendance Management System ER Diagram
The Employee Attendance Management System ER Diagram shows the system’s database design based on employee attendance requirements. The system can encode donors’ and recipients’ information. The admin can have access to the donor status and recipient information. They can handle the data needed in managing blood donation information as well as the request made by the possible recipients.

The features included in the system ER diagram were the security and monitoring of the donors’ information, and recipients’ information status. These features were also listed and recorded in reports that served as the history of transactions done in the system
Employee Attendance Management System Use Case Diagram
The employee attendance management system use case diagram is a visual representation of how users will interact with the employee system. It depicts the system’s numerous use cases and different sorts of users. The circles or ellipses are used to depict the use cases.
The general use case is the most general application of a use case diagram. The use case diagrams depict the system’s main components as well as the flow of information between them.

With the help of this general use case, the programmer will have the basis on what could be put into consideration in creating the employee management system. It also serves as the basis for more specific processes in the employee attendance management system.
Monitor and Manage Employees’ Information and Status – This is where the admin of the system could manage and monitor their employee’s Attendance and status. In this process, they were able to assign the field of work of their employee as well monitor their outputs and range of service.

Manage Leave Information – Its process includes the monitoring of the employee’s leave information and securing the data. This will help the company admin to check the total number of employees who leave and to have their basis in calculating the salary for them.

Manage Working Hours and Days – This is the process where the admin can automatically have a record of the working days and hours because the system will generate and count the hours and days of work depending on the calendar. The admin can also customize it if they like to put any special day or set a holiday into a working holiday.

Employee Attendance Management System DFD
The Employee Attendance Management System DFD serves as a guide in creating a fully functional system. It will also help the programmers on what should be the flow of the data inside the Employee Attendance Management System through the help of diagrams and symbols. This DFD for Employee attendance Management must have Levels 0, 1, and 2.
Employee Attendance Management System DFD level 0 shows the general process done in Employee Attendance Management System monitoring. This will also serve as a guide as you go through the deeper processes of the Employee Attendance Management System data flow diagrams.

Level 1 DFD for employee attendance management system shows the wider view of DFD level 0. It contains a broader concept of the project by showing the sub-processes on the main feature.

DFD Level 2 for Employee Attendance Management System completes the description of the system’s data flow diagram. This diagram serves as the highest abstraction of DFD.

List of Employee Attendance Management System Project with Source Codes:
Here’s the list of Employee Attendance Management System Projects with complete source codes in different Programing Languages.
- Attendance Management System in JavaScript with Source Code
This Attendance Management System in JavaScript is a simple project designed in JavaScript language using HTML and CSS platforms. This Attendance Management System includes an admin side and a user side that allows a user to enter for attendance. In controlling this method, the admin has an important role to play. In this project, from the admin side, the user has to carry out all the key functions.
These are the following features of the Attendance Management System in JavaScript:
Homepage – For the homepage, you can see the accounts of students, admin, and the records of students’ attendance.
Manage User Account – The admin can manage the user’s account. Admin can add, update and Block Users in the system.
Student Management – The admin can manage the student account. Admin can add, update and delete students in the system.
Manage Student Record – The admin can manage the student record. Admin can see the student login time and date.
Login and Logout – By default one of the security features of this system is the secure login and logout system. The login and logout system of this Attendance Management System in JavaScript source code uses a session. It means that the user can only log in at once on the same browser. - Attendance Management System In CodeIgniter With Source Code
This PHP CodeIgniter project is for an Attendance Management System In CodeIgniter. CodeIgniter is primarily concerned with dealing with personnel records and attendance. In addition, the system displays all available information, such as the employee’s full name, contact information, address, and date of hire.
Only an Admin Panel is included in the project. In a summary of this web app, the admin can add and manage employees, including their name, date of birth, contact information, and date of joining, as well as determine whether they are currently active or not.
To elaborate on the project, the admin must track each employee’s attendance by selecting whether he or she is present, absent, or on vacation from a drop-down menu. The same is true for attendance each and every month.
Attendance Management System Project In CodeIgniter: Project Features
Admin Panel
Employee Management System
Active, In-active Employees
Manage Attendance - Attendance Management System In Python With MySQL Database
The Attendance Management System In Python With MySQL Database was developed using Python Programming with Face Recognition, This Attendance Management System Python has a Graphical User Interface Design (GUI).
A Python Code For Attendance Management System is a simple python project for beginners, from which they can learn to develop web-based python projects. We will provide you full project source code and database of the python project, so you can setup it up easily on your system and learn python programming.
TECHNOLOGY USED: Tkinter for whole GUI, OpenCV for taking images and face recognition (cv2.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer_create())
CSV, Numpy, Pandas, DateTime, etc. for other purposes.
Easy to use with interactive GUI support.
Password protection for new person registration.
Creates/Updates CSV file for details of students on registration.
Creates a new CSV file every day for attendance and marks attendance with the proper date and time.
Displays live attendance updates for the day on the main screen in tabular format with Id, name, date, and time. - Attendance Management System In VB.NET Source Code
This School Attendance Monitoring system Source code is created using Visual Basic 2008 and Microsoft Access 2007. With this system, the registered students can sign in and sign out every time there is an event in the school. The system uploaded here is upgradable to RFID Based Attendance Monitoring System with SMS Notification System.
The computerized Students monitoring system that researchers developed is definitely for ID and Student verification only. The main objective of our system is to check whether the student has an authorized ID or a falsified one and to verify whether the student is properly enrolled in the school.
Basic Features of Attendance Management System In VB.Net Source Code:
Student Registration
Teacher Registration
Attendance Monitoring for students and teachers
Easy retrieval of attendance records for both student and teachers
Student and Teachers Information Management
Daily and Monthly Attendance Report for Students and Teachers. - Automated Daily Time Record System VB.Net Source Code
This is an Automated Daily Time Record System that can be used as a tool for monitoring the attendance of all students and employees of the school. Using this system you can integrate the Barcode scanner or RFID scanner to accept input from students or Employees to speed up the process of logging in.
The system can track student and employee attendance and performance, manage member information, etc. This application is created using Visual Basic.Net and Microsoft Access. - Employee Management System In C With Source Code
The Employee Management System In C is developed in the C programming language, and This System In C is based on the concept to generate the Employee’s records to add their records and update them. Here Users can add their Employee’s details safely and it’s not time-consuming.
An Employee Management System In C Language makes it easy to store records of each and every employee. The whole project is designed in ‘C’ language and different variables and strings have been used for the development of this project. This mini project is easy to operate and understand by the users.
An integrated attendance management system can improve data visibility and streamline payroll, leave, and performance assessment processes. Notifications/alerts are automatic, and the manager can approve requests for early departures, overtime, and other requests without having to communicate with anyone.
And that ends our discussion about Employee Attendance Management System Project Abstract, Modules, Documentation PDF, and Report, you may check the complete illustration of Diagrams, Source Codes, and Documentation by clicking the titles of each explanation.
Now that you have known the parts and definition of creating an Employee Attendance Management System Project Report, you can also start creating your own Modules and PDF Documentation. Check out our Recommended Articles!
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