Attendance Monitoring System Thesis Documentation | Chapter 4
In this article, you will learn how to write the Attendance Monitoring System Existing System Chapter 4.
Chapter 4 is about the existing system your target client. This Chapter of your Attendance Monitoring System is similar to Chapter 1 but is focused on the manual system. Here are the steps in creating Chapter 4.
Steps in writing Chapter 4 – The Existing System
How to write Attendance Monitoring System Existing System Chapter 4
- The Existing System
The researcher need to describe the current manual system of the client.
- General Objectives of the Manual System
The researcher must state the general objective of the current system.
- Specific Objectives of the Manual System
Breakdown the general objective into smaller parts. Specific objectives give a clearer vision of what the study is trying to achieve.
- Scope of the Existing System
The scope explains the nature and coverage of the manual system.
- Concept of the Operation
In this part, the researcher will discuss the over-all process of the existing system.
- Activity Diagram
The activity diagram will illustrate the actions done by the users of the existing system.
- Data Flow Diagram
The Data Flow Diagram will illustrate the flow of information through the system. In this case, we only used level 0 of the DFD.
Sample Chapter 4 – Existing System
The Existing System
The existing system is a manual entry for the students and teachers’ information. Here, the attendance will be carried out in handwritten registers. It will be a tedious job to maintain the record for the user. The system requires more human effort. The retrieval of the information is not easy because records are maintained in hand written registers. This application requires correct feed in the respective input field. Supposed there were wrong inputs entered, the application resists requiring theuser to input correct data.
General Objectives
This study aims to monitor the students’ and teachers’ attendance and to evaluate their performance according to their attendance.
Specific Objectives
- To record daily time record of the teachers
- To check the daily attendance of the students
- To maintain the security of the students and teachers within the school
Scope of the Existing System
The system covers all the students and teachers of RTTNHS Su-ay Ext. The system is applicable for teachers because it can be used to compute for their payroll. It is limited only to students who have been monitored from time to time and who are officially enrolled and to the teachers who are employed in RTTNHS.
Concept of Operation
Having a manual operation in a school or in a company brings a lot of work and sometimes this method causes errors in inputting data like basic student information that results to another set of work. In other words, the manual operation takes also a lot of time and effort. In manual attendance monitoring, the teachers are using time sheet in their attendance, attendance log and attendance sheets. These are all paper works and these can easily get damaged and worst is that these can be tampered or modified. Security is also involved in this system.
Activity Diagram

Figure 3 shows the existing systems activity diagram. This figure shows two processes in monitoring the attendance. Process one is from students’ and teachers’ entities wherein their identification cards are required for them to enter the school. Process two records the details of attendance from the staff or employee to the administrators.
Data Flow Diagram of the Existing System

Figure 4 shows how the manual operation works in the system and who are involved in the operation. In order for a student to enter the school, he or she must have the school ID. Then the employee will verify the ID and so, the student can now enter the school. This type of system is not much observed in some schools.
Now that you have read through the sample the existing system of attendance monitoring system, you are now ready to take the last Attendance Monitoring System Documentation chapter!
This attendance monitoring system documentation chapter 4 is free to modify. Surely, this guide will help you finish your own attendance monitoring system documentation.