How To Code A Calendar In Python

This tutorial about How To Code A Calendar In Python is a simple project that is easy to understand and manipulate the code given.

This simple tutorial will teach you on How To Print Calendar using console based.

In Making A Calendar In Python defines an inbuilt module Calendar which handles operations related to calendar.

Calendar Module allows output calendars like the program and provides additional useful functions related to the calendar.

Project Information’s

Project Name:Calendar in Python
Language/s Used:Python Console Based
Python version (Recommended):2.x or 3.x
Type:Python Console Program
Display Calendar In Python – Project Information

Also, This Calendar Program In Python Functions and classes defined in Calendar module use an idealized calendar, the current Gregorian calendar extended indefinitely in both directions.

By default, these calendars have Monday as the first day of the week, and Sunday as the last (the European convention).

In this Calendar In Python Code also include includes a downloadable Simple Project With Source Code for free, just find the downloadable and click to start downloading.

Calendar In Python Classes

Calendar class creates a Calendar object. A Calendar object provides several methods that can be used for preparing the calendar data for formatting.

This class doesn’t do any formatting itself. This is the job of subclasses. Calendar class allows the calculations for various task based on date, month, and year. Calendar class provides the following methods:

  • iterweekdays() – Returns an iterator for the week day numbers that will be used for one week.
  • itermonthdates() – Returns an iterator for the month (1–12) in the year.
  • itermonthdays() – Returns an iterator of a specified month and a year.
  • itermonthdays2() – Method is used to get an iterator for the month in the year similar to itermonthdates(). Days returned will be tuples consisting of a day of the month number and a week day number.
  • itermonthdays3() – Returns an iterator for the month in the year similar to itermonthdates(), but not restricted by the range. Days returned will be tuples consisting of a year, a month and a day of the month numbers.
  • itermonthdays4() – Returns an iterator for the month in the year similar to itermonthdates(), but not restricted by the range. Days returned will be tuples consisting of a year, a month, a day of the month, and a day of the week numbers.
  • monthdatescalendar() – Used to get a list of the weeks in the month of the year as full weeks.
  • monthdays2calendar() – Used to get a list of the weeks in the month of the year as full weeks.
  • monthdayscalendar – Used to get a list of the weeks in the month of the year as full weeks.
  • yeardatescalendar() – Used to get a list of the weeks in the month of the year as full weeks.
  • yeardays2calendar() – Used to get the data for specified year. Entries in the week lists are tuples of day numbers and weekday numbers.
  • yeardayscalendar() – Used to get the data for specified year. Entries in the week lists are day numbers.

By the way if you are new to python programming and you don’t know what would be the the Python IDE to use, I have here a list of Best Python IDE for Windows, Linux, Mac OS that will suit for you. I also have here How to Download and Install Latest Version of Python on Windows.

To start executing this tutorial to Display Calendar In Python, make sure that you have installed Python 3.9 and PyCharm in your computer.

How To Code A Calendar in Python?

Here’s the steps to print or create a calendar in python.

1. Install Library


import calendar


The code given above is the required library to be install in the system to display calendar.

2. Print The Calendar


print("The calender of year 2021 is : ")
print(calendar.calendar(2021, 2, 1, 6))


The code given above is to print the 2021 year calendar.

3. Complete Source Code

# importing calendar module
# for calendar operations
import calendar

# using calender to print calendar of year
# prints calendar of 2021
print("The calender of year 2021 is : ")
print(calendar.calendar(2021, 2, 1, 6))


Display Calendar in Python
Display Calendar in Python

Display Calendar In Python With Source Code : Steps on how to run the project

Time needed: 5 minutes

These are the steps on How To Print Calendar In Python

  • Step 1: Download the given source code below.

    First, download the given source code below and unzip the source code.

    display calendar download source code

  • Step 2: Import the project to your PyCharm IDE.

    Next, import the source code you’ve download to your PyCharm IDE.
    display calendar open project

  • Step 3: Run the project.

    last, run the project with the command “py”
    display calendar run project

Download Source Code below


Calendar In Python Functions and classes defined in Calendar module use an idealized calendar, the current Gregorian calendar extended indefinitely in both directions.

By default, these calendars have Monday as the first day of the week, and Sunday as the last (the European convention).

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