The Currency Conversion Code in Python develops an exciting Python Program project through which you can convert currency exchange rates.
This article contains the Python Currency Converter Script (
Currency Converter In Python: Project Information
Project Name: | Currency Conversion Code in Python |
Language/s Used: | Python (GUI) Based |
Python version (Recommended): | 2.x or 3.x |
Database: | None |
Type: | Python App |
Developer: | IT SOURCECODE |
Updates: | 0 |
A Python Currency Converter is an app intermediate level python project which will boost your confidence. For a user interface, we can use Currency Converter Python Tkinter API.
We have provided a downloadable Python Currency Converter Code for free.
To start creating this project Currency Conversion rates In Python, make sure that you have PyCharm IDE installed on your computer.
How to create a Currency Conversion Code in Python? With Source Code
Currency Conversion Code in Python With Source Code
- Step 1: Create a project name.
First, open Pycharm IDE and then create a “project name.” After creating a project name click the “create” button.
- Step 2: Create a python file.
Second, after creating a project name, “right-click” your project name and then click “new.” After that click the “python file“.
- Step 3: Name your python file.
Third, after creating a Python file, Name your Python file after that click “enter“.
- Step 4: The actual code.
You are free to copy the code given below and download the full source code below.
The Code Given Below Is For Importing Modules.
import requests
from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
In this code which is importing all the modules.
The Code Given Below Is For The Real-time Currency Converter Class
class RealTimeCurrencyConverter():
def __init__(self,url): = requests.get(url).json()
self.currencies =['rates']
def convert(self, from_currency, to_currency, amount):
initial_amount = amount
if from_currency != 'USD' :
amount = amount / self.currencies[from_currency]
# limiting the precision to 4 decimal places
amount = round(amount * self.currencies[to_currency], 4)
return amount
This module is the module for the real-time currency converter class.
The Code Given Below Is For Performing The Currency Conversion
def perform(self):
amount = float(self.amount_field.get())
from_curr = self.from_currency_variable.get()
to_curr = self.to_currency_variable.get()
converted_amount = self.currency_converter.convert(from_curr,to_curr,amount)
converted_amount = round(converted_amount, 2)
self.converted_amount_field_label.config(text = str(converted_amount))
def restrictNumberOnly(self, action, string):
regex = re.compile(r"[0-9,]*?(\.)?[0-9,]*$")
result = regex.match(string)
return (string == "" or (string.count('.') <= 1 and result is not None))
This module which is performing the currency conversion that you’ve selected.
Complete Source Code of Currency Conversion code in Python:
# # Python Project on Currency Converter
import requests
from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
class RealTimeCurrencyConverter():
def __init__(self,url): = requests.get(url).json()
self.currencies =['rates']
def convert(self, from_currency, to_currency, amount):
initial_amount = amount
if from_currency != 'USD' :
amount = amount / self.currencies[from_currency]
# limiting the precision to 4 decimal places
amount = round(amount * self.currencies[to_currency], 4)
return amount
class App(tk.Tk):
def __init__(self, converter):
self.title = 'Currency Converter'
self.currency_converter = converter
#self.configure(background = 'blue')
# Label
self.intro_label = Label(self, text = 'IT SOURCECODE Real Time Currency Converter', fg = 'black',bg='blue', relief = tk.RAISED, borderwidth = 3)
self.intro_label.config(font = ('Courier',15,'bold'))
self.date_label = Label(self, text = f" Date : {['date']}", relief = tk.GROOVE, borderwidth = 5) = 10 , y = 5) = 200, y= 50)
# Entry box
valid = (self.register(self.restrictNumberOnly), '%d', '%P')
self.amount_field = Entry(self,bd = 3, relief = tk.RIDGE, justify = tk.CENTER,validate='key', validatecommand=valid)
self.converted_amount_field_label = Label(self, text = '', fg = 'black', bg = 'white', relief = tk.RIDGE, justify = tk.CENTER, width = 17, borderwidth = 3)
# dropdown
self.from_currency_variable = StringVar(self)
self.from_currency_variable.set("INR") # default value
self.to_currency_variable = StringVar(self)
self.to_currency_variable.set("USD") # default value
font = ("Courier", 12, "bold")
self.option_add('*TCombobox*Listbox.font', font)
self.from_currency_dropdown = ttk.Combobox(self, textvariable=self.from_currency_variable,values=list(self.currency_converter.currencies.keys()), font = font, state = 'readonly', width = 12, justify = tk.CENTER)
self.to_currency_dropdown = ttk.Combobox(self, textvariable=self.to_currency_variable,values=list(self.currency_converter.currencies.keys()), font = font, state = 'readonly', width = 12, justify = tk.CENTER)
# placing = 30, y= 120) = 36, y = 150) = 340, y= 120) = 346, y = 150) = 346, y = 150)
# Convert button
self.convert_button = Button(self, text = "Convert", fg = "black", bg = "green", command = self.perform)
self.convert_button.config(font=('Courier', 10, 'bold')) = 225, y = 135)
def perform(self):
amount = float(self.amount_field.get())
from_curr = self.from_currency_variable.get()
to_curr = self.to_currency_variable.get()
converted_amount = self.currency_converter.convert(from_curr,to_curr,amount)
converted_amount = round(converted_amount, 2)
self.converted_amount_field_label.config(text = str(converted_amount))
def restrictNumberOnly(self, action, string):
regex = re.compile(r"[0-9,]*?(\.)?[0-9,]*$")
result = regex.match(string)
return (string == "" or (string.count('.') <= 1 and result is not None))
if __name__ == '__main__':
url = ''
converter = RealTimeCurrencyConverter(url)

Downloadable Source Code
I have here the list of Best Python Project with Source code free to download for free, I hope this can help you a lot.
In this article, we labored at the Python undertaking to construct a Currency Converter.
I hope you discovered new matters and loved constructing this thrilling Python undertaking. Share the item on social media together along with your pals and colleagues.
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If you have any questions or suggestions about Currency Conversion Code in Python, please feel free to leave a comment below.
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