Simple Maze Game Using Javascript With Source Code
The Simple Maze Game Using Javascript was developed using JavaScript, CSS and HTML, In this Simple Javascript Project With Source Code is a basic game created or built using primarily functional javascript works or parts.
A Maze Game Javascript can be quite engaging and fun for the user. Although HTML and CSS are important building blocks in web development, JavaScript is the show language that transforms websites from functional to entertaining. As a result, it’s no wonder that video games make the list.
This Javascript Project With Source Code also includes a downloadable Project With Source Code for free, just find the downloadable source code below and click to start downloading.
I have here a suggested list of Best JavaScript Projects with Source Code Free to download and I’m sure this can help you to improve your skills in JavaScript programming and web development as a whole.
To start executing a Simple Maze Game Using Javascript With Source Code, makes sure that you have any platform in creating a JavaScript, CSS, bootstrap, and HTML installed in your computer, in my case I will use Sublime Text.
Simple Maze Game Using Javascript With Source Code : Steps on how to create the project
Time needed: 5 minutes
These are the steps on how to create Simple Maze Game Using Javascript With Source Code
- Step 1: Create a folder.
First, create a folder and named it.
- Step 2: Open the folder in “Sublime Text”.
Second ,after creating a folder, open it in “sublime text“.
- Step 3: Create a html file.
Third, create a “html” file and save it as “index.html“
The code given below is for the css module
<style> body { background-color: grey; } canvas { position: absolute; } </style>
In this module which is the css module of the simple project.
The code given below is for the javascript module
<script> //Loads up the game var w = window, d = document, e = d.documentElement, g = d.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; var x = w.innerWidth || e.clientWidth || g.clientWidth, y = w.innerHeight || e.clientHeight || g.clientHeight; var width = x - 16, height = y - 16; var currentPosition; var N = 1 << 0, S = 1 << 1, W = 1 << 2, E = 1 << 3; var body = document.querySelectorAll('body'); var layout = [], fronteirTest = []; // Determines the size of the blocks var cellSize = 16, cellSpacing = 8, cellWidth = Math.floor((width - cellSpacing) / (cellSize + cellSpacing)), cellHeight = Math.floor((height - cellSpacing) / (cellSize + cellSpacing)), cells = new Array(cellWidth * cellHeight), // each cell’s edge bits frontier = []; var maxY = Math.floor((height - cellSpacing) / (cellSize + cellSpacing)) - 1, maxX = Math.floor((width - cellSpacing) / (cellSize + cellSpacing)) - 1; var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.setAttribute("id", "canvas"); canvas.setAttribute("width", width); canvas.setAttribute("height", height); body[0].appendChild(canvas); var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); context.translate( Math.round((width - cellWidth * cellSize - (cellWidth + 1) * cellSpacing) / 2), Math.round((height - cellHeight * cellSize - (cellHeight + 1) * cellSpacing) / 2) ); var canvas2 = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas2.setAttribute("id", "canvas2"); canvas2.setAttribute("width", width); canvas2.setAttribute("height", height); body[0].appendChild(canvas2); var game = canvas2.getContext("2d"); game.translate( Math.round((width - cellWidth * cellSize - (cellWidth + 1) * cellSpacing) / 2), Math.round((height - cellHeight * cellSize - (cellHeight + 1) * cellSpacing) / 2) ); //color of the maze context.fillStyle = "#00ffff"; // Add a random cell and two initial edges. var start = (cellHeight - 1) * cellWidth; cells[start] = 0; fillCell(start); frontier.push({ index: start, direction: N }); frontier.push({ index: start, direction: E }); // Explore the frontier until the tree spans the graph. function run() { var done, k = 0; while (++k < 50 && !(done = exploreFrontier())); return done; }; function exploreFrontier() { if ((edge = popRandom(frontier)) == null) { layout.push({x: 0, y: maxY, d1: 0, d0: 0}) for (var i = layout.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(layout[i].x === 0 && layout[i].y === maxY) { drawPlayer(layout[i]); } }; return true; } var edge, i0 = edge.index, d0 = edge.direction, i1 = i0 + (d0 === N ? -cellWidth : d0 === S ? cellWidth : d0 === W ? -1 : +1), x0 = i0 % cellWidth, y0 = i0 / cellWidth | 0, x1, y1, d1, open = cells[i1] == null, // opposite not yet part of the maze north, east, south, west; // makes the maze color context.fillStyle = open ? "#00ffff": "transparent"; if (d0 === N) fillSouth(i1), x1 = x0, y1 = y0 - 1, d1 = S, south = true; else if (d0 === S) fillSouth(i0), x1 = x0, y1 = y0 + 1, d1 = N, south = true; else if (d0 === W) fillEast(i1), x1 = x0 - 1, y1 = y0, d1 = E, east = true; else fillEast(i0), x1 = x0 + 1, y1 = y0, d1 = W, east = true; if (open) { fillCell(i1); cells[i0] |= d0, cells[i1] |= d1; context.fillStyle = "transparent"; if (y1 > 0 && cells[i1 - cellWidth] == null) fillSouth(i1 - cellWidth), frontier.push({ index: i1, direction: N }), south = true; if (y1 < cellHeight - 1 && cells[i1 + cellWidth] == null) fillSouth(i1), frontier.push({ index: i1, direction: S }), south = true; if (x1 > 0 && cells[i1 - 1] == null) fillEast(i1 - 1), frontier.push({ index: i1, direction: W }), east = true; if (x1 < cellWidth - 1 && cells[i1 + 1] == null) fillEast(i1), frontier.push({ index: i1, direction: E }), east = true; } layout.push({ open: open, x: x1, y: y1, d0: d0, d1: d1 }); } function fillCell(index) { var i = index % cellWidth, j = index / cellWidth | 0; context.fillRect(i * cellSize + (i + 1) * cellSpacing, j * cellSize + (j + 1) * cellSpacing, cellSize, cellSize); } function fillEast(index) { var i = index % cellWidth, j = index / cellWidth | 0; context.fillRect((i + 1) * (cellSize + cellSpacing), j * cellSize + (j + 1) * cellSpacing, cellSpacing, cellSize); } function fillSouth(index) { var i = index % cellWidth, j = index / cellWidth | 0; context.fillRect(i * cellSize + (i + 1) * cellSpacing, (j + 1) * (cellSize + cellSpacing), cellSize, cellSpacing); } function popRandom(array) { if (!array.length) return; var n = array.length, i = Math.random() * n | 0, t; t = array[i], array[i] = array[n - 1], array[n - 1] = t; return array.pop(); } //Changing the color and size of the balls function drawPlayer(position) { game.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); currentPosition = position; var playerX = position.x * cellSize + (position.x + 1) * cellSpacing; var playerY = position.y * cellSize + (position.y + 1) * cellSpacing var finishX = maxX * cellSize + (maxX + 1) * cellSpacing; var finishY = 0 * cellSize + (0 + 1) * cellSpacing game.beginPath(); game.arc(finishX + (cellSize / 2), finishY + (cellSize / 2), cellSize / 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); game.fillStyle = "green"; game.fill(); game.beginPath(); game.arc(playerX + (cellSize / 2), playerY + (cellSize / 2), cellSize / 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); game.fillStyle = "black"; game.fill(); } window.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { var value = e.which; if(value === 37) moveWest(), e.preventDefault(); if(value === 38) moveNorth(), e.preventDefault(); if(value === 39) moveEast(), e.preventDefault(); if(value === 40) moveSouth(), e.preventDefault(); return false; }); function moveWest() { var newY = currentPosition.y; var newX = currentPosition.x - 1; var newPosition; if (newX < 0) return false; for (var i = layout.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(layout[i].x === newX && layout[i].y === newY) { newPosition = layout[i]; } }; if(newPosition.x === maxX && newPosition.y === 0) { gameComplete(); } if (( currentPosition.d1 === W) || (newPosition.d1 === E)) { drawPlayer(newPosition); }; } function moveEast() { var newY = currentPosition.y; var newX = currentPosition.x + 1; var newPosition; if (newX > maxX) return false; for (var i = layout.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(layout[i].x === newX && layout[i].y === newY) { newPosition = layout[i]; } }; if(newPosition.x === maxX && newPosition.y === 0) { gameComplete(); } if (( currentPosition.d1 === E) || (newPosition.d1 === W)) { drawPlayer(newPosition); }; } function moveNorth() { var newY = currentPosition.y - 1; var newX = currentPosition.x; var newPosition; if (newY < 0) return false; for (var i = layout.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(layout[i].x === newX && layout[i].y === newY) { newPosition = layout[i]; } }; if(newPosition.x === maxX && newPosition.y === 0) { gameComplete(); } if (( currentPosition.d1 === N) || (newPosition.d1 === S)) { drawPlayer(newPosition); }; } function moveSouth() { var newY = currentPosition.y + 1; var newX = currentPosition.x; var newPosition; if (newY > maxY) return false; for (var i = layout.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(layout[i].x === newX && layout[i].y === newY) { newPosition = layout[i]; } }; if(newPosition.x === maxX && newPosition.y === 0) { gameComplete(); } if (( currentPosition.d1 === S) || (newPosition.d1 === N)) { drawPlayer(newPosition); }; } //Changes the alert when you win the game function gameComplete() { alert('Wow! You won! Thats pretty neat!'); } (function() { var lastTime = 0; var vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o']; for(var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++x) { window.requestAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'RequestAnimationFrame']; window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'CancelAnimationFrame'] || window[vendors[x]+'CancelRequestAnimationFrame']; } if (!window.requestAnimationFrame) window.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback, element) { var currTime = new Date().getTime(); var timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime)); var id = window.setTimeout(function() { callback(currTime + timeToCall); }, timeToCall); lastTime = currTime + timeToCall; return id; }; if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame) window.cancelAnimationFrame = function(id) { clearTimeout(id); }; }()); function animate() { requestAnimationFrame(function() { if(!run()) { animate(); } }); } animate(); </script>
In this module which is the javascript module of the simple project.
Project Output

Project Name : | Simple Maze Game Using Javascript |
Project Platform : | JavaScript |
Programming Language Used: | php,javascript,html,css |
Developer Name : | |
IDE Tool (Recommended): | Sublime |
Project Type : | Web Application |
Database: | None |
Upload Date: | July 13, 2021 |
Downloadable Source Code
This JavaScript Project With Source Code is simply in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. To start creating this Simple Javascript Project With Source Code, make sure that you have basic knowledge in HTML, CSS and Javascript.
This Javascript Game Project also includes a downloadable Javascript Game Project With Source Code for free.
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