Resort Management System Database Design with ERD

Resort Management System Database Design with ERD

This Resort Management System Database Design with ERD or ERD and Tables for Resort Management System provides you with accurate reservation tracking, excellent web presence, powerful report generation, comprehensive integrated accounting and more(Database Design for Resort Management System Project).

It is a place with pleasant environment to comfort, healthful relaxation and rest, offering food, sleeping accommodation and recreational facilities to the public for a fee.

A modern hotel unit must adapt to these new standards, or risk falling behind its competitors.

A resort nowadays needs to be connected to several online sales channels, while at the same time, maintaining a strong online presence of its own.

The use of a modern RMS (Resort Management System) can assist towards that end, by providing the necessary work structure, much needed automation and connectivity(ERD and Tables for Resort Management System).

Resort Management System is an act of controlling and making decision about or business, departments etc..

It means lot of efforts to be exerted, mind breaking thoughts and more bank accounts to be sift. It brings with it failures and chances of discouragement.

On the other hand, Resort Management System if done with dedication and passion will make one a ‘king’ because people nowadays are fond of taking vacations, living a stress free life(Database Design for Resort Management System Project)…

Resort Management System Database Design with ERD Features:

Resort Management System Features

  1. Manage Guest

  2. Monitor Transaction

  3. Generate Report

  4. Manage Employee

  5. Manage Room

Entity Relationship Diagram of Resort Management System

Resort Management System Database Design

Resort Management System Database Design with ERD :
Data Dictionaries

Table 1 tblemployees

Field Name Description Type Lenght
Employee_Id Employee Id Number int 50
First_Name First name of Employee Varchar 50
Last_Name Last Name of Employee Varchar 50
Employee_Address Employee Address Text 50
Email Email Address of Employee Varchar 50
Salary Salary of Employee Int 50
Gender Employee Gender Varchar 50
Job_Title Job title of employee Varchar 50

Table 2: tblguest

Field Name Description Type Length
Guest_ID Guest ID number Int 50
First_Name First name of guest Varchar 50
Last_Name Lastname of Guest Varchar 50
Guest_Address Address of Guest Text 50
Contact_Number Contact number of guest varchar 50

Table 3: tblcottage

Field Name Description Type Length
Cottage_Number Number of cottage Int 50
Cottage_Type Type of cottage Varchar 50
Person Number of Person Int 50
Price Price of cottage Int 50

Table 4: tblroom

Field Name Description Type Length
Room_Number Number of Room Int 50
Room_Type Type of Room Varchar 50
Person Number of Person Int 50
Price Price of Room Int 50

Table 5: tblpayments

Field Name Description Type Length
Payment_Number Number of Payment Int 50
Guest_Number Number of  Guest Int 50
Room_Price Room Price Int 50
Cottage_Price Cottage Price Int 50
Total_Bill Total of bill Int 50

Table 6: tbltransactions

Field Name Description Type Length
Transaction_Number Number of Transaction Int 50
Transaction_date Date of Transaction Date 50
Guest_ID Guest ID number Int 50
Room_Number Number of Room Int 50
Cottage_Number Number of Cottage Int 50

Table Key

Table Name Field Name Key Type Length
Employee Employee_Id PK 50
Guest Guest_Id PK 50
Room Room_Id PK 50
Cottage Cottage_Id PK 50
Payments Payments_Id FK 50

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