Database Design Project for Inventory Management System

This Database Design Project for Inventory Management System oversee flow of stocks from the manufacturers to warehouses and from these centers to Point of Sales and Inventory System Database Design.

Inventory Management System Database Design Project is extensively used in quite a few industries, from production to utilities, healthcare, education, government, and more.

Inventory management systems streamline and centralize the system for controlling the drift and maintenance of stock to make certain that the proper quantity of stock is available at the right time and of the right quality.

Watch the video here of a sample database design for Sales and Inventory System.

Database Design Project for NIG Marketing Corportaion Binalbagan Branch Inventory Management System


The Inventory Management System Database Design shows the process of inventory and monitoring the products of NIG Marketing Binalbagan Branch is hassle and time consuming. It is waste of papers, ink, ledgers, carbon paper, and time.

This Inventory System is designed for NIG Marketing Corporation Binalbagan Branch only, since the head office has an Inventory System already.

Inventory Management System Database Design helps the cashier, collector, stock and inventory clerk of NIG Marketing Binalbagan Branch lessen their work and make it organized and manageable. It reduces manual workload and paperwork.

Inventory Management System DB Design

The system is built and coded using Java Programming Language. It has an ability to check the products, costumers information, supplier, and employees.

This System performs ADD, DELETE, UPDATE, and REGISTER ACCOUNTS, of the costumer. It is simply design in which the user can understand every system’s output. It has login and logout to secure data.



Inventory Control is organizing and monitoring of counted items on a retail sales floor, in storage, or in a warehouse. Good inventory control practices and systems make certain correct stock counts, proper product display and storage, accurate tagging, and accurate restock orders.


Review Your Top-Line Revenue Performance. Eliminate order errors and duplicate facts entry with automation and 3rd party app integrations.


Stock Monitoring keep you from losing money with the price or stock changes. If the price on the supplier’s site increases, will raise it in your store accordingly, and if the price drops, it will also drop it in your store.

Data Dictionaries

Table 1: tblcustomer

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Customer_Id       Customer ID numberInt11
First_NameFirst Name of CustomerVarchar50
Last_NameLast Name of Customer Varchar50
AddressCustomer Full AddressVarchar50
Contact_NumberCustomer Contact NumberInt11

Table 2: tblorder

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Order_Id         Order ID NumberInt11
Customer _Id Customer ID NumberInt11
Employee_IdEmployee ID NumberInt11
Date_OrderDate of OrderDate30
Invoice_NumberCharge or Cash Invoice NumberInt11
OR_NumberOfficial Receipt NumberInt11
Total_PriceTotal Price of Product OrderedInt50
Brand_IdBrand ID of ProductInt11

Table 3: tblemployee

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Employee_Id       Employee ID NumberInt11
First_NameFirst Name of EmployeeVarchar50
Last_NameLast Name of EmployeeVarchar50
AddressEmployee Full AddressVarchar50
Contact_NumberEmployee Contact NumberInt11
PositionPosition of EmployeeVarchar50

Table 4: tblcashorder

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Cashorder_Id           Cash Order ID NumberInt11
Order_Id Order ID NumberInt11
Brand_NameBrand Name of ProductVarchar50
ModelModel of ProductVarchar50
Serial_NumberSerial Number of ProductInt50
PricePrice of ProductInt50
Invoice_NumberCharge or Cash Invoice NumberInt11

Table 5: tblchargeorder

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Chargeorder_Id           Charge Order ID NumberInt11
Invoice_NumberCharge or Cash Invoice NumberInt11
Brand_NameBrand Name of ProductVarchar50
ModelModel of ProductVarchar50
Unit TypeType of product unit soldVarchar50
Serial_NumberSerial Number of ProductInt50
PricePrice of ProductInt50
Down_PaymentRequired Down Payment of ProductInt50
Month_TermNumber of Months Term of ProductInt50
Monthly_PaymentMonthly Payment of CustomerInt50
RebateProduct RebateInt50

Table 6: tblproducts

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Product_Id         Product ID NumberInt11
Date_Received Date Received of ProductDate30
Brand_Id  Brand ID Number  of ProductInt11
Brand_Name  Brand Name of ProductVarchar50
Model Model of ProductVarchar50
Serial_NumberSerial Number of ProductInt50
Availability Quantity of Product AvailableInt50
Date_Sold Date of Product SoldDate30
Custumer_Id  Custumer ID NumberInt11
Unit TypeType of product unit soldVarchar50

Table 7: tblsupplier

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Supplier_Id       Supplier ID numberInt11
Supplier_NameName of SupplierVarchar50
Supplier_AddressAddress of SupplierVarchar50
Contact_NumberContact Number of SupplierInt11
Brand_IdBrand Id Number of ProductInt11

Entity Relationship Diagram

Database Design Project for NIG Marketing Corportaion Binalbagan Branch  Inventory Management System
Database Design Project for NIG Marketing Corportaion Binalbagan Branch Inventory Management System


This Project Database Design for Inventory Management System will give the students the opportunity to try their abilities in practice.

Upon doing this task the students will also gain more understanding on database layout and how it is able to apply in real life circumstances.

Students can use their database designing skills also in other school projects.

For More Database Design Examples


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