Database Design for Restaurant Reservation System Project

This Database Design for Restaurant Reservation System Project is an application for reserving tables for the customer in the restaurant. User can be allowed to take reservation quickly and easily .

With the complete reservation system, under user and administrator control. the customer can choose their reservation as per there preference and time. The administrator doesn’t have to maintain a guest book anymore.

Melting Pot Reservation System Database Design

This Database Design Project for Restaurant Reservation System used to store and retrieve information and conduct transaction related to rental, or other activities. Melting Pot Reservation System will be in the flow of the administrator and customer transaction.

This system work by processing secure reservation made through a melting pot system. The data is then pass onto a back end system which can be access by melting pot administrator.

Reservation System for Restaurant Database Design Project

The purpose of this system is to build . This system helps customer with the reservation management. In the existing system, the process is conducted manually that are wasting time and energy.

This Database Design Project also makes its easy to change the status of a reservation once a customer walk in. the customer mentions the day, time and number of people accompanying as a standard procedure for reserving a table.

Here’s a sample Multi Restaurant Table Reservation System in PHP with Full Source Code maybe this will help.

FEATURES of Reservation System for Restaurant Database Design Project

  • This System used to store and retrieve information and conduct transaction related to rental, or other activities.
  • This system is built to have an easier way to save information to the database and secure the information as well.
  • Access the details in smooth operations.
  • To have a transaction to the costumer appropriately and productively.


Melting Pot Reservation System provided with the entire Database details such as Field Name, Description, Data types, Character length.


Table 1. tblcustomer

Field Name Description Type length
CUST_ID(pk) Customer id int 11
cust_Fname First name Varchar 50
Cust_Lname Last name Varchar 50
Cust_address Address Varchar 50
Cust_Phone Mobile number Varchar 50



Table2. tblreservation

Field Name Description Type length
Res_Id(pk) Reservation id Int 11
Cust_Id Customer Id int 11
FullName FullName of customer varchar 50
Address Address Varchar 50
Res_event Reservation event varchar 50
Contact_no Contact number varchar 50
No_of_person Number of person varchar 50
res_Date Reservation Date varchar 50
Res_Time Reservation Time varchar 50

Table3. tblcashier

Field Name Description Type length
C_ID(pk) Cashier id Int 11
Employee_Id Employee Id Int 11
First_Name First Name Varchar 50
Last_Name Last Name Varchar 50
Address Address Varchar 50
Phone_no Phone number Varchar 50
Email Email Varchar 50



Tableno.4 tblpayments

Field Name Description Type length
Payments_no Payments number Int 11
Cust_Id Customer id Int 11
Name_of_customer Customer name Varchar 50
Name_of_cashier Cashier name Varchar 50
Total_amount Total amount Varchar 50


Tableno.5 tblemployee

Field Name Description Type length
Employee_Id Employee Id Int 11
Employee_Fname First Name Varchar 50
Employee_Lname Last Name Varchar 50
Employee_Address Address Varchar 50
Position Position Varchar 50
Hire_Date Hire Date Varchar 50
Salary Salary Int 11


ERD shows the system entity relationship in each entity and their suppose functions in each relationship.


Figure 1. Melting Pot Reservation System

            This Project for Restaurant Reservation System Database Design entity relationship are the entity of the MELTING POT RESERVATION SYSTEM, which are presented by tables, the tables are made to need the required specification of the system and provide a much more specific details of the entities within the system.

Download Melting Pot Reservation System PDF HERE. lhca System Description



This Database Design for Restaurant Reservation System Project is built to have an easier way to save information to the database and secure the information as well. This System for Restaurant Reservation Database Design is built also to help the administrator of this system to access the details in smooth operations and have a transaction to the costumer appropriately and productively.

For More Database Design Examples


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