Database Design for Ordering Management System

Database Design for Ordering Management System

This Database Design for Ordering Management System or Ordering Management System Database Design with ERD became build the use of JAVA Application.

The prime motive of this database is to make the order transaction speedy and smooth for the customers, to maintain and secure the order records, to keep away from postpone of transaction of ordered products maximum especially, is to show and promote it the products(Database Design Tables for Ordering Management System Project).

The company’s goal is to reaching the best service they can give to their valued customers.

A direct customers is customer that will call the company directly and place the order.

And who orders small amounts and are unlikely to receive a discount on their purchases(Database Design Tables for Ordering Management System Project).

All profits on a sale made to direct customer and goes directly to the company, without dividing or sharing profits or direct customers. They also buy directly from the company but will buy a big amount and receive discount on their purchase.

This ordering system also enables customer order in advance and the system will accomplish the order at the specified time. Ordering system is easy and convenient yet have more to improve on their ordering system.

It is good that ordering system has linked the customer’s information with the database of the system which facilities the ordering of customer(Ordering Management System Database Design with ERD).


Database Design for Ordering Management System Features:

  1. Products(add, view, update)

  2. Manage Orders

  3. Manage User(add, delete, update)

  4. Customer Profile

  5. Product Purchase by Supplier

  6. Purchases order

  7. Customer(Customer Order, Wholesale Customer)   

Database Design for Ordering Management System Data Dictionaries

  Table 1: tblcustomers

Field Name Description       Type Length
ID Customer ID Number int 11
Customer_id Number of customer Varchar 90
Name_First First name of customer Varchar 90
Last_Name Last name of customer Varchar 90
City_Address Customer city address Varchar 90
Address Customer full Address Varchar 90
Age Age of Customer int 11
Phone Number Contact number of Customer int 11

   Table 2: tblemployees

Field Name Description Type Length
Employee_id Employee id number int 7
First_Name Employee First Name Varchar 50
Middle_Name Employee Last Name Varchar 50
Last_Name Employee Last Name Varchar 50
Age Age of Employee int 2
Address Address of Employee varchar 50
Contact_Num Contact Number of Employee int 11
Emp_Salary Employee salary int 11
Job_title Job title of employee varchar 50
User_name Username of employee varchar 50
Password Password of Employee varchar 50

 Table 3: tblorder

Field Name Description Type Length
Order_id Order id number Int 7
Product­_id Product id number Int 7
Date_order Date order number Varchar 30
Quantity Customer suggested product Int 1
Price Price of the Product Int 11
Date_Claim Claim date of Customer Varchar 30
Order_Number Order number of product Varchar 50
Customer_id Customer ID number int 7

 Table 4: tblpayments

Field Name Description Type Length
Payment_id Payment id number Int 7
Order_number Order number of product Varchar 30
Customer_id Customer id number Int 7
Date_order Date ordered of customer Varchar 30
Claim_date Claim date of Customer Int 11
Qty Customer suggested products Int 1
Price Price of the products int 11

Table 5: tblproducts

Field Name Description Type Length
Products_id Payment_id Int 7
Products_name Order number of products Varchar 90
Product_type Types of Products Varchar 90
Quantity Qty of products Varchar 1
Price Price of the products Varchar 11

 Table 6: tblsupplier

Field Name Description Type Length
Supplier_id Supplier id number Int 7
Supplier_Name Name of supplier Varchar 50
Supplier_Address Address of supplier Text 50
Contact_Number Contact number of supplier int 11

  Table 7: tbltransaction

Field Name Description Type Length
Transactiom_id Transaction id number Int 11
Customer_id Customer id number Int 7
Employee_id Employees id number Int 7
Order_id Order id number Int 7
Product_id Product id number Int 7
Supplier_id Supplier id number Int 7
Payment_id Payment id number Int 7

Entity Relationship Diagram of  Motor Parts and Accessories Ordering System

 Motor Parts and Accessories Ordering system entity diagram show how the systems entity with and their function with each other.

Database Design for Motor Parts and Accessories Ordering Management System

Database Design for Motor Parts and Accessories Ordering Management System

Database Design for Ordering Management System Conclusion

This Ordering System makes works easy and faster than current applications.

All the information will be saved within the database.

So the administer can view all the data on time. This system reduces guide works.

Ordering System will stores all the information completely and also offers the raises and deviations inside the reputation of the inside the markets. All the information of the cutting-edge and ex-staffs may be stored in the database.

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