Best Thesis Proposal for IT Students 2025
This article about Best Thesis Proposal for IT Students updated for 2025 would a big help for those students who are currently taking up a Bachelors Degree in Information Technology, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information System or any Computer related course.
The students must undergo research, DBMS mini project, Thesis, or Capstone Project. In this case, students should experience how to formulate the Best Thesis Proposal.
There are always instances in that students need to think. For example, what would be their thesis proposal? or What would be the Best Project Topics for Computer Science Student?.
Also, they need to consider their capacity in doing the actual programming.
By the way, I also have here some list of Best PHP Projects with source code, Python Projects with source, Django Projects with Source code, C/C++ programming projects with source code, Java Projects With Source Code, Javascript Projects With Source Code, and VB.Net Projects with Source Code which I believe after finding your Final Year Project Title, you need to find a Sample projects with source code.
List of Best Thesis Proposals for IT students 2025
Seq.No | Sample Systems for Thesis |
1 | Comprehensive Fire Alarm Management System |
2 | Computer-Aided Instruction with Voice Recognition system |
3 | Condensed Iloilo Responder App |
4 | Cost-Effective Fire Alarm System for PHINMA-UI |
5 | DOST Phivolcs Cloud-Based Landslide Detection System Software with Solar Powered Landslide Detection Device |
6 | E-Learning System |
7 | Electronic Police Clearance System |
8 | ELM Industrial Sales POS and Inventory System |
9 | Employee Management System for PUB Express |
10 | Escape from Disaster: An Educational Puzzle Mobile Game for Disaster Preparedness and Risk Reduction Management |
11 | E-Tips Mobile App: A Complete Survival Guide During Earthquakes |
12 | E-voting System |
13 | E-Voting System with SMS technology |
14 | Face Recognition System |
15 | Feeding Management System |
16 | Geographic Information System with Flood-Prone Location |
17 | Grade Viewer Application in Android |
18 | Group Messenger Application using Android |
19 | Hall of Justice Evidence Room Security Management System |
20 | Holistic Computerized Faculty Evaluation System |
21 | Home Appliances controlled by Android Smartphone |
22 | Hospital System |
23 | Hotel Reservation Application with Mobile Compatibility in Android |
24 | Human Resource Management System |
25 | Intelligent Traveler Locator using Google Map Application |
26 | International Police Commission Biometric Security System |
27 | Internet Cafe System |
28 | Lending Management system |
29 | Library System |
30 | Medicine Inventory and Patient Information system |
31 | Meetings Multimedia Organizer for Jehova’s Witness |
32 | Microcontroller Controlled Solar Power System |
33 | Mobile Educational Application for Elementary Student using Android |
34 | Mobile Health Tips using Android |
35 | Mobile Pharmacy Application in Android |
36 | Mobile Point-Of-Sale Application with SMS Notification |
37 | Mobile Reservation for Banquet Halls |
38 | Mobile Voting System using Android |
39 | Motorcycle Tracking with GPS using Android |
40 | Municipality of SAN Joaquin’s Senior Citizen Express Pension System |
41 | Nel KAT-AL Auto Supply |
42 | International Police Commission Biometric Security System |
43 | On Route Travel Assistant for Public Transport Based on Android Technology |
44 | Online Catering Reservation |
45 | Online College Department Management Information System |
46 | Online Grading System |
47 | Online Lot Reservation |
48 | Online Management System |
49 | Online Product Reservation System |
50 | Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) |
51 | Online Scoring System |
52 | Order Billing Inventory System |
53 | Payroll System with Biometric and Barcode Technology |
54 | Pet’s Health and Diet Monitoring System |
55 | Pharmacy Management System |
56 | PHINMA-UI Accounting Office Anti-Burglary System |
57 | PHINMA-UI Computer laboratory Attendance Monitoring System |
58 | PHINMA-UI E-Portfolio |
59 | PHINMA-UI payment Queuing System |
60 | PHINMA-UI Senior High Student Activity and Record Monitoring System |
61 | PHINMA-UI STudent and Employee Attendance Monitoring System Using RFID |
62 | PHINMA-UI Vehicle Detection Using OCR |
63 | Prisoner’s Visitors Monitoring System with Biometric Fingerprint Scanner |
64 | Proposed Library Management System for St. Columban’s Academy |
65 | Protech-School Security Automation APP |
66 | Quiz Application using Android |
67 | Recipe Management System and Hospitality Management |
68 | Record Management System |
69 | Research Office Management System |
70 | Resort Management System |
71 | RFID-Based Student Monitoring System |
72 | Sales and Inventory Monitoring System with SMS |
73 | Salon System |
74 | School Canteen Voucher System Using RFID Technology |
75 | School Event Attendance Monitoring System with Biometric and Barcode Technology |
76 | School Management System |
77 | Search Robot of PHINMA-UI |
78 | Security Door Lock System |
79 | SMS-Based Grade Inquiry System |
80 | Social Networking |
81 | Solar Powered Water Tank Monitoring System with SMS Notification |
82 | SSG Management System with SMS Notification |
83 | Supply Inventory System |
84 | Supporfrog Adventure(A Mobile Game) |
85 | System Controlled Electric Circuit For PHINMA-UI |
86 | Test Bank System |
87 | Ticketing System |
88 | Touch-Screen Based Point-Of-Sale System (POS) |
89 | Veterinary Clinic and Pet Shop Management System |
90 | Video Library Management System |
91 | Video Rental Application in Android |
92 | Water Turbidity Monitoring and Notification System for Brgy.San Juan Molo |
93 | Weather Forecast Application using Android |
94 | Weather Monitoring System with Mobile App |
95 | Web-Based Tracking System |
After formulating the Best Thesis Title, I suggest you better do an advanced study.
Hello, good morning, i need your help guys.
Can you suggest any thesis title?
Thank you in advance.
Hi my name is judy ann I’m a thirdyear i.t students i’m going to ask a description and flowchart about salon system. Can u give me your idea
hi admin! I need help for my thesis about augmented reality
hope you can help me with this
my email [email protected]
Hello.. Po may i request for best title for my Thesis Plsss.. Help me I dont what to do
hi po pasuggest naman po ng hardware thesis title 🙂 salamat po
hello, can you help me for thesis title that uses hardware with software with limited coding code
hello po suggestion for best thesis please’s all about mobile application.
hello po. suggestion for best thesis please’s all about mobile application.
Hello admin, good day, can i have a source code of a web-based tracking system.? Or else if there is an available Document tracking system applying any algorithm. . I will use it as my reference sir. Thank you. . Can contact or send it to [email protected].
Thank you for this suggestion admin, i am interested of the Android-Based Class Attendance Monitoring Application using Barcode, can i have the course code for this application? thank you and God bless. can send my on my gmail account [email protected]
hello sir
Help me with Thesis for School Management System
Hello, good morning,
Can you suggest any thesis title?
Thank you in advance.
Hello guys! Can anyone suggest for a project title proposal for IT like Education Sector, Agriculture, Business, Government
good evening admin …any suggestion tutle proposal which mobile application
Hello admin can i have a code for e-learning system thank you and more power.
Here is my e mail account
[email protected]
Hii sir can I ask about thesis title about system thank you sir😊
hai po can I ask about Tittle system can you please help me🙂