Validating a Registration Form Using C#

Validating a Registration Form Using Regular Expression in C# Today, I will teach you how to validate a Registration Form using  Regular Expressions in C#. Regular Expression contains the formated rules and …

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Getting Time Interval Using C#

Getting Time Interval Using C# Today, I’m going to teach you how to get a time interval using C#.NET. In this project, I use the TimeSpan properties to get the time interval between …

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Adding Button Using C#

Adding Button Programmatically Using C# In this tutorial I will teach you how to add a Button programmatically in C#.Net. With this method, there’s no need for you to drag and …

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User CRUD in C# and SQL Server

User CRUD in C# and SQL Server This time, I will teach you how to perform Crud using C# and SQL server 2005. CRUD is very important for a system because …

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Clear Multiple TextBoxes in C#

Clear Multiple TextBoxes in C# If you are a beginner in Programming Languages and you’re using, this tutorial will help you minimize your codes and lessen your work. This …

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Updating Data in C# and SQL Server

In this tutorial, I will teach you how to update data in the database in C#.Net and SQL Server Manangement Studio Express. With this, you can update data in the …

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