Referenceerror: describe is not defined

In this article, we’ll be exploring one specific error called the “Referenceerror: describe is not defined” error and diving into its details.

As a JavaScript developer, it’s completely normal to encounter errors while writing code.

These errors actually help us understand what’s wrong with our code and guide us toward finding solutions.

What is Referenceerror: describe is not defined?

The “ReferenceError: describe is not defined” is an error message that can arise while executing JavaScript tests. Typically, this indicates a problem with the configuration or usage of the testing framework, like Mocha or Jest.

For instance, when using Mocha, the tests should be run using the “mocha” command instead of the “node” executable.

Mainly, this “ReferenceError: describe is not defined” error can occur due to various reasons:

  1. Missing testing framework. Therefore, ensure you have installed and imported the testing framework correctly.
  2. Incorrect import/require statements. Thus, double-check your import statements for accuracy.
  3. Execution environment. Hence, verify that you are running the tests in the correct environment.
  4. Incorrect usage. In this case, ensure you are using the “describe” function in the right context.

How to fix Referenceerror: describe is not defined

To fix the “ReferenceError: describe is not defined” error, you can try the following solutions:

  1. Install the Testing Framework

    To get started with the testing framework, make sure you have installed the necessary framework (such as Mocha or Jasmine) as a dependency in your project.

    You can use package managers like npm or yarn to install the framework. Simply run the appropriate command in your project directory.

    For example, if you want to install Mocha, execute the required command to set it up correctly.

    npm install mocha

  2. Import the Testing Framework

    To correctly import the testing framework, ensure you are using the appropriate import statement in your test or JavaScript file.

    For example, if you’re using CommonJS (require), add the necessary line at the beginning of your file.

    const { describe } = require(‘mocha’);

    On the other hand, if you are using ES modules (import), use the following syntax:

    import { describe } from ‘mocha’;

    Take note.You need to adjust the import statement according to the testing framework you are using.

  3. Verify Configuration

    Check if your test runner or build system is set up correctly to recognize and run the testing framework.

    For instance, if you’re using Mocha, make sure you have the necessary test runner configuration in place, like a “test” script in your package.json file.

    Confirm that the test runner is properly configured to execute the tests using the correct command for your testing framework.

  4. Check test file location

    Make sure your test file is located in the correct directory and follows the naming conventions specified by the testing framework you’re using.

    Different frameworks have their own rules, like requiring test files to end with .test.js or .spec.js, or placing them in specific directories like “test” or “spec“.

    To be certain, consult the framework’s documentation to confirm any specific requirements.

  5. Confirm test Execution

    In this case, ensure that you are running the test in the correct execution environment and using the right commands.

    For example, when you are using mocha with Node.js execute the test by running the “mocha” command in the terminal.


Describe is not defined Example Program

Here’s an example that demonstrates the “ReferenceError: describe is not defined” error in the context of using Mocha as a testing framework:

describe('Math operations', () => {
  it('should add two numbers', () => {
    const result = add(2, 3);

In the above code, we are trying to use the “describe” function provided by Mocha to define a test suite.

However, if Mocha is not properly set up or imported, running this code will result in a “ReferenceError: describe is not defined” error.

To fix this error, you would need to make sure that you have installed Mocha as a dependency in your project and properly imported it into your test file.

For example:

describe('Math operations', () => {
  it('should add two numbers', () => {
    const result = add(2, 3);

In the corrected code, we import the necessary functions from the Mocha library using the require statement.

This ensures that the “describe” function is defined and accessible, resolving the “ReferenceError” and allowing the tests to run successfully.

Anyway, here are other fixed errors you can refer to when you might encounter them.


In conclusion, the error message “ReferenceError: describe is not defined” typically occurs when you’re using a testing framework like Mocha or Jasmine and trying to use the “describe” function, but there is an issue with how it’s defined or imported.

This error can happen for a few reasons, such as not having the testing framework installed correctly, having incorrect import statements, encountering problems with the environment where the code is running, or using the “describe” function incorrectly.

We hope this guide has assisted you in resolving the error effectively.

Until next time! 😊

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