Syntaxerror: await outside function

Encountering the syntaxerror: await outside function error messages are inevitable.

Sometimes, this error message it’s quite frustrating, especially, if you don’t know how to fix it.

Fortunately, in this article, we’ll explore how to fix this error, and you’ll know why await is only valid in async functions.

What is “await” keyword?

The “await” keyword is used in a type of programming called asynchronous programming. It’s used when we want different tasks to run at the same time, which helps the computer use its resources more efficiently.

But remember, you can only use the “await” keyword inside a special kind of function called an asynchronous function.

What is “syntaxerror: ‘await’ outside function” error message?

The error message syntaxerror: ‘await’ outside function occurs when we are trying to use an await keyword outside of an async function or method.

Await is used in an async function or method to wait on other asynchronous tasks. 

For example:

import asyncio

async def my_async_function():
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    return "Hello, Welcome to Itsourcecode!"

result = await my_async_function()


 File "C:\Users\pies-pc2\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\", line 7
    result = await my_async_function()
SyntaxError: 'await' outside function

Therefore, if you are calling the “await” keyword outside of an async function or method, SyntaxError will arise.

So, in simple words, this error typically occurs when the await keyword is used outside of an asynchronous function.

Why does the “syntaxerror: await outside function” occur?

This error message occurs due to several reasons, such as:

This error message occurs due to several reasons, such as:

❌Using await in a Synchronous Function

When using await, it is essential to remember that it can only be used within asynchronous functions. If you mistakenly use await in a synchronous function, the interpreter will raise SyntaxError.

❌ Misplaced await Statement

Placing the await keyword outside of any function. In Python, every awaits statement should be enclosed within an asynchronous function.

❌ Using await in a Regular Block

Await keyword cannot be used in regular blocks such as if statements or loops. The error will be raised if you try to use it in such contexts. 

Why can I only use the await keyword inside of async function?

The reason you can only use the await keyword inside of an async function because it ensures proper flow control and synchronization between asynchronous tasks.

If you mark a function as async and use the await keyword within it, you indicate to the interpreter that the function contains asynchronous operations and should be treated accordingly.

How to fix the “syntaxerror: await outside function”?

To fix the syntaxerror ‘await’ outside function, ensure that the await keyword is used inside an async function or method.

If you are calling an async function or method outside of an async function or method, you need to use the method to call the async function or method.

Use the method to call the async function or method

Incorrect code:

import asyncio

async def my_async_function():
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    return "Hello, Welcome to Itsourcecode!"

result = await my_async_function()

Corrected code:

import asyncio

async def my_async_function():
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    return "Hello, Welcome to Itsourcecode!"

result =


Hello, Welcome to Itsourcecode!


In conclusion, the error message syntaxerror: ‘await’ outside function occurs when we are trying to use an await keyword outside of an async function or method.

Await is used in an async function or method to wait on other asynchronous tasks. 

To fix this error, ensure that the await keyword is used inside an async function or method.

This article already discussed what this error is all about and multiple ways to resolve this error.

By executing the solutions above, you can master this SyntaxError with the help of this guide.

You could also check out other SyntaxError articles that may help you in the future if you encounter them.

We are hoping that this article helps you fix the error. Thank you for reading itsourcecoders 😊

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