Class Diagram for Online Car Rental System

Online Car Rental System Class Diagram

ONLINE CAR RENTAL SYSTEM CLASS DIAGRAM – is a designed structure that shows the systems’ classes and their relationships. This UML Class Diagram is made to guide programmers along with …

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Class Diagram for Online Examination System

Online Examination System Class Diagram

ONLINE EXAMINATION SYSTEM CLASS DIAGRAM – is a designed structure that shows the systems’ classes and their relationships.  This UML class diagram is made to guide programmers along with the …

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UML Class Diagram for E commerce Website

E-Commerce Website Class Diagram

The Class Diagram for e commerce Website is a form of structural (UML) diagram that depicts the website’s structure. This is designed by displaying the e-commerce website’s classes, attributes, methods, and …

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Class Diagram for Hostel Management System

Hostel Management System Class Diagram

HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CLASS DIAGRAM – is a designed structure that shows the classes and their relationships. This UML Class Diagram is made to guide programmers along with the Hostel …

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Class Diagram for Inventory Management System

Inventory Management System Class Diagram

INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CLASS DIAGRAM – is a designed structure that shows the classes (data) in the project and their relationships. UML Class Diagram is made to guide programmers along …

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Passport Automation System Sequence Diagram | UML

Sequence Diagram for Passport Automation System

PASSPORT AUTOMATION SYSTEM SEQUENCE DIAGRAM – shows the series of activities that should be present when processing passport.  This diagram guides the programmers and developers on how they should build …

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Employee Management System Sequence Diagram

Sequence Diagram for Employee Management System

EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SEQUENCE DIAGRAM serves as a guide for programmers and developers in building the system. It contains the sequence of activities that happens when managing employees. The UML …

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