Gym Management System Project In Python With Source Code

Gym Management System Project In Python With Source Code

The Gym Management System Project In Python was developed using Python Programming, this Project With Source Code run in console and the project documents consist of a python manuscript (,,,

A Gym Management System is an easy console based project which is extremely understandable as well as make use of.

There is no login system here. Speaking about its features, it consists of all the called for features that include adding as well as watching consumer, plan records along with their settlements.

While adding records to the system, the customer needs to enter the customer’s name, contact information with joining the day

This Code For Gym Management System also includes a downloadable Gym Management System Project With Source Code for free, just find the downloadable source code below and click to start downloading.


  • Add Customer, Package, Subscription.
  • View Customers and Package details.
  • Payment.

By the way if you are new to python programming and you don’t know what would be the the Python IDE to use, I have here a list of Best Python IDE for Windows, Linux, Mac OS that will suit for you. I also have here How to Download and Install Latest Version of Python on Windows.

To start creating a Gym Management System Project, make sure that you have installed Python in your computer.

Gym Management System Project In Python With Source Code : Steps on how to run the project

Time needed: 5 minutes

These are the steps on how to run Gym Management System Project In Python With Source Code

  • Step 1: Download the given source code below.

    First, download the given source code below and unzip the source code.
    gym management system download source code

  • Step 2: Import the project to your PyCharm IDE.

    Next, import the source code you’ve download to your PyCharm IDE.
    gym management system open project

  • Step 3: Run the project.

    last, run the project with the command “py”
    gym management system run project

Installing Libraries

from click._compat import raw_input

from GymManager import GymManager
from Customer import Customer
from Package import Package

Complete Source Code

from click._compat import raw_input

from GymManager import GymManager
from Customer import Customer
from Package import Package

gymManager = GymManager()
print ("\n")
print ("   *****The Body Shop Fitness Center*****")
print ("Select the Option from Menu")

def menu():
    print ("1. Add Customer")
    print ("2. Add Package")
    print ("3. Show all packages")
    print ("4. Show all customers")
    print ("5. Find customer by name")
    print ("6. Add Subscription")
    print ("7. Add Payment")
    print ("8. Show this menu again")
    print ("\nEnter You Choice: ")


    input = int(raw_input())
    if input == 1:
        name = str(raw_input("Enter customer's name - "))
        phoneNo = str(raw_input("Enter customer's phone no. - "))
        joinDate = str(raw_input("Enter joining date - "))
        customer = Customer(name, phoneNo, joinDate)

    elif input == 2:
        type = str(raw_input("Enter package type - "))
        facilities = str(raw_input("Enter facilities - "))
        cost = int(raw_input("Enter package cost - "))
        package = Package(type, facilities, cost)

    elif input == 3:
        print ("PackageID\tType\tFacilities\tCost")
        for pkgId in gymManager.packages.keys():
            package = gymManager.packages[pkgId]
            packageId = pkgId
            type = package.getType()
            facilities = package.getFacilities()
            cost = package.getCost()
            print (str(packageId) + "\t" + type + "\t" + facilities + "\t" + str(cost))

    elif input == 4:
        print ("CustomerID\tName\tPhone\tJoining Date")
        for cusId in gymManager.customers.keys():
            customer = gymManager.customers[cusId]
            customerId = cusId
            name = customer.getName()
            phoneNo = customer.getPhoneNo()
            joinDate = customer.getJoiningDate()
            print (str(customerId) + "\t" + name + "\t" + phoneNo + "\t" + joinDate)

    elif input == 5:
        name = str(raw_input("Enter customer name - "))
        customerId = -1
        for cusId in gymManager.customers.keys():
            customer = gymManager.customers[cusId]
            if customer.getName() == name:
                print (customer)
                customerId = cusId
        if customerId == -1:
            print ("Customer with name - {0} not found").format(name)
            packageDict = gymManager.subscriptions.get(customerId)
            print ("Customer found", gymManager.customers[customerId])
            if packageDict != {}:
                print ("Subscribed to"),
                for pkgId in packageDict.keys():
                    print (gymManager.packages[pkgId], "for {0} months".format(gymManager.subscriptions[customerId][packageId]))
                print ("No subscription found for this customer")

    elif input == 6:
        name = str(raw_input("Enter customer name - "))
        customerId = -1
        for cusId in gymManager.customers.keys():
            customer = gymManager.customers[cusId]
            if customer.getName() == name:
                print (customer)
                customerId = cusId
        if customerId == -1:
            print ("Customer with name - {0} not found.").format(name)
            print ("Try adding a new customer.")
            print ("Customer found", gymManager.customers[customerId])
            if gymManager.packages.keys():
                for pkgId in gymManager.packages.keys():
                    print (pkgId, gymManager.packages[pkgId])
                packageId = int(raw_input("Select a package: "))
                if packageId > max(gymManager.packages.keys()):
                    print ("Please select a valid package.")
                    months = int(raw_input("Enter no. of months"))
                    gymManager.addSubscription(gymManager.customers[customerId], gymManager.packages[packageId], months)
                    print ("Subscription added.")
                print("No package exists. Try adding a package first.")

    elif input == 7:
        name = str(raw_input("Enter customer name - "))
        customerId = -1
        for cusId in gymManager.customers.keys():
            customer = gymManager.customers[cusId]
            if customer.getName() == name:
                print (customer)
                customerId = cusId
        if customerId == -1:
            print ("Customer with name - {0} not found.").format(name)
            print ("Try adding a new customer.")
            print ("Customer found", gymManager.customers[customerId])
            if gymManager.packages.keys():
                for pkgId in gymManager.packages.keys():
                    print (pkgId, gymManager.packages[pkgId])
                packageId = int(raw_input("Select a package"))
                if packageId > max(gymManager.packages.keys()):
                    print ("Please select a valid package.")
                    if gymManager.subscriptions[customerId][packageId] > 0:
                        customer = gymManager.customers[customerId]
                        package = gymManager.packages[packageId]
                        gymManager.addPayment(customer, package, package.getCost())
                        print ("Payment added. Subscription expires in {0} months.").format(gymManager.subscriptions[customerId][packageId])
    elif input == 8:
    elif input == 9:
        print ("Please enter a valid number")

Download Source Code below


Gym Management System project. The project documents consist of a python manuscript (,,,

This is an easy console based project which is extremely understandable as well as make use of.

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