This is the upgraded version of the Free Online Public Access Catalog Source code (OPAC) using PHP and MySQLi with source code.
The code is completely different from the previous one.
We created this as a result of the found tons of downsides within the previous version.
We are using Twitter Bootstrap and MySQLi Database in this version.

Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) using PHP MySQLi Source Code With Free Source Code
To successfully run the source code, follow the instructions below:
- Download the source code here.updatedopac
- Extract the file and put it inside the root folder
- Download also the database here.librarydb
- After you download the database, Open PHPMyAdmin in your browser
- Create a database and name it as “librarydb”
- Import the downloaded database file
- Finally, run the program
If you want to upgrade this application or you think that you want to put a registration page, you can follow the link here.
If you have any suggestions or questions regarding the Free Online Public Access Catalog Source code, please feel to contact me at our contact page or you can add me on Facebook.
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Sir can you help me to make my own library management system for my library