Student Management System In Javascript With Source Code
The Student Management System In Javascript was developed using JavaScript, CSS and HTML, In this Javascript Project With Source Code is a fascinating undertaking. Only the administrative part of the project is included. The goal of the project is to compile a list of all of the students’ records. The management system for this project employs CRUD operations, which include adding, removing, and updating student data.
A Student Management System Project In Javascript, Many students’ records can be added, including their name, roll number, class, total subjects, and age. The user can add data, delete data at any time, and alter the specifics of the records if they need to update certain information. This project uses a lot of javascript to validate different aspects of the project.
This Javascript Project With Source Code also includes a downloadable javascript source code for free, just find the downloadable source code below and click to start downloading.
I have here a suggested list of Best JavaScript Projects with Source Code Free to download and I’m sure this can help you to improve your skills in JavaScript programming and web development as a whole.
To start executing a Student Management System In Javascript With Source Code, makes sure that you have any platform in creating a JavaScript, CSS, bootstrap, and HTML installed in your computer, in my case I will use Sublime Text.
Student Management System In Javascript With Source Code : Steps on how to create the project
Time needed: 5 minutes
These are the steps on how to create Student Management System In Javascript With Source Code
- Step 1: Create a folder.
First, create a folder and named it.
- Step 2: Open the folder in “Sublime Text”.
Second ,after creating a folder, open it in “sublime text“.
- Step 3: Create a html file.
Third, create a “html” file and save it as “index.html“
The code given below is for the html module
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <!--Title--> <title>Simple Student Record</title> <!-- CSS File--> </head> <body style="background-color: skyblue"> <CENTER><h2>Simple Student Records</h2></CENTER> <!--Table--> <table> <!--Row-1--> <tr> <!--Column-1--> <td> <!--Form--> <form onsubmit="event.preventDefault();onFormSubmit();" autocomplete="off"> <h3>Student Form</h3> <!--div-1--> <div> <label>Full Name</label> <!--Validation Error--> <label class="validation-error hide" id="userNamevalidationError">This field is required</label> <!--Input User Name--> <input type="text" name="userName" id="userName" placeholder="Enter the user Name"> </div> <!--div-2--> <div> <label>Rollno</label> <!--Validation Error--> <label class="validation-error hide" id="rollNovalidationError" >This field is required</label> <!--Input Roll No--> <input type="text" name="rollNo" id="rollNo" placeholder="Enter the Roll number"> </div> <!--div-3--> <div> <label>Student Class</label> <!--Validation Error--> <label class="validation-error hide" id="stdClassvalidationError">This field is required</label> <!--Input Student Class--> <input type="text" name="stdClass" id="stdClass" placeholder="Enter the Student Class"> </div> <!--div-4--> <div> <label>Total Subject</label> <!--Validation Error--> <label class="validation-error hide" id="tsubvalidationError">This field is required</label> <!--Input Total Subject--> <input type="number" name="tsub" id="tsub" placeholder="Enter the Total Subjects"> </div> <!--div-5--> <div> <label>Age</label> <!--Validation Error--> <label class="validation-error hide" id="agevalidationError">This field is required</label> <!--Input Age--> <input type="number" name="age" id="age" placeholder="Enter the Age"> </div> <!--div-6--> <div class="form-action-buttons"> <!--Input Button--> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </div> </form> </td> <!--Column-2--> <td> <!--Nested Table--> <table class="list" id="stdlist" style="background-color: #C2976D;"> <!--Table Head--> <thead> <!--Row-2--> <tr> <th>Full Name</th> <th> Roll no</th> <th>Class</th> <th>Total Subject</th> <th>Age</th> <th>Action</th> </tr> </thead> <!--Table Body--> <tbody> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </table>
In this module which is the html module of the simple project.
The code given below is for the css module
<style> body > table{ width: 100%; } table{ border-collapse: collapse; text-align: center; } table.list{ width:100%; text-align: center; } table.list td{ text-align: center; } td, th { border: 1px solid #dddddd; text-align: left; padding: 8px; } tr:nth-child(even),table.list thead>tr { background-color: skyblue; } input[type=text], input[type=number] { width: 100%; padding: 12px 20px; margin: 8px 0; display: inline-block; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 4px; box-sizing: border-box; } input[type=submit]{ width: 30%; background-color: #ddd; color: #000; padding: 14px 20px; margin: 8px 0; border: none; border-radius: 4px; cursor: pointer; } form{ background-color: skyblue; padding: 10px; } form div.form-action-buttons{ text-align: center; } a{ cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline; color: #0000ee; margin-right: 4px; } label.validation-error{ color: red; margin-left: 5px; } .hide{ display:none; } </style>
In this module which is the css module of the simple project.
The code given below is for the javascript module
<script> var selectedRow = null // Form Submit Function function onFormSubmit() { // check validity if (validate()) { // store user data var formData = readFormData(); // check empty row if (selectedRow == null) { // Insert New User Record insertNewRecord(formData); } else { // Update New User Record updateRecord(formData); } // Reset Input Values resetForm(); } } // Get Values From Form function readFormData() { var formData = {}; // Get Values From Input formData["userName"] = document.getElementById("userName").value; formData["rollNo"] = document.getElementById("rollNo").value; formData["stdClass"] = document.getElementById("stdClass").value; formData["tsub"] = document.getElementById("tsub").value; formData["age"] = document.getElementById("age").value; // return Form Data return formData; } // Insert New User Record function insertNewRecord(data) { var table = document.getElementById("stdlist").getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]; var newRow = table.insertRow(table.length); cell1 = newRow.insertCell(0); cell1.innerHTML = data.userName; cell2 = newRow.insertCell(1); cell2.innerHTML = data.rollNo; cell3 = newRow.insertCell(2); cell3.innerHTML = data.stdClass; cell4 = newRow.insertCell(3); cell4.innerHTML = data.tsub; cell5 = newRow.insertCell(4); cell5.innerHTML = data.age; cell5 = newRow.insertCell(5); cell5.innerHTML = `<a onClick="onEdit(this)">Edit</a> <a onClick="onDelete(this)">Delete</a>`; } // Reset Function function resetForm() { document.getElementById("userName").value = ""; document.getElementById("rollNo").value = ""; document.getElementById("stdClass").value = ""; document.getElementById("tsub").value = ""; document.getElementById("age").value = ""; selectedRow = null; } // Edit Function function onEdit(td) { selectedRow = td.parentElement.parentElement; document.getElementById("userName").value = selectedRow.cells[0].innerHTML; document.getElementById("rollNo").value = selectedRow.cells[1].innerHTML; document.getElementById("stdClass").value = selectedRow.cells[2].innerHTML; document.getElementById("tsub").value = selectedRow.cells[3].innerHTML; document.getElementById("age").value = selectedRow.cells[4].innerHTML; } // Update Record function updateRecord(formData) { selectedRow.cells[0].innerHTML = formData.userName; selectedRow.cells[1].innerHTML = formData.rollNo; selectedRow.cells[2].innerHTML = formData.stdClass; selectedRow.cells[3].innerHTML = formData.tsub; selectedRow.cells[4].innerHTML = formData.age; } // Delete Function function onDelete(td) { if (confirm('Are you sure to delete this record ?')) { row = td.parentElement.parentElement; document.getElementById("stdlist").deleteRow(row.rowIndex); resetForm(); } } // Check User validation function validate() { isValid = true; // userName validation if (document.getElementById("userName").value == "") { isValid = false; document.getElementById("userNamevalidationError").classList.remove("hide"); } else { isValid = true; if (!document.getElementById("userNamevalidationError").classList.contains("hide")) { document.getElementById("userNamevalidationError").classList.add("hide"); } } // Roll No validation if (document.getElementById("rollNo").value == "") { isValid = false; document.getElementById("rollNovalidationError").classList.remove("hide"); } else { isValid = true; if (!document.getElementById("rollNovalidationError").classList.contains("hide")) { document.getElementById("rollNovalidationError").classList.add("hide"); } } // Std class validation if (document.getElementById("stdClass").value == "") { isValid = false; document.getElementById("stdClassvalidationError").classList.remove("hide"); } else { isValid = true; if (!document.getElementById("stdClassvalidationError").classList.contains("hide")) { document.getElementById("stdClassvalidationError").classList.add("hide"); } } // Tsub validation if (document.getElementById("tsub").value == "") { isValid = false; document.getElementById("tsubvalidationError").classList.remove("hide"); } else { isValid = true; if (!document.getElementById("tsubvalidationError").classList.contains("hide")) { document.getElementById("tsubvalidationError").classList.add("hide"); } } // Age validation if (document.getElementById("age").value == "") { isValid = false; document.getElementById("agevalidationError").classList.remove("hide"); } else { isValid = true; if (!document.getElementById("agevalidationError").classList.contains("hide")) { document.getElementById("agevalidationError").classList.add("hide"); } } return isValid; } </script>
In this module which is the javascript module of the simple project.
Project Output

Project Name : | Student Management System In Javascript |
Project Platform : | JavaScript |
Programming Language Used: | php,javascript,html,css |
Developer Name : | |
IDE Tool (Recommended): | Sublime |
Project Type : | Web Application |
Database: | None |
Upload Date: | July 18, 2021 |
Downloadable Source Code
This JavaScript Project With Source Code is simply in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. To start creating this Simple Javascript Project With Source Code, make sure that you have basic knowledge in HTML, CSS and Javascript.
This Javascript Game Project also includes a downloadable Javascript Game Project With Source Code for free.
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If you have any questions or suggestions about Student Management System In Javascript With Source Code , please feel free to leave a comment below.
The Zip folder is has a password.. Would really need it please.
Zip file or itsourcecode
i need password for my final year project
i need password for my final year project