Health Management System In Python With Source Code

Health Management System In Python With Source Code

The Health Management System In Python was developed using Python Programming, This Health Management System Project In Python project is made as a part of the Database Management System Project using SQL Lite 3 and Python 3. This is a system that stores and retrieves data associated with medical treatment.

A Health Management System Python it allows the doctors to look for a patient’s medical record and to see the various sorts of diseases and their symptoms and cures. This also allows doctors to update the disease table. Also, this software allows doctors to update a patient’s medical record or add a new patient. The design is so simple that the user won’t find any difficulties while working on it.

In this System Python Code also includes a downloadable Project With Source Code for free, just find the downloadable source code below and click to start downloading.

Watch the video here to see the full running source code of Health Management System in Python with Source Code

By the way if you are new to python programming and you don’t know what would be the the Python IDE to use, I have here a list of Best Python IDE for Windows, Linux, Mac OS that will suit for you. I also have here How to Download and Install Latest Version of Python on Windows.

To start executing Health Management System In Python, make sure that you have installed Python 3.9 and PyCharm in your computer.

Health Management System In Python With Source Code : Steps on how to run the project

Time needed: 5 minutes

These are the steps on how to run Health Management System In Python With Source Code

  • Step 1: Download the given source code below.

    First, download the given source code below and unzip the source code.
    health management system download source code

  • Step 2: Import the project to your PyCharm IDE.

    Next, import the source code you’ve download to your PyCharm IDE.
    health management system open project

  • Step 3: Run the project.

    last, run the project with the command “py”
    health management system run project

Installed Libraries

import getpass
import sqlite3

Complete Source Code

import getpass
import sqlite3
from os import system, name
def screen_clear():
   if name == 'nt':
      _ = system('cls')
      _ = system('clear')
cursor.execute("""select count(name) from sqlite_master where type='table' and name='doctor'""")
if cursor.fetchone()[0]==0:
    cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE doctor ( 
    d_id number primary key, 
    dnamedfirst VARCHAR2(20), 
    dnamedlast VARCHAR2(30), 
    password varchar2(20) not null,
    speciality varchar2(40) not null,
    shift varchar2(10) not null,
    phone number(10) not null);""")
cursor.execute("""select count(name) from sqlite_master where type='table' and name='patient'""")
if cursor.fetchone()[0]==0:
    cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE patient ( 
    p_id number primary key, 
    pfirst VARCHAR2(20), 
    pdlast VARCHAR2(30), 
    City varchar2(20) not null,
    DOB date not null,
    age number not null,
    DOA date not null,
    number number(10) not null);""")
    cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE virus ( 
    p_id number not null, 
    dname VARCHAR2(20) primary key,
    vname VARCHAR2(20), 
    treatment VARCHAR2(50), 
    symptoms varchar2(50) not null);""")
    cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE bacteria ( 
    p_id number not null, 
    dname VARCHAR2(20) primary key,
    bname VARCHAR2(20), 
    treatment VARCHAR2(50), 
    symptoms varchar2(50) not null);""")
    cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE injury ( 
    p_id number not null, 
    iname VARCHAR2(20) primary key,
    idiagnosis VARCHAR2(50), 
    type varchar2(50) not null);""")
    cursor.execute("""insert into patient values(101,'Mohit','Nayak','Bangalore','15-March-2001',18,'08-March-2020',9078435952)""")
    cursor.execute("""insert into patient values(102,'Anikiat','Saraf','Kolkata','22-Dec-2000','19','15-Feb-2020',9674825476)""")
    cursor.execute("""insert into patient values(103,'Rishank','Pratik','Orissa','22-Dec-2001','18','19-Nov-2015',9117854569)""")
    cursor.execute("""insert into patient values(104,'Risav','Jana','Nepal','06-Jan-2001',18,'25-Oct-2010',7854963284)""")
    cursor.execute("""insert into patient values(105,'Wilson','Vidyut','Mumbai','23-Nov-2001',18,'23-Nov-2005',7854129645)""")
    cursor.execute("""insert into patient values(106,'Dinesh','Sharma','Rajasthan','23-Feb-2000',20,'23-Feb-2000',8476423858)""")
    cursor.execute("""insert into virus values(103,'Ebola','Ebov','Oxygen Therapy, IV Fluids','Muscle Pain, Fever, Bleeding')""")
    cursor.execute("""insert into virus values(105,'Measles','Paramyxo','Vitamin A','Cough, Skin Rash')""")
    cursor.execute("""insert into bacteria values(101,'TB','Mycobacterium','Antibiotics','Cough and Sneezes')""")
    cursor.execute("""insert into bacteria values(106,'Cholera','Vibrio','IV Fluids, Antibiotics','Seizures, Diarrhoea')""")
    cursor.execute("""insert into injury values(102,'Hair line Fracture','Plaster, Pain Killer','Toe Fracture')""")
    cursor.execute("""insert into injury values(104,'bullet wound','Removal of Bullet','Wound')""")
    print("Databse created successfully")
    while e!=0:
        e=int(input("1. Sign In\n2. Create a New Doctor Account\n"))
        if e==2:
            did=int(input('\nEnter id - '))
            dnf=input('Enter first name - ')
            dnl=input('Enter last name - ')
            pas=getpass.getpass('Enter password - ')
            spec=input('Enter speciality - ')
            shf=input('Enter working shift - ')
            ph=int(input('Enter phone number - '))
            cursor.execute("""insert into doctor values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)""",(did,dnf,dnl,pas,spec,shf,ph))
        elif e==1:
            while error==1:
                i=input("\nEnter your ID - ")
                p=getpass.getpass("Enter your Password - ")
                cursor.execute("""select count(d_id) from doctor where d_id=(?)""",(i,))
                if cursor.fetchone()[0]==1:
                    cursor.execute("""select count(password) from doctor where password=?""",(p,))
                    if cursor.fetchone()[0]==1:
                        print("\nSign in successful!")
                        cursor.execute("""select d_id,dnamedfirst,dnamedlast,speciality,shift,phone from doctor where d_id=(?)""",(i,))
                        for row in cursor.fetchall():
                           print("ID -",row[0],"  Name -",row[1], row[2],"  Speciality -",row[3],"\nShift -",row[4],"  Phone Number -",row[5])
                        while r!=0:
                           print("\n1. View Patient details\n2. Add a New Patient\n3. Delete Patient Details\n0. Exit")
                           if r==1:
                              access=input("\nEnter Patient ID:- ")
                              cursor.execute("""select count(*) from patient where p_id=(?)""",(access,))
                              if cursor.fetchone()[0]!=0:
                                 cursor.execute("""select * from patient where p_id=(?)""",(access,))
                                 print("\nPatient Details - ")
                                 for row in cursor.fetchall():
                                    print("Id: ", row[0])
                                    print("First Name: ", row[1])
                                    print("Last Name: ", row[2])
                                    print("City: ", row[3])
                                    print("Date of Birth: ", row[4])
                                    print("Age: ", row[5])
                                    print("Date of Admission: ", row[6])
                                 print("\nDiagnosis Report - ")
                                 cursor.execute("""select count(*) from virus where p_id=(?)""",(access,))
                                 if cursor.fetchone()[0]!=0:
                                    cursor.execute("""select * from virus where p_id=(?)""",(access,))
                                    for row in cursor.fetchall():
                                       print("Id: ", row[0])
                                       print("Disease Name: ", row[1])
                                       print("Virus Name: ", row[2])
                                       print("Treatment: ", row[3])
                                       print("Symptoms: ", row[4])
                                 cursor.execute("""select count(*) from bacteria where p_id=(?)""",(access,))
                                 if cursor.fetchone()[0]!=0:
                                    cursor.execute("""select * from bacteria where p_id=(?)""",(access,))
                                    for row in cursor.fetchall():
                                       print("Id: ", row[0])
                                       print("Disease Name: ", row[1])
                                       print("Bacteria Name: ", row[2])
                                       print("Treatment: ", row[3])
                                       print("Symptoms: ", row[4])
                                 cursor.execute("""select count(*) from injury where p_id=(?)""",(access,))
                                 if cursor.fetchone()[0]!=0:
                                    cursor.execute("""select * from injury where p_id=(?)""",(access,))
                                    for row in cursor.fetchall():
                                       print("Id: ", row[0])
                                       print("Injury Name: ", row[1])
                                       print("Diagnosis Name: ", row[2])
                                       print("Type: ", row[3])
                                 print("Incorrect Patient id")
                           elif r==2:
                              pid=int(input('\nEnter id - '))
                              pnf=input('Enter first name - ')
                              pnl=input('Enter last name - ')
                              pcity=input('Enter city - ')
                              pdob=input('Enter date of birth - ')
                              page=int(input('Enter age - '))
                              pdoa=input('Enter date of admission - ')
                              pnum=int(input('Enter phone number - '))
                              cursor.execute("""insert into patient values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)""",(pid,pnf,pnl,pcity,pdob,page,pdoa,pnum))
                              print("\n1. Virus\n2. Bacteria\n3. Injury")
                              if m==1:
                                 dname=input("\nEnter disease name - ")
                                 bname=input("Enter virus name - ")
                                 treatment=input("Enter treatment - ")
                                 symptoms=input("Enter symptoms - ")
                                 cursor.execute("""insert into virus values(?,?,?,?,?)""",(pid,dname,bname,treatment,symptoms))
                              elif m==2:
                                 dname=input("\nEnter disease name - ")
                                 bname=input("Enter bacteria name - ")
                                 treatment=input("Enter treatment - ")
                                 symptoms=input("Enter symptoms - ")
                                 cursor.execute("""insert into bacteria values(?,?,?,?,?)""",(pid,dname,bname,treatment,symptoms))
                              elif m==3:
                                 iname=input("\nEnter injury name - ")
                                 idiag=input("Enter diagnosis - ")
                                 itype=input("Enter injury type - ")
                                 cursor.execute("""insert into injury values(?,?,?,?)""",(pid,iname,idiag,itype))
                              print("\nPatient Added")
                           elif r==3:
                              access=input("\nEnter Patient ID:- ")
                              cursor.execute("""select count(*) from patient where p_id=(?)""",(access,))
                              if cursor.fetchone()[0]!=0:
                                 cursor.execute("""delete from patient where p_id=(?)""",(access,))
                                 cursor.execute("""select count(*) from virus where p_id=(?)""",(access,))
                                 if cursor.fetchone()[0]!=0:
                                    cursor.execute("""delete from virus where p_id=(?)""",(access,))
                                 cursor.execute("""select count(*) from bacteria where p_id=(?)""",(access,))
                                 if cursor.fetchone()[0]!=0:
                                    cursor.execute("""delete from bacteria where p_id=(?)""",(access,))
                                 cursor.execute("""select count(*) from injury where p_id=(?)""",(access,))
                                 if cursor.fetchone()[0]!=0:
                                    cursor.execute("""delete from injury where p_id=(?)""",(access,))
                                 print("Incorrect Patient id Patient does not exist")
                              print("\nPatient Deleted")
                           elif r==0:
                        print("Incorrect passoword. Please retry ")
                    print("Incorrect User ID. Please retry ")
        elif e==2212:
            cursor.execute("""select * from doctor""")
            cursor.execute("""select * from virus""")
            cursor.execute("""select * from bacteria""")
            cursor.execute("""select * from injury""")
def progress(status, remaining, total):
    print(f'Copied {total-remaining} of {total} pages...')

    sqliteCon = sqlite3.connect('hospital.db')
    backupCon = sqlite3.connect('hospital_backup.db')
    with backupCon:
        sqliteCon.backup(backupCon, pages=1, progress=progress)
    print("backup successful")
except sqlite3.Error as error:
    print("Error while taking backup: ", error)


Download Source Code below


Health Issue Management project is written in Python. The project file contains a python script ( and other essential project files. The project is made as a part of the Database Management System Project using SQL Lite 3 and Python 3. This is a system that stores and retrieves data associated with medical treatment.

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