The Purpose of this Computer Hardware Inventory System using MYSQL in VB.Net is to be used by Computer Hardware Companies specializing in selling computer hardware products to customers.
The Inventory Management System project is written in Visual Basic.NET. The project is founded on the idea of keeping and generating a record of inventory. In terms of the project, in order to gain access to the main menu, the user must first pass through the login system.
After logging into the system, he or she can create a new item/goods entry and access other functions such as item sales, item received, branch-issuer, capitalized-issuer, Expense-issuer, and Sales-issuer.
The user must input the Supplier’s name, item name, address, phone number, date, rate, and quantity when creating a new item, and the system will record the information into the database.
Every aspect of an inventory record saved in a database may be quickly retrieved. Aside from the capabilities listed above, the Navigation Bar contains additional features that can be accessed.
View stock – branch, customer, quantity on stock details, view store – supplier, customer details, change the password, and get comprehensive reports are only a few of the features.
Supplier name, item name, and date are the three sorts of search categories. Symbol numbers are used to organize all of the item data with suppliers in ascending order. Individual and Group are the two search categories available to users.
A student’s record can be erased from the database if he or she drops out or departs the school. The Institution Information tab contains details about the school as well as contact information.
The main features are:
- Supplier – Add,Delete,Update
- Product – Add,Delete,Update
- Stock In – adds quantity to the product
- Stock Out – sales out quantity
- Reports – sales report, and all summary reports
- Can Create Database.
If you have questions or suggestion regarding Computer Hardware Inventory System using MYSQL in VB.Net, please feel free to contact the programmer below:
Download Source Code here: Computer Hardware Inventory System using MYSQL in VB.Net
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