The project that enables institutions to admit students online is called the Student Admission System.
This project consists of processes that build the overall function of the system. To know the student admission system’s functions and processes, we will use the data flow diagram (DFD).
The DFD of the student admission system consists of the following levels:
- Context Diagram (Level 0)
- DFD Level 1
- DFD Level 2
Furthermore, the DFD levels discuss the student admission system data flow. These levels have their part in expounding the system’s data flow structure details.
It is then applied in creating Student Enrollment System ER Diagram.
Context Diagram – Student Admission System
The context diagram of the student admission system is the project’s main concept. This means that this level is the general process that initiates the idea of what to include in the project.
For example,

The example shows the project’s whole concept in a single process. It provides an initiation to generate sub-processes that complete the student “admission process”.
As shown in the given example, the single process involves external entities that interact with the system. The external entities are as follows:
- School Registrar
- Student Enrollees
These entities come in form of users, organizations, or other systems. Though they are part of the process, they were called external because they are out of the system’s scope.
Moving on to the student admission sub-processes, we will have the DFD level 1.
1st Level DFD – Student Admission System
Student admission system DFD level 1 reveals all of the system’s possible sub-processes. Therefore, the idea of DFD level 0 is expanded in DFD level 1.
To enlighten you with the potential processes under the main concept, take a look at the example below:

This example illustrates how the system’s context works. As seen in this level, there are four potential sub-processes namely:
- Manage Enrollees Information
- Assign Courses
- Assign Subjects
- Processing Admissions
Take note that these ideas were derived from the common activities of actual student admission. You can also modify the given idea to meet your desired functions or use it as it is.
At this level, you already understand the project’s overall work and you may end your work here. However, the next level might also intrigue you about what is and how does it work?
2nd Level DFD – Student Admission System
The DFD level 2 is the highest concept abstraction among the mentioned levels. The reason why is that this level specifies the processes (if there are any) under the sub-process in level 1.
But let’s talk about an important part of the data flow diagram at this level.
For example, Databases:

Supposedly, the example should explain one of the sub-processes in level 1. Instead, it gives more emphasis to the system’s database (data store).
The data stores that the system needs are as follows:
- Courses Database
- Enrollees Database
- Subjects Database
- Admission Database
These data stores are responsible for keeping the data secure and available when needed. The information that the system gives will only go to the student who asked for it.
The student admission system is a project that provides efficient processing of enrollment through the internet. This means that system should work as how the manual enrollment does. The only difference is that the system enables students to enroll whenever and wherever they are.
Remember that in the case of specifying level 1’s sub-processes, this level may come in multiple illustrations. It depends on how many sub-processes need discussion.
Now, are you curious about the symbols that we used in the above illustrations?

Data Flow: The data that flows between external entities, processes, and data stores is known as data flow. It depicts the connection between the other components. In addition, a labeled arrow is used to indicate the flow of data.
Data Store: The data store is the project’s database or backbone. It stores all of the data inputs and secures them until later use.
External Entity: External entities are the source and target of the system’s information and interact with it. Users identify entities using the terms “terminators,” “sources,” “links,” and “actors.
Process: The DFD process component modifies data and generates output. In addition, it does calculations, sorts data based on logic, and regulates data flow by project specifications.
Student Enrollment System Data Flow Diagram Pdf
You may download the Data Flow Diagram for Student Enrollment System PDF by clicking the button below. It has the full details and discussion of the System’s Data Flow Diagram.
You can also modify its content to complete your project requirements and needs.
The data flow diagram for the student admission system shows how data moves from one level to the next.
The Level 0 or Context Diagram depicts the single and primary process of the student admission system, together with the primary users and data.
Then, the DFD levels 1 and 2 show how the system’s operations, subprocesses, and data flow work in detail.