How to Use Dompurify in JavaScript

In this article, we will show you the concept of Dompurify and learn how to use it effectively in JavaScript to protect against Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks.

We will include the basics, discuss its advantages, and provide practical example codes to determine its usage.

What is Dompurify?

Dompurify is a JavaScript library that provides a fast and secure way to purify HTML content.

It is specially designed to prevent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks by eliminating any potentially harmful scripts from user input.

Dompurify accomplishes this by parsing the HTML and DOM elements, filtering out unsafe tags and attributes, and ensuring that only safe content is concluded on the web page.

Why Should You Use Dompurify?

Using Dompurify provides several benefits for web developers. Here are a few reasons why you should consider compiling Dompurify into your JavaScript projects:

  • Enhanced Security
  • Simplicity
  • Performance
  • Compatibility

Now that we already know the importance of using Dompurify, let’s examine how to get started with this powerful JavaScript library.

Getting Started with Dompurify

Time needed: 3 minutes

To start using Dompurify in your JavaScript project, follow these simple steps:

  • Step 1: Download Dompurify

    You can download Dompurify from the official GitHub repository or use a package manager like npm or Yarn to install it directly into your project.

  • Step 2: Include Dompurify in Your HTML

    After downloading or installing Dompurify, include the library in your HTML file using a <script> tag.

    Make sure to set it before any other scripts that combine with user input.

  • Step 3: Sanitize User Input

    Once the Dompurify is included in your project, you can start using its sanitization methods to secure user input.

    Simply pass the user input through Dompurify’s API to sanitize it before rendering it on the web page.

How to Install Dompurify?

To install Dompurify using npm, open your command prompt or terminal and run the following command:

npm install dompurify

However, if you prefer using Yarn, run the following command instead:

yarn add dompurify

By running either of these commands, Dompurify will be added as a dependency in your project, allowing you to import it into your JavaScript files.

Using Dompurify to Sanitize User Input

Dompurify provides certain methods to sanitize user input.

Let’s take a look at an example code:

import DOMPurify from 'dompurify';

const userInput = '<script>alert("XSS Attack!");</script>';

const sanitizedInput = DOMPurify.sanitize(userInput);


In this example code, we first import the Dompurify library using the import statement.

Then, we define a variable called userInput consisting a sample string with a potential XSS attack script.

Using DOMPurify.sanitize(), we pass the userInput variable and access the sanitized output.

Finally, we log the sanitized input to the console.

By utilizing Dompurify in this aspect, you can assure that any HTML content provided by users is thoroughly sanitized before displaying it on your website.

Common Use Cases of Dompurify

Dompurify can be applied in different cases where user input needs to be sanitized.

Here are some common situations:

  • User Comments
    • If your website allows users to post comments or contribute content, it is important to sanitize their input to avoid any possible security breaches.
  • Rich Text Editors
    • When developing a rich text editor, Dompurify can assure that the content entered by users is safe and free from malicious scripts.
  • Input Forms
    • Sanitizing user input in input forms helps protect against possible attacks and it will assures that only safe data is stored in your database.
  • Dynamic Content
    • If your web application generates dynamic content based on user input, using Dompurify becomes vital for maintaining a secure environment.

Now, let’s answer some frequently asked questions about using Dompurify.


Is Dompurify compatible with all web browsers?

Yes, Dompurify is compatible with all modern web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.

Can Dompurify handle large amounts of user input?

Absolutely! Dompurify is designed to handle both small and large amounts of user input efficiently, ensuring optimal performance.

Does Dompurify remove all HTML tags?

Dompurify removes potentially unsafe tags and attributes, but it preserves essential tags for rendering purposes, such as , , and

Can I extend Dompurify’s default configuration?

Yes, Dompurify allows you to customize its default configuration by defining additional allowed tags or attributes according to your specific requirements.

Is Dompurify actively maintained?

Yes, Dompurify is actively maintained by its developers and receives regular updates to solve any possible security issues.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to use Dompurify in JavaScript to protect your web applications against XSS attacks.

We learned about the significance of using Dompurify, its installation process, and its powerful sanitization capabilities.

By adding Dompurify to your JavaScript projects, you can increase the security of your web applications and protect your users from possible vulnerabilities.

By following the guidelines and applying the capabilities of Dompurify, you can assure a safer browsing experience for your users.

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