How JavaScript Format Date YYYYMMDD In 4 Methods

In this article, we will explore how to format dates in JavaScript using the “yyyymmdd” format.

In fact, one of the common tasks that developers often encounter is formatting dates according to a specific pattern.

So, let’s dive in and discover the techniques to achieve this.

What is JavaScript format date yyyymmdd?

JavaScript format date yyyymmdd refers to the specific format used to represent dates in the year-month-day format.

The “yyyymmdd” format is widely used in various applications and databases as it provides a standardized and easily sortable representation of dates.

Why is JavaScript format date yyyymmdd important?

The JavaScript format date yyyymmdd is important for several reasons.

Firstly, it ensures consistency in date representation across different systems and applications. This is particularly useful when sorting or comparing dates.

Secondly, it simplifies date parsing and manipulation, making it easier to work with dates in JavaScript.

How does JavaScript format date yyyymmdd?

Here are different ways to format a date in JavaScript as “yyyymmdd“.

Method 1: Using the getFullYear(), getMonth(), and getDate() methods:

In this method, we create a new Date object to represent the current date.

Then we use the getFullYear() method to get the full year, getMonth() method to get the month (adding 1 because the month is zero-based), and getDate() method to get the day.

We use string manipulation techniques like slice() and concatenation (+) to format the date as “yyyymmdd”.

var currentDate = new Date();
var year = currentDate.getFullYear();
var month = ('0' + (currentDate.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
var day = ('0' + currentDate.getDate()).slice(-2);
var formattedDate = year + month + day;



Method 2: Using the toISOString() method and string manipulation:

The toISOString() method returns a string representation of the date in ISO 8601 format.

We can then use string manipulation techniques to extract the year, month, and day from the resulting string.

By using slice(0, 10), we extract the first 10 characters representing the date (e.g., “yyyy-mm-dd”).

We then use replace(/-/g, “”) to remove the hyphens from the string, resulting in “yyyymmdd”.

var currentDate = new Date();
var formattedDate = currentDate.toISOString().slice(0, 10).replace(/-/g, "");



Method 3: Using the toLocaleDateString() method with specific options:

The toLocaleDateString() method provides a localized string representation of the date. We pass the ‘en-US’ locale and specific options to format the date.

The options object specifies that we want the year, month, and day in a 2-digit format.

The resulting localized date string may include slashes, so we use replace(/\//g, “”) to remove them and obtain “yyyymmdd”.

var currentDate = new Date();
var options = { year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit' };
var formattedDate = currentDate.toLocaleDateString('en-US', options).replace(/\//g, "");



Method 4: Using a library like Moment.js (requires importing the library):

Another method is using Moment.js a well-known JavaScript library for handling dates and times.

By importing the library and passing the date object to the moment() function, we create a Moment.js object representing the current date.

Then we use the .format(‘YYYYMMDD’) method to format the date as “yyyymmdd”.

var currentDate = new Date();
var formattedDate = moment(currentDate).format('YYYYMMDD');



These methods will all produce the date in the “yyyymmdd” format. You can choose the method that suits your preference or existing project setup.

Here are additional resources you can check out to help you master JavaScript.


In conclusion, this article explored different techniques for formatting dates in JavaScript using the “yyyymmdd” format. The “yyyymmdd” format is widely used due to its standardized and easily sortable representation of dates.

The article discussed four methods for achieving this format.

  • using the getFullYear(), getMonth(), and getDate() methods
  • the toISOString() method
  • the toLocaleDateString() method
  • use of the Moment.js library

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