How to change first letter capital in JavaScript?

In this article, I will be going to show you how to change first letter capital in JavaScript.

In JavaScript, there are times when we need to employ strings and change the capitalization of the first letter.

Also, we will discuss the different methods and solutions to finish this task.

Method to Change First Letter Capital in JavaScript

Here are the following methods to change the first letter capital in JavaScript.

Method 1: Using the charAt() and toUpperCase() Functions

The first method to change the first letter capital in JavaScript is by utilizing the charAt() and toUpperCase() functions.

Here’s an example code that uses the charAt() and toUpperCase() function:

function capitalizeFirstLetterExample(str) {
  return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);

var myExampleString = "Welcome To the Tutorial of JavaScript Capitalize the First letter";
var sampleCapitalizedString = capitalizeFirstLetterExample(myExampleString);



Using the charAt() and toUpperCase() Functions of How to change first letter capital in JavaScript

By using the charAt() function, we will be able to access the first character of the string, and then we use the toUpperCase() function to convert it to uppercase.

Finally, we merge the capitalized first letter with the remaining part of the string using the slice() method.

Method 2: Using Regular Expressions

Another method to changing the first letter capital in JavaScript is by applying regular expressions.

Here’s an example that demonstrates of how to use regular expressions:

function capitalizeFirstLetterExample(str) {
  return str.replace(/^(.)(.*)$/, function(_, firstChar, remainingChars) {
    return firstChar.toUpperCase() + remainingChars;

var myExampleString = "Welcome To the Tutorial of JavaScript Capitalize the First letter";
var sampleCapitalizedString = capitalizeFirstLetterExample(myExampleString);


In this example code, we use the replace() function along with a regular expression to match the first character of the string.

Then, the toUpperCase() function is applied to the matched character, and the remaining characters are retained.

Additional Solution and Tips

1. Handling Empty Strings

When interacting with the capitalization of the first letter in JavaScript, it is important to consider how to handle empty strings.

When the input string is empty or contains whitespace only, you should account for such cases and handle them accordingly.

Here’s an example code that uses handling empty strings:

function capitalizeFirstLetter(str) {
  if (str.trim() === "") {
    return str; 


2. Applying Capitalization to Multiple Words

The methods discussed earlier focus on capitalizing the first letter of a single word.

If you need to capitalize the first letter of each word in a string, you can use the following code example:

function capitalizeMultipleWords(str) {
  return str.replace(/\b\w/g, function(match) {
    return match.toUpperCase();

var mySampleString = "Capitalization to Multiple Words";
var capitalizedExampleString = capitalizeMultipleWords(mySampleString);



Applying Capitalization to Multiple Words of How to change first letter capital in JavaScript

In this example, we apply a regular expression (\b\w) to match the beginning of each word, and then the toUpperCase() function is applied to each matched character.

3. Error Handling

It’s important to handle possible errors that may occur when changing the first letter capital in JavaScript.

Consider validating the input string and providing proper error messages or fallback actions to prevent unexpected results.


Can I change the capitalization of a specific letter in a string using JavaScript?

Yes, you can change the capitalization of any letter in a string using JavaScript. However, you need to locate the position of the letter you want to change and use string manipulation methods accordingly.

Does changing the first letter capital affect the original string?

No, changing the first letter capital in JavaScript doesn’t change the original string. Instead, it returns a new string with the proper capitalization.

Can I change the capitalization of multiple letters within a string?

Yes, you can change the capitalization of multiple letters within a string by applying the correct string manipulation methods. Regular expressions can be specially useful in such cases.


In conclusion, we have provided you examples and methods of How to change first letter capital in JavaScript.

By applying the methods and solutions outlined in this article, you can easily accomplish this task.

Whether you select the charAt() and toUpperCase() functions or opt for regular expressions, JavaScript provides the essential tools to manipulate string capitalization.

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