How to Remove a Part of String in JavaScript?

Are you ready to discover and explore the solutions on how to remove a part of the string in JavaScript?

In this article, we will hand you several solutions that will help you in removing the substring or part of the string.

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

What is JavaScript string?

A JavaScript string is a sequence of characters used to represent text. It is one of the primitive data types in JavaScript, along with numbers, booleans, null, and undefined.

Strings can be created using either single (‘ ‘) or double (” “) quotes, and they have many built-in methods that allow you to manipulate and work with them.

For instance, you can use the length property to find the length of a string, the indexOf() method to search for a substring within a string, or the substring() method to extract a part of a string.

Solutions on how to remove part of string in JavaScript

Here are some more examples of how to remove part of a string in JavaScript:

Solution 1: Using the split() and pop() methods

You can split the string into an array of strings using a specified separator string, then use the pop() method to remove the last element from the array and return that element.

For example:

let samplestr = "Welcome to Itsourcecode!";
let arr = samplestr.split(" ");
let laststr = arr.pop();



Solution 2: Use the substring() method

You can use the substring() method to extract a part of a string and return it as a new string.

For example:

let samplestr = "Itsourcecode gives you free tutorials!";
let laststr = samplestr.substring(samplestr.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1);



Here’s another example:

const samplestr = "Welcome to Itsourcecode!";
const startIndex = 10; // Start index of the part you want to keep
const endIndex = 23;   // End index of the part you want to keep

const newsampleStr = samplestr.substring(startIndex, endIndex); ✅



Solution 3: Use template literals

You can use template literals to create a new string by concatenating parts of the original string with other strings or expressions.

For example:

let samplestr = 'Welcome to Itsourcecode';
let [first, second, third] = samplestr.split(" ");
samplestr = `${third}`;  ✅



Solution 4: Use the slice() method

The slice() method is similar to substring() and extracts a portion of a string between two indices.

For example:

let samplestr = 'Itsourcecode is the best!';
const startIndex = 0; // Start index of the part you want to keep
const endIndex = 12;   // End index of the part you want to keep

const newsampleStr = samplestr.slice(startIndex, endIndex); ✅



Solution 5: Use the regular expressions:

If you want to remove a specific pattern from a string, you can use regular expressions with replace().

For example:

const samplestr = "Hi, Welcome to Itsourcecode!";
const StringToRemove = /Hi,/; ✅

const newsampleString = samplestr.replace(StringToRemove, "");


 Welcome to Itsourcecode!


We have discussed several ways to remove a part of a string in JavaScript. 

Some of the methods you can use include the split() and pop() methods, the substring() method, template literals, the slice() method, and regular expressions.

It is crucial to understand how each method works. So you can choose the best one for your specific use case.

We hope this article has provided you with enough information to help you understand how to remove part of string JavaScript.

If you want to dive into more JavaScript topics, check out the following articles:

Thank you for reading Itsourcecoders 😊.

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