How to Math round down in JavaScript? Round Down a Number

In today’s tutorial, you’ll discover the best ways to Math round down a number in JavaScript.

We will hand you the different solutions how to round down a number in JavaScript using various methods such as Math.floor(), bitwise OR operation, and Math.trunc().

So, let’s get started to enhance your JavaScript skills!

Different solutions on how to Math round down in JavaScript

There are various ways to Math round down a number in JavaScript. Here are some of the most common methods:

Solution 1: Use Math.floor()

You can round down a number in JavaScript, using the Math.floor() function.

This function takes a number as an input and returns the largest integer less than or equal to that number.

Here is an example:

var samplenum = 5.6;
var roundedDownNum = Math.floor(samplenum); ✅

As you can see, we use Math.floor() is used to round down the number 5.6 to 5.



Please note that Math.floor() always rounds down, so even 5.999 would be rounded down to 5.

Solution 2: Use bitwise OR operation

This method is faster than using Math.floor() but only works for positive numbers. It involves using the bitwise OR operator (|) to round down a number.

For example:

var samplenum = 6.6;
var roundedDownNum = samplenum | 0; ✅



Solution 3: Use Math.trunc()

Math.trunc() is a function in JavaScript that takes a number as an input and returns the integer part of the number by removing any fractional digits.

For example, if you have the number 7.6 and you want to round it down to the nearest integer, you can use Math.trunc(7.6) which would return 7.

Similarly, if you have the number -7.6 and you want to round it down, you can use Math.trunc(-7.6) which would return -7.

Here is an example of how to use Math.trunc() to round down a number in JavaScript:

var samplenum = 7.6;
var roundedDownNum = Math.trunc(samplenum);



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the difference between Math.floor() and Math.round()?

Math.floor() and Math.round() are two different functions in JavaScript that are used to round numbers. The main difference between them is the way they round the numbers.

Math.floor() rounds a number down to the nearest integer. For example, Math.floor(5.6) would return 5, and Math.floor(-5.6) would return -6.

On the other hand, Math.round() rounds a number to the nearest integer, rounding up if the fractional part is equal to or greater than 0.5, and rounding down otherwise.

For example, Math.round(5.6) would return 6, while Math.round(5.4) would return 5.

Similarly, Math.round(-5.6) would return -6, while Math.round(-5.4) would return -5.

In simple word, Math.floor() always rounds down, while Math.round() rounds to the nearest integer, rounding up if the fractional part is equal to or greater than 0.5, and rounding down otherwise.

Can I use Math.round() to round down?

No, Math.round() rounds to the nearest integer, so it may round up if the decimal part is greater than or equal to 0.5. To round down, use Math.floor().

How to round down a specific number of decimal places?

To round down to a specific number of decimal places, you can multiply the number by a power of 10, round it down using Math.floor(), and then divide it by the same power of 10.

For example, to round down to two decimal places, multiply by 100, round down, and then divide by 100.


There are several ways to round down a number in JavaScript. As we have explored some of the most common methods such as using Math.floor(), bitwise OR operation, and Math.trunc().

Math.floor() is a straightforward way to round down to the nearest integer, while the bitwise OR operation is a faster alternative for positive numbers. Math.trunc() removes fractional digits, effectively rounding down the number.

We’ve also clarified the differences between Math.floor() and Math.round() and explained how to round down to a specific number of decimal places.

We hope this article has provided you with enough information to help you understand the math round down JavaScript.

If you want to dive into more JavaScript topics, check out the following articles:

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