Discover What is previousSibling JavaScript And How To Use It

Hi! In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the potential of previousSibling in JavaScript and how it can make your web development journey smoother.

Along with this, we’ll cover various aspects, from understanding the basics to implementing advanced techniques.

Let’s start by understanding the fundamentals.

When you are wondering how websites seamlessly interact with users and display dynamic content.

The Document Object Model (DOM) is the answer.

The DOM is a crucial concept in web development, allowing developers to manipulate web page elements.

Further, PreviousSibling stands out for its ability to facilitate efficient DOM navigation among the various properties and methods available in JavaScript.

What is previousSibling in JavaScript?

The previousSibling property is used to access the previous sibling node of a given element in the DOM.

This property grants you direct access to the sibling node, which can be an element, text node, or comment.

In this case, when working with HTML elements, you often need to move between them.

Here’s how you can utilize previousSibling for element navigation:

const currentElement = document.getElementById("currentElement");
const previousElement = currentElement.previousSibling;

Text nodes are also common within HTML structures. Therefore, you can leverage previousSibling to manipulate them effectively:

const targetElement = document.getElementById("targetElement");
const previousText = targetElement.previousSibling;

How to get all previous sibling in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, the DOM represents the structure of a web page, allowing you to access and manipulate its elements.

Retrieving all previous siblings of an element can be a useful task, especially when you want to perform actions on elements that appear before a certain element.

Let’s explore various methods to achieve this:

Using the previousElementSibling Property

One of the simplest ways to get the previous sibling of an element is by using the previousElementSibling property.

This property returns the previous sibling element in the DOM tree, excluding text nodes.

Here’s an example:

   const currentElement = document.getElementById('currentElement');
        const previousSibling = currentElement.previousElementSibling;

        if (previousSibling) {
            // Perform actions on the previous sibling
   = 'lightgreen'; // Change background color
            previousSibling.classList.add('highlighted'); // Add a CSS class
            const siblingText = previousSibling.textContent; // Get the text content
            console.log(`Previous sibling text: ${siblingText}`);
        } else {
            console.log("No previous sibling found.");

Iterating Through Siblings with previousSibling

While the previousElementSibling property directly provides the immediate previous sibling, you might sometimes need to iterate through all previous siblings.

The previousSibling property can help achieve this:

const currentElement = document.getElementById('currentElement');
let previousSibling = currentElement.previousSibling;

while (previousSibling) {
    if (previousSibling.nodeType === 1) {
        // Perform actions on the previous sibling element
    previousSibling = previousSibling.previousSibling;

Utilizing querySelectorAll for Flexibility

For more complex scenarios, you can leverage the querySelectorAll method along with the :is() and :nth-last-of-type() pseudo-classes to select multiple previous siblings based on specific criteria:

const currentElement = document.getElementById('currentElement');
const previousSiblings = currentElement.parentElement.querySelectorAll(':is(*:nth-last-of-type(-n+2))');

previousSiblings.forEach(sibling => {
    // Perform actions on each selected previous sibling

Leveraging jQuery for Simplified Traversal

If you’re using the jQuery library, DOM traversal becomes even more straightforward.

The .prevAll() method in jQuery allows you to retrieve all previous siblings of an element:

const currentElement = $('#currentElement');
const previousSiblings = currentElement.prevAll();

previousSiblings.each(function() {
    // Perform actions on each previous sibling


To conclude, previoussibling JavaScript stands as a crucial technique for seamless DOM manipulation.

By allowing developers to target the previous sibling element, it enables dynamic content updates and enhances user experience.

As you embark on your coding journey, embrace the power of previousSibling JavaScript and unlock a world of interactive possibilities.

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