HTTP Status Code 428 Precondition Required

What is HTTP Status Code 428?

The HTTP Status Code 428, or “Precondition Required”, is a status code that signifies the server needs the client to meet certain conditions before processing a request.

This usually implies that a necessary precondition header, like If-Match, isn’t present.

If a precondition header doesn’t match the server’s state, the response should be 412 Precondition Failed.

Root Causes of HTTP code 428

The 428 Precondition Required status code usually occurs when the client hasn’t provided certain essential information or hasn’t fulfilled specific conditions.

Common triggers for a 428 status code include:

  • The server needs a specific version of the resource.
  • The server needs the client to authenticate before processing the request.
  • The server needs a specific MIME type for the resource.
  • The server needs certain headers to be present in the request before it can be processed.

How to fix the HTTP Status Code 428 Precondition Required Error?

To fix the HTTP Status Code 428 Precondition Required error, you can follow these solutions:

Solution 1: Verify the Headers

Ensure that your request includes all the necessary headers.

These headers might include If-Match, If-Unmodified-Since, and others.

These headers are used to specify certain conditions that must be true for the server to fulfill the request.

Solution 2: Maintain Data Consistency

The HTTP 428 status code is often used to maintain data consistency during updates.

The server might require the client only to update a resource if it hasn’t been modified since the client last checked.

This is done to prevent conflicts and ensure data integrity.

Solution 3: Provide Detailed Responses

If the server responds with a 428 status code, it should also provide a detailed explanation of what conditions need to be met.

This information is usually included in the response body or the WWW-Authenticate header.

Solution 4: Wait and Retry

The server’s response might include a Retry-After header, which tells the client how long to wait before making another request.

This is used to prevent the client from making too many requests in a short period of time.

Keep in mind that the use of a 428 status code is optional.

If you’re seeing this status code frequently, it might indicate a larger issue with how your site handles requests.

Regular 428 codes could slow down your site and negatively affect your SEO.

It’s worth looking into why your site returns 428 status codes to improve its performance and user experience.


We’ve discussed the HTTP Status Code 428, or “Precondition Required”, which is a status code that signifies the server needs the client to meet certain conditions before processing a request.

By implementing the solutions provided above, you can confidently address and resolve this issue.

I hope this article helps you rectify this error.

For further learning, you can also check the following HTTP status code:

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