How to fix HTTP Status Code 424 Failed Dependency?

What is HTTP Status Code 424?

The HTTP status code 424, also known as Failed Dependency, is a client-side error that indicates that the requested action couldn’t be executed on the resource because it relied on another action that was unsuccessful.

This status code is often used in protocols such as WebDAV.

Root Causes of HTTP 424

The main cause of an HHTP 424 error is usually a missing or inaccessible dependency.

This means the resource requested depends on another component or service that is either not present or cannot be reached.

Apart from that, it could be due to an issue with a third-party API, database, or internal server.

For instance, if a command in a PROPPATCH method doesn’t work, then all the remaining commands will also fail, resulting in a 424 (Failed Dependency) status.

It’s provided by the server as part of a 207 Multi-Status response.

How to fix HTTP Status Code 424 Failed Dependency?

Here are some steps to resolve the 424 HTTP status code error:

Solution 1: Examine the server logs

Server logs can provide valuable insights into what transpired during the request.

Look for any error messages or warnings that might shed light on the issue.

If the logs indicate a specific problem, such as a failed dependency, you can then take appropriate action to resolve it.

Solution 2: Check the client’s request

Ensure that the client’s request is both accurate and complete.

If the request is missing necessary information or has incorrect data, it could lead to a 424 error.

Correcting the request could resolve the issue.

Solution 3: Verify your internet connection

A stable and strong internet connection is crucial for successful requests.

If your internet connection is unstable or weak, it could disrupt the request and result in a 424 error.

Ensuring a reliable internet connection could help prevent these errors.

Solution 4: Look for updates

Keeping your web browser and any relevant plugins or extensions up-to-date is important.

Outdated software can sometimes cause issues with requests.

By ensuring you have the latest versions, you can help prevent a 424 error.

Solution 5: Check for typos

Typos in the URL or other parts of the request could lead to a 424 error.

Make sure to verify the spelling and syntax of the URL you are trying to access. Correcting any typos could resolve the issue.


In this article, we have discussed the HTTP status code 424, also known as 424 Failed Dependency, which is a client-side error that indicates that the requested action couldn’t be executed on the resource because it relied on another action that was unsuccessful.

By implementing the solutions provided above, you can confidently address and resolve this issue.

I hope this article helps you rectify this error.

For further learning, you can also check the following HTTP status code:

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