Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 5
This Chapter of Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 5, concludes the reports and a summary of the research is presented, and findings of the study are discussed and interpreted.
The main purpose of this study was to design and develop a Classroom Management System Online System that will help the teachers to record the attendance and the academic grades of the students anytime online.
1. The Objective of the study was design and develop Classroom Management System Online that a. To record easily the attendance of the students b. To see the grades of the students online c. To easily compute the academic grades of the students.
2. The Objective was to assess the developed features and functions of the Classroom Management System Online in terms of Auditability, Accuracy, Completeness, Communication, Commonality, Conciseness, Consistency, Observability, Operability, Security, Self-Documentation, Simplicity, Software System Independence, Traceability, Training, Controllability, Data Commonality, Decomposability, Error Tolerance, Execution Efficiency, Expandability, Generality, Hardware Independence, Instrumentation, Modularity.
3. The Objective was to evaluate the Classroom Management System Online in terms of functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, and portability.
The study used iterative Development in developing the system Application. The proponents selected the Carlos Hilado Memorial College to evaluate the system using the ISO software Quality Model.
The proponents conducted an evaluation to determine the acceptability and functionality of the system. After the evaluation, the result came out to be both “”, therefore the proponents conclude that the system
1.In terms of user’s feedback, the respondents shown their positive ideas toward evaluating the developed web based for intending to the classroom despite a couple of technological limitations.
2.Based on the result gathered in the evaluation, the features of the system were all useful in managing a classroom.
3.The result of the evaluation using PPSUQ specified criteria was the basis to conclude the functionality if the system.
According to the responders users ratings to the system the system, the system was helpful in terms of barcode scanner and manageable though some of them were not really into technology but they were satisfied of the system function.
1.To provide more efficient and productive way of scanning the barcode ID of the student.
2.To design and develop the system with barcode scanner to record the attendance of the student for securing the important data for essential purposes and save up important record of everyday attendance and to be the basis of the classroom which is given to the student.
3.To evaluate the usability of the system according to the system’s Usefulness, information qualityand interface quality.
Based on the information given, the things that the responders would like to add were that it could be also useful in other types of sport.
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 5 : References
Attendance Monitoring System for Laboratory Rooms
Castillo C. M. Casas, S. B., Ibanez, M. I., Pilongco, J. C. & Sitoy, M. C.. (2013). 503 and 601. PULSAR, 2(1).
Retrieved from http://
Board me app: A mobile application for Classroom attendance in university belt (2017)
Meldrick P. Abella, Lander M. Pecdasen, Gideon Gerald R. Fajardo, Layka G. Pascual, Marilou N. Jamis
Retrieve From
“Home-bro: Web Based Students’ Attendance monitoring System” (2019)
Mary Anne M. Sahagun and Jun P. Flores,
Retrieved From
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 5 : Appendices (Appendix A. “Relevant Resource Code”)
Attendance Log
<div class=”container”>
if($_SESSION[‘level’] == 0){
$loadStudentLog = System::loadStudentLog($_SESSION[‘sid’]);
<div class=”row” style=”margin-top:20px;”>
<?php if(!empty($loadStudentLog)): ?>
<div class=”table-designed-header”><h3>Attendance Log</h3></div>
<div class=”table-designed”>
<table class=”table table-bordered”>
<?php foreach($loadStudentLog as $key => $log): ?>
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 5 : (Appendix B. “Questioner”)
Experts’ Questionnaire
Name (Optional): ______________________________Date Evaluated: ______________
Direction: Please evaluate the following content to determine the acceptability of “Classroom Management System Online”. Please indicate your honest and sincere response to each statement by checking the number to the space provided.
1.0 – 2.19 – Very Useful
2.20 – 3.39 – Useful
3.40 – 4.59 – Moderately Useful
4.60 – 5.79 – Less Useful
5.80 – 7.00 – Least Useful
Table 18: Expert Questionnaire

Table 17 shows the Evaluation of End User using the PSSUQ Questionnaire
End-users’ Questionnaire
Name (Optional): ______________________________Date Evaluated: ______________
Direction: Please evaluate the following content to determine the acceptability of “Classroom Management System Online”. Please indicate your honest and sincere response to each statement by checking the number to the space provided.
1.0 – 2.19 – Very Useful
2.20 – 3.39 – Useful
3.40 – 4.59 – Moderately Useful
4.60 – 5.79 – Less Useful
5.80 – 7.00 – Least Useful
Table 19: End User Questionnaire

Table 19 shows the evaluation for the expert
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 5 : (Appendix C) “Sample Inputs“

Figure 15. The Sample Input of Adding New Student.
Figure shows the sample input for adding of new student. The student information are reflected in this record.

Figure 16: The Sample Input of Adding New Teacher.
Figure shows the sample input for adding of new teacher. The teacher information are reflected in this record.
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 5 : (Appendix D) “Sample Outputs“

Figure 17. The Sample Outputs of the List of Subjects.
Figure shows the sample output for the subject list information are reflected in this record.

Figure 18: The Sample Outputs of the Student List.
Figure shows the sample output for the student list information are reflected in this record.
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 5 : (Appendix E) “Sample Reports“

Figure 19. The Sample Reports of Student Grades.
Figure shows the sample reports for the Student Grades information are reflected in this record.

Figure 20. The Sample Reports of Attendance Log List.
Figure shows the sample Report for Attendance Log list information are reflected in this record.
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 5 : (Appendix F) “Users Guide“
The following figures service as the user’s guide in using the system.

Figure 21. Guide for Log in.

Figure 22. Guide for Main form.

Figure 23.q guide for Student.
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