Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3
This Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3, will discuss all the methods of the proponent system as well as the step by step processes of this study.
1.System Design
2.Participants of the Study
3.Data Gathering Procedure
4.Data Analysis and Procedure
5.System Development Life Cycle
6.Context Diagram
7.Data Flow Diagram
8.Functional Decomposition Diagram
9.Use Case Diagram
10.Use Case Description
11.Activity Diagram
12.Entity Relationship Diagram
13.Data Dictionary
14.Screen Layout
15.System Architecture
16.Software and Hardware Specification
17.Gantt chart
19.Time Table
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3 : System Design
Agile Development Model
Agile Development Model was a combination of iterative and incremental process models focused on process adaptability and customer satisfaction by rapid delivery of working software product. Agile methods broke the product into small incremental builds.

Figure 1. Agile Development Cycle
Shows the agile model that served as a basis for developing a Classroom Management System.
In this phase, the proponent gathered the system’s requirements, interview the client and gathered information about the manual process. The proponent specifies the hardware needed by the system.
In this phase, the proponent analyzed the functionality, features and the scope of the system. The proponent made a plan of what are the sequence of the things to be done.
In this phase, the proponent used the data gathered to design the system. The proponent come up with the idea of designing the system which is user friendly.
In this phase, the proponent started to develop the system, normalization of the database and started coding.
In this phase, the proponent tested the system to ensure that there were no major failures in the software and it meets the requirements of the client. It was successful when the AMA National High School accepted the system.
Track & Monitor
After releasing the system to the client, the proponent made sure that the system was continuously monitored.
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3 : Participants of the Study
The respondents of the study are the Teachers and Students who might be able to use this system for conveniences.
Table 2 Classification of Evaluators

Table 2 shows the classification of evaluators and the corresponding number of evaluators per classification. Five Experts and ten Users/Students.
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3 : Data Gathering Procedure
The proponents conducted a survey to determine the Teachers’ and Students’ evaluation of Classroom Management System. The proponents distributed the survey questionnaire to the users using the PSSUQ (Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire) and instructed the users to rate the developed system based on the criteria stated on the survey form. The users were given enough time to read, understand, and rate the proposed system. The proponents waited for the users to finish the survey and collected it afterwards for the computation of results.
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3 : Analysis and Procedure Data
After collecting all the survey form, the proponents used an appropriate descriptive statistical tool. The proponents utilized the mean to determine the users’ collective ratings.
The frequency and percentages were included to determine the demographic profile of the respondents with the formula:
1(n) + 2(n) + 3(n) + 4(n) + 5(n)
n = number of respondents result
N = the total number of respondents
In interpreting the derived weight mean, the hypothetical range with interpretation was applied.
Verbal Interpretation
Table 3 Verbal Interpretation

Table 3 shows the verbal interpretation of the evaluation.
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3 : Use Case Diagram

Figure 2: General Use case
Figure 2: This general use case figure shows the main functions of the system which is the basis for the system’s work and guide to the process as it will be breakdown into specific use cases.
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3 : Activity Diagram
Activity Diagram is the dynamic aspects of the system, the flow chart represents the flow from one activity to another activity.

Figure 3. The activity diagram of Classroom Management System.
Figure shows the flow of activities of Classroom Management System
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3 : Context Diagram
The Context Diagram illustrate the overview of the processes involved in the developed Classroom Management System.

Figure 5. Context Diagram
Figure shows the flow of context diagram of classroom management system.
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3 : Entity Relationship Diagram
An entity relationship diagram is a graphical representation that includes all the entities in the system and their corresponding relationships.

Figure 6. Entity Relationship Diagram
This figure shows the entity relationship diagram of Classroom Management System. It includes the entities in the system and the relationship of entity sets stored in the database.
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3 : Data Flow Diagram

Figure 7. Data Flow Diagram
The data flow diagram of Classroom Management System shown in figure 6 represent the flow of the system through-out the process. This system will show what kind of information well be input and where the data will go and how it is stored. This diagram shows how the system functions.
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3 : Data Dictionaries
These tables below provide the entire database tables details such as FIELD NAME, DESCRIPTION, TYPE and LENGHT.
Table 4: Teacher Info

Table 5: login

Table: 6 Year level

Table 7: Year Section

Table 8: attendance_log

Table 9: year level section student

Table 10: teacher subject

Table 11: subject year level

Table 12: subject teacher student

Table 13: subject info

Table 14: student info

Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3 : Screen Layout and Design

Figure 8. Log in Page
Shows the first page that is seen when using the system.

Figure 9. Subject Page
Display the subject information.

Figure 10. Year level page
Display the year level of school year.

Figure 11. Teacher information
Shows the Teacher Information

Figure 12. Student Information
Shows the Student Information

Figure 13. Add Student Grades
Shows the display for adding the student grades.
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3 : System Architectural Diagram of Online Management

Figure 14. System Architectural Diagram of Classroom Management System.
System Requirements
- Window 7 home basic 32bit or Later
- CPU including Intel Premium M, Core or Atom, AMD atlon 64 or later
- 1 GB ram or more
- 1024×768 Screen Resolution
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3 : Hardware and Software Specification
Hardware Specification:
ADM Dual-core E-450 APU (1.65 GHz) windows 7 Home basic 32bit Memory 2GB.
Software used for System Development
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3 : Gantt chart
A Gantt chart is a tool used for project time management. It presents the project schedule which includes the activities and their respective start date, end date, duration, and dependencies. The proponents used the Gantt chart to plan, coordinate, and track project activities.

Figure 15. Gantt Chart
Classroom Management System Thesis Documentation Chapter 3 : Time Table
The time table presents the sequence of the tasks done during the development of the system. It also shows the date started, date finished, and assigned members for each task.
Table 15: Time Table

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