Bank Management System Project in Python is a simple console-based application developed using Python programming language.
Basically, this device includes a Python script (Banking-System.Py) and a database.
Project Software Information
Project Name: | Bank Management System Project in Python |
Abstract: | A bank management system in Python is a simple console-based totally application and developed using Python programming language. |
Language/s Used: | Python Console Based |
Python version (Recommended): | 2.x or 3.x |
Database: | MySQL |
Type: | Python App |
Developer: | IT SOURCECODE |
Updates: | 0 |
Bank Management System in Python
This device is a simple console-based device so it’s very easy to understand and use. Talking about the machine, it includes all of the fundamental features required in a bank. There is no login system as this is a mini-project.
Besides, this means the person can use all those available capabilities without difficulty without any restrictions.
It’s too simple to use, the person can look at the facts of a total financial institution account without problems.
About The Project
In this tutorial, I will show you the way to install a Bank Management System Project In Python, this tutorial consists of the downloadable Bank Management System Project In Python which you alter to fit your customer requirements.
Before you start to create a Bank Management System Project In Python, make sure you have PyCharm IDE installed on your computer.
By the way, if you are new to Python programming and don’t know what Python IDE to use, I have here a list of the Best Python IDE for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS that will suit you. I also have here How to Download and Install the Latest Version of Python on Windows.
These are the steps on how to create a Bank Management System Project in Python.
Time needed: 5 minutes
Bank Management System Project in Python With Source Code
- Step 1: Create a Project Name.
First step open the PyCharm IDE and click “File” and select “New Project” and then create a project name after that click the “create” button.
- Step 2: Create a Python File.
In the second step after creating a project name, “right” click the project name, and then click “New” After that choose “Python File“.
- Step 3: Name the Python File
The third step after choosing Python File name the file “Banking-System” and then click “Enter“.
- Step 4: The actual code
Now you can start coding, you are free to copy the code that being provided below.
Code Explanations
The code given below is for the database table and its variables
You are free to copy and paste this code on your Python File.
NamesOFClients = ['Jomhel Dulla', 'Benny Salde', 'Jeremy Eriman', 'Given Bariacto', 'Carlan Pelobello', 'Ryan Manaay', 'Daniel Bandiola']
ClientPins = ['0001', '0002', '0003', '0004', '0005', '0006', '0007']
ClientBalances = [10000, 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000, 60000, 70000]
ClientDeposition = 0
ClientWithdrawal = 0
ClientBalance = 0
disk1 = 1
disk2 = 7
u = 0
The Code Below, Which is the Main Module of the Bank Management System
print("========== WELCOME TO ITSOURCECODE BANKING SYSTEM ==========")
print("========== (a). Open New Client Account ============")
print("========== (b). The Client Withdraw a Money ============")
print("========== (c). The Client Deposit a Money ============")
print("========== (d). Check Clients & Balance ============")
print("========== (e). Quit ============")
EnterLetter = input("Select a Letter from the Above Box menu : ")
The Code Below, Which is for the Client Registration Account
if EnterLetter == "a":
print(" Letter a is Selected by the Client")
NumberOfClient = eval(input("Number of Clients : "))
u = u + NumberOfClient
if u > 7:
print("Client registration exceed reached or Client registration too low")
u = u - NumberOfClient
while disk1 <= u:
name = input("Write Your Fullname : ")
pin = str(input("Please Write a Pin to Secure your Account : "))
ClientBalance = 0
ClientDeposition = eval(input("Please Insert a Money to Deposit to Start an Account : "))
ClientBalance = ClientBalance + ClientDeposition
print("\nName=", end=" ")
print("Pin=", end=" ")
print("Balance=", "P", end=" ")
print(ClientBalances[disk2], end=" ")
disk1 = disk1 + 1
disk2 = disk2 + 1
print("\nYour name is added to Client Table")
print("Your pin is added to Client Table")
print("Your balance is added to Client Table")
print("----New Client account created successfully !----")
print("Your Name is Available on the Client list now : ")
print("Note! Please remember the Name and Pin")
mainMenu = input(" Press Enter Key to go Back to Main Menu to Conduct Another Transaction or Quit_")
The code below is for the Client to withdraw an Amount
elif EnterLetter == "b":
v = 0
print(" letter b is Selected by the Client")
while v < 1:
w = -1
name = input("Please Insert a name : ")
pin = input("Please Insert a pin : ")
while w < len(NamesOFClients) - 1:
w = w + 1
if name == NamesOFClients[w]:
if pin == ClientPins[w]:
v = v + 1
print("Your Current Balance:", "P", end=" ")
print(ClientBalances[w], end=" ")
ClientBalance = (ClientBalances[w])
ClientWithdrawal = eval(input("Insert value to Withdraw : "))
if ClientWithdrawal > ClientBalance:
deposition = eval(input(
"Please Deposit a higher Value because your Balance mentioned above is not enough : "))
ClientBalance = ClientBalance + deposition
print("Your Current Balance:", "P", end=" ")
print(ClientBalance, end=" ")
ClientBalance = ClientBalance - ClientWithdrawal
print("----Withdraw Successfully!----")
ClientBalances[w] = ClientBalance
print("Your New Balance: ", "P", ClientBalance, end=" ")
ClientBalance = ClientBalance - ClientWithdrawal
print("----Withdraw Successfully!----")
ClientBalances[w] = ClientBalance
print("Your New Balance: ", "P", ClientBalance, end=" ")
if v < 1:
print("Your name and pin does not match!\n")
mainMenu = input(" Press Enter Key to go Back to Main Menu to Conduct Another Transaction or Quit_")
The code below is for the Client to Deposit an Amount
elif EnterLetter == "c":
print("Letter c is selected by the Client")
x = 0
while x < 1:
w = -1
name = input("Please Insert a name : ")
pin = input("Please Insert a pin : ")
while w < len(NamesOFClients) - 1:
w = w + 1
if name == NamesOFClients[w]:
if pin == ClientPins[w]:
x = x + 1
print("Your Current Balance: ", "P", end=" ")
print(ClientBalances[w], end=" ")
ClientBalance = (ClientBalances[w])
ClientDeposition = eval(input("Enter the value you want to deposit : "))
ClientBalance = ClientBalance + ClientDeposition
ClientBalances[w] = ClientBalance
print("----Deposition successful!----")
print("Your New Balance: ", "P", ClientBalance, end=" ")
if x < 1:
print("Your name and pin does not match!\n")
mainMenu = input(" Press Enter Key to go Back to Main Menu to Conduct Another Transaction or Quit_")
The Code Below, which is for the Checking the Clients and Balances
elif EnterLetter == "d":
print("Letter d is selected by the Client")
w = 0
print("Client name list and balances mentioned below : ")
while w <= len(NamesOFClients) - 1:
print("->.Customer =", NamesOFClients[w])
print("->.Balance =", "P", ClientBalances[w], end=" ")
w = w + 1
mainMenu = input(" Press Enter Key to go Back to Main Menu to Conduct Another Transaction or Quit_ ")
The Code Below is for the exit of the Banking System
elif EnterLetter == "e":
print("letter e is selected by the client")
print("Thank you for using our banking system!")
print("Thank You and Come again")
print("God Bless")
print("Invalid option selected by the Client")
print("Please Try again!")
mainMenu = input("Press Enter Key to go Back to Main Menu to Conduct Another Transaction or Quit_")
How To Run The Project?
To run this project, you must have installed a Pycharm on your PC (for Windows). This Bank Management System Project in Python with source code is free to download, Use for educational purposes only!
After downloading the project you must follow the steps below:
Step 1: Unzip the file or Extract the file
Step 2: Double-click the Banking System
Step 3: The project is ready to run
Downloadable Source Code
I have here the list of Best Python Project with Source code free to download for free, I hope this can help you a lot.
This Bank Management System Project System in Python is an easy console-based machine that’s very clean to apprehend and use.
Talking approximately the gadget, it contains all of the basic functions which consist of creating a new account, viewing the account client record, withdrawing and depositing amount, stability inquiry, maintaining an account, and editing account details.
In this mini project, there may be no such login device. With this method, he/she will be able to use all those available functions without problems without any restriction.
It is very easy to use, he/she will test the total bank account facts without problems.
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