Laravel Billing System Project with Source Code

Laravel Billing System Project in Laravel with Source Code

This project is fully functional and makes use of the Laravel Billing System. For their academic projects, second-year IT students will require all of the features in the Laravel project below.

It offers several features that help users manage and retain billing.

Like the web app, this system has a well-defined concept that has been well-implemented and can be used in real-world situations.

To receive a free Billing Management System project in PHP-Laravel MySQL with source code files, scroll down to the bottom of this page and click the Download button.

About ProjectProject Details
Project Name :Laravel Billing System
Project Platform :PHP Framework
Programming Language Used:Laravel Language
Developer Name
IDE Tool (Recommended):Sublime
Project Type :Web Application
Laravel Billing System Overview

About Laravel Billing System

Moving on, this Laravel billing management system project is primarily concerned with dealing with a large number of billing records.

The system also shows all of a customer’s available bill records.

Additionally, the system enables for the creation of invoices. In this tiny project, there is simply a user panel.

The user may control their billing in an overview of this online application.

The user must first provide the recipient’s name, address, invoice number, and billing date.

Following the setup of these pieces of information, the user may go on to product management.

There are several fields here, including product name, quantity, rate, and tax amount.

The technology calculates and presents the customer’s entire bill automatically.

Features Available Billing Management System Laravel Framework

  • Manage Item
  • Manage Category
  • Tables Management
  • Manage Report
  • Manage Profile
  • Setting Management
  • Login and Logout

Billing Management System Project in Laravel Steps On How To Run The Project

Time needed: 5 minutes

Here’s the step’s on how to run a Billing System Project in Laravel

  • Step 1: Installed the composer and the Laravel dependencies

    First, You need to install first the Composer and the Laravel libraries.
    Download Composer in Laravel Billing System Project with Source Code

  • Step 2: Open Command Prompt

    Next, go to the project folder directory then type CMD to open the command prompt.
    open cmd in Laravel Billing System Project with Source Code

  • Step 3: Composer Update

    Then, After you finish to installed the composer and the Laravel. now type composer update” in your command prompt to install the composer dependencies.

  • Step 4: php artisan key:generate

    After that, then type “php artisan key:generate ” in your command prompt. A command that sets the APP_KEY value in your . env file. By default, Run the following command to have the database tables migrated for you so that you can begin using the system.
    key generate in Laravel Billing System Project with Source Code

  • Step 5: Create Database

    After that, To install and run the application correctly. Simply go to phpmyadmin and make a new database. After that, “Be” and rename it to “.env“, then go to connection and modify the default database connection name, only database connection, database username, and password.

  • Step 6: php artisan migrate

    Lastly, you’ve set up the environment, you’ll need to establish a database configuration for it. Use the following command to create database tables: “php artisan migrate“.

    migrate in Laravel Billing System Project with Source Code

  • Step 7: php artisan db:seed

    Then, type “php artisan db:seed“, The db:seed command runs the DatabaseSeeder class by default, although it can be overridden to call alternative seed classes. You can, however, use the —class option to execute a single seeder class separately: php artisan db:seed –class=UserTableSeeder.
    seed in Laravel Billing System Project with Source Code

  • Step 8: php artisan serve

    Lastly, type “php artisan serve” in your command prompt. The purpose of using PHP artisan serve (PHP built in server) is just for testing and easy starting your project it should not be used in real website deployment.
    serve in Laravel Billing System Project with Source Code

  • Step 9: Copy “”

    Finally, In your browser, type the following code to access your project dashboard.

Download Source Code below


In this tiny project, there is simply a user panel. The user must first provide the recipient’s name, address, invoice number, and billing date.

Like the web app, this system has a well-defined concept that has been well-implemented.

For their academic projects, second-year IT students will require all of the features in the Laravel project below.

Anyway, if you want to level up your programming knowledge, especially Laravel PHP, try this new article I’ve made for you Awesome Laravel Projects With Source Code Free Download.


If you have any questions or suggestions about Laravel Billing System Project with Source Code, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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