Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ with MySQL Database

Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ with MySQL Database

This Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ with MySQL Database is a pharmacy administration system that can store medicine information, create purchases, and calculate total purchase amounts.

The project’s primary goal is to maintain the pharmaceutical store’s database. This project demonstrates how to develop and implement a Pharmacy Management System.

This is accomplished by compiling a database of the store’s available medications. The major goal of a pharmacy management system is to increase accuracy while also improving safety and efficiency in the pharmacy.

The goal of this project is to create software that will help a pharmaceutical store run more efficiently. This software was created to help ensure effective enforcement by providing statistics on the narcotics in stock.

Problem Definition: Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ with MySQL Database

The goal of the project is to develop software that will assist pharmacists in maintaining medication records, handling user information, generating invoices, checking and renewing validity, and providing a means of communication between users via an inbuilt messaging system.

The pharmacy management system is responsible for the upkeep of pharmaceuticals and consumables in the pharmacy. This pharmacy management software is simple to use.

Project and Details: Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database

Project Name :Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database
Project Platform :C/C++
Programming Language Used:C++ Programming Language
Developer Name
IDE Tool (Recommended):Codeblocks
Project Type :Desktop Application
Database:MySQL Database
Upload DateMarch 14, 2022
Pharmacy Management System in C++ and MySQL Database

Global variables use: Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database

  • The query’s status is represented by qstate. If 0 is correct, 1 is incorrect.
  • The mysql connection variable is conn.
  • row is used to retrieve the database’s current row.
  • res is used to retrieve all of the database’s values.

Features of Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ and MySQL

  • Buy Medicine Module – In the Pharmacy Management System, this module is for the customer. If a consumer wishes to buy medicine, the vendor may quickly construct a list of the medications and a total bill. The console will display all of the medicines on the list. The seller has the option of selecting multiple drugs. A simple “Select” query returns all of the drugs in the list. Following the confirmation of ids, the overall number of medicines purchased will drop. Also, make sure the database is up to date. In addition, indicate the entire quantity of medicine purchased.
  • Show Item List – In Pharmacy Management System, the “Select” query will retrieve all of the data from the database and present it in the terminal.
  • Find Item from List Module – In Pharmacy Management System, a user can locate an item from a list. The application can find all similar products using only a few characters from the item’s name. Also, on the console, display all of the data.
  • Add Item Stock Module – This function allows the user to add additional medicines. The “Insert” query is used to create new records in the database. The user can fill in all of the medicine’s details. The information is then entered into the database.
  • Update Stock Item – This is the function to utilize if the user wants to update any information about an item in the list. The “Update” query is used to make changes to the database. By typing the simple term “xN,” the user can keep the old data in the database, and the database will update the information. It may check the given number and display the appropriate message in the console.
  • Delete Stock Item – Any object in the database can be deleted by the user. The “Erase” query is used to delete data. Simply type the item’s id and a notice will appear, indicating that the item has been deleted from the database. It may check the given number and display the appropriate message in the console.

Screenshots Module: Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ and MySQL

Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database Menu Module
Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database Buy Medicine Module
Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database Show Item List
Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database Find Item from the List
Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database Add Item in Stock
Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database Update Stock Item
Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database Delete Stock Item

Database and Table Name use in Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database

  • Table Name: medicine_tb
  • Database: pharmacy_c++_db
  • Sever and Library Usage: XAMPP Server, MySql Headers, MySql Libs

What is a C++ library?

A C++ library contains code that can be used in a variety of projects. A library usually contains methods and classes that deal with a generic procedure that many developers are likely to use. C++, for example, includes libraries for processing input and output, which is a common task in many programs.

Anyway if you want level up your knowledge in programming especially C/C++ Programming Language, try this new article I’ve made for you Best C Projects with Source Code for Beginners Free Download 2022.

To run this Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database make sure that you have a Code BlocksDEV C++ or any platform of C++ installed in your computer.

Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Steps On How To Run The Project

Time needed: 5 minutes

Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ and MySQL

  • Step 1: Download the Source Code

    First, Download the source code given below.
    download source code for Canteen Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database

  • Step 2: Extract File

    Then, after you finished download the source code, extract the zip file.
    extract file in Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ with MySQL Database

  • Step 3: Open Code Blocks

    Next, After extracting the zip file, open your “Code Blocks IDE”.

  • Step 4: Open Project File.

    After that, open file tab and Open File after that open folder “pharmacy_c++_mySql” click the “pharmacy_c++_mySql“.
    open project file in Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ with MySQL Database

  • Step 5: Run Project

    Lastly, Click build tab and select build & run or you can use the shortcut key f10.

  • Step 6: The actual code.

    Finally, You are free to copy the given source code below or download the downloadable source code given.

Downloadable Source Code

In Summary

The Pharmacy Management System was created with the help of the C++ Programming Language and a variety of variables and strings.

The source code for the Pharmacy Management System in C++ Programming is available for free download.


If you have any questions or suggestions about Pharmacy Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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