Computer Store Management System Project in C++ with Source Code

Computer Store Management System Project in C++ with Source Code

Computer Store Management Project in C++ is based on the concept of recording the computer order details of an individual. In this system, there is no login feature for the admin.

This project is an interesting project. The user can add the number of order details and you can see the details stored in the list form.

The user can delete the order records if he/she wants to remove them. Create Computer Store Management in C++ Language for your school and college projects.

About Computer Store Management System Project in C++

This Computer Store Management project is coded in C++programming language. Talking about the system, the user can make a list of order details as records.

You just have to type the required order information and press enter to add the information on the record. The details of customers’ orders and their contacts are stored in the database in the form of a text file.

This project follows CRUD operations and is very easy to use and understand.

About ProjectProject Details
Project Name :Computer Store Management System Project in C++
Project Platform :C/C++
Programming Language Used:C++ Programming Language
Developer Name
IDE Tool (Recommended):Codeblocks/Command Prompt
Project Type :Desktop Application
Database:File handling
Computer Store Management System Project in C++ Information

Features Available Computer Store Management System in C++ Framework

Admin Features Available
Take New Computer Order
Delete Latest Order
Modify Order List
Print the Receipt
Daily Summary of Total Sale
Computer Store Management System C++ Admin Features

Computer Store Management System in C++ Steps On How To Run The Project

Time needed: 5 minutes

Here’s the steps on how to run the Computer Store Management System Project in C++

  • Step 1: Download G++ Compiler

    First, To download the g++ compiler just click the link here.

  • Step 2: Open CMD and Compile

    Next, Open the command prompt(CMD) in your project folder directory.
    open cmd in Computer Store Management System Project in C++ with Source Code

  • Step 3: Compile Project

    Then, To compile, run the command to execute. – “g++ project.cpp“.

  • Step 3: Run Program

    After that, to run the program you need to execute the following command just type “a“.
    run program in Computer Store Management System Project in C++ with Source Code

  • Step 4: Output of the System

    Finally, the image below is the output of the running program of Computer management system in C++.
    output in Computer Store Management System Project in C++ with Source Code

Downloadable Source Code

Anyway if you want level up your knowledge in programming especially C/C++ Programming Language, try this new article I’ve made for you Best C Projects with Source Code for Beginners Free Download 2022.

In Summary

Based on the C++ Computer Store Management System, this is a fully functional C++ program. The C++ project that follows contains all of the features that second-year IT students will require for their college projects.

Several store features are included. This system has a separate, practical concept that has been successfully implemented in addition to the online application.

To get the free C++ source code files for the Computer Store Management System Project, click the Download button.

Thank you, and Happy CODING!


If you have any questions or suggestions about Computer Store Management System Project in C++ with Source Code, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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