Attributeerror int object has no attribute append [SOLVED]

Are you encountering Attributeerror int object has no attribute append?

Apparently, when we are working on programming, and developing new programs we can’t avoid facing this error.

In this article, we will look for solutions, and provide example programs, as well as their causes.

But before that, we will understand this attribute error first.

What is Attributeerror int object has no attribute append?

The Attributerror: int object has no attribute append error in python occurs when we try to call the append() function on an integer.

Therefore we need to make sure the value we should call is on type list.

Here’s how this error occurs:

my_list = ['IT', 'SOURCE', 'CODE']

# reassign variable to an integer
my_list = 10

print(type(my_list))  # <class 'int'>

# AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'append'


Attributeerror int object has no attribute append example error
Attributeerror int object has no attribute append example error

The code above explains my_list variable is reassigned to an integer then we call the append() function, which then caused us the error.

How to fix the Attributeerror int object has no attribute append

Here are the solutions to fix the example error of Attributeerror int object has no attribute append.

Example 1: Correct or remove the reassignment

To fix the error in the example code, we should remove the reassignment or correct it. When we use the append() method it will add the item at the end of the list.

my_list = ['IT', 'SOURCE', 'CODE']




[‘IT’, ‘SOURCE’, ‘CODE’, ‘HI’]

Example 2: Remove the index accessor and call the append() method on the list

As we call the append method on an integer will cause an Attributeerror int object has no attribute appenderror.

Take a look at this example code below:

list_numbers = [10, 20, 30]

# AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'append'


Therefore we need to make sure when we are calling the append method we are not accessing the list at its specific index.


Attributeerror int object has no attribute append example2 error

The output demonstrates when we access the list of items in stores in list_numbers variable at index, which is 10, and the called the append method the output throws error instead.

To fix the int object has no attribute appenderror in this example, remove the index accessor and call the append() method on the list.

list_numbers = [10, 20, 30]


print(list_numbers)  # [10, 20, 30, 40]


[10, 20, 30, 40]

Example 3: Assigning the result of calling a function that returns an integer to a variable.

This time we can also assign the result of calling a function that returns an integer to a variable.

Here is the example code:

def get_list():
    return 100

my_list = get_list()

# AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'append'

The code is trying to append the string ‘itsourecode‘ to an integer value returned by the function get_list(). This will result in an AttributeError since integers don’t have the append() method.

To fix this, you need to change the return type of the function to a list and initialize it with the integer value. Here’s the modified code:

def get_list():
    return [100]

my_list = get_list()
print(my_list)  # output: [100, 'itsourcecode']


[100, 'itsourcecode']

In this code, the function get_list() returns a list with a single integer value of 100. This list can then be appended with the string ‘itsourcecode‘ using the append() method. The output of the updated code will be [100, ‘itsourcecode’].

Causes of Attributeerror int object has no attribute append

As mentioned, AttributeError “int object has no attribute append” occurs when you try to use the append() method on an integer object.

This error happens because integers are not mutable in Python, meaning you can’t modify them once they are created.

Therefore, they don’t have any methods that modify them in-place, such as append() which is used to add an element to the end of a list.

If you want to store multiple values, you need to use a list or another mutable object.

So, if you try to call the append() method on an integer object, Python raises an AttributeError because it doesn’t exist for that data type.


In conclusion, we should be careful in utilizing the Python built-in functions. Particularly, be aware of the type of variable we are using and whether it is acceptable in the method we are using.

Hence the solution we provided above will fix the AttributeError: ‘int’ object has no attribute ‘append’ error. Choose what works best for you.

If you are finding solutions to some errors you might encounter we also have Attributeerror: ‘dict’ object has no attribute ‘read’.

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