Attributeerror: module keras.utils has no attribute sequence

Looking for a solution on how to fix the error attributeerror: module keras.utils has no attribute sequence?

In this article, we will provide you with solutions to this error and some FAQs you might want to know.

This is a Python error that occurs when the Keras library can’t find the sequence attribute within the utils module.

How to solve the error “module keras.utils has no attribute sequence” in Python

Time needed: 2 minutes

Here’s the guide on how to solve the attributeerror: module keras.utils has no attribute sequence.

  1. Check for typos.

    Make sure that your spelling is correct.

    For example, make sure that your attribute is spelled like this:


    Note: The letter “S” should be capitalized.

  2. Check the version of Keras.

    Check what version of Keras is installed on your system.

    To do so, enter the command below into your Command Prompt or terminal.

    pip show keras

    If you are using a version of Keras that is older than 2.0, update it to the latest version.

    To update, use the command:

    pip install –upgrade keras

  3. Install dependencies.

    Make sure that you install the required dependencies.

  4. Check your import statement.

    Be sure that your import statement is correct. Here is the correct import statement:

    from keras.utils import Sequence


What do you think are the causes of this error?

This error can be caused by a misspelled attribute name, or it can be due to the version of Keras.

What we mean by “the version of Keras” is that you might be using a version of Keras that does not have the sequence attribute.

What is AttributeError?

An attributeerror appears in our Python codes when we try to access an attribute of a non-existent object.

In addition, this occurs when we attempt to perform non-supported operations.

What is Python?

Python is one of the most popular programming languages. It is used for developing a wide range of applications.

In addition, Python is a high-level programming language that is usually used by developers nowadays due to its flexibility.


In conclusion, you can easily solve this error by using the correct spelling, Keras version, and import statement.

By following the guide above, you’ll surely fix the error attributeerror: module keras.utils has no attribute sequence quickly.

I think that is all for this tutorial, ITSourceCoders! I hope you have learned a lot from this.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment below. And for more attribute error tutorials, visit our website!

Thank you for reading!

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