Attributeerror: module ‘collections’ has no attribute ‘iterable’

Have trouble fixing “Attributeerror: module ‘collections’ has no attribute ‘iterable'” in your python code?

Worry no more, because this article is for you.

In this article, we will discuss the possible causes of this Attributeerror, and provide solutions to solve the error.

But first, let’s discuss what this error means.

What is Attributeerror: module ‘collections’ has no attribute ‘iterable’?

The error module ‘collections’ has no attribute ‘iterable’ means that the Python module collections does not have an attribute called “iterable”.

This may happen if you are trying to use the iterable attribute but it does not exist in the collections module.

For example:

We will try to use the ‘iterable function from the ‘collections’ module to check if ‘my_list’ is iterable.

import collections

my_list = [1, 2, 3]

if collections.iterable(my_list):
    print("my_list is iterable")
    print("my_list is not iterable")

In this example, Since the ‘iterable’ function does not exist in the ‘collections’ module, we get an error message stating:

AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'iterable'

Now let us know why this error occurs.

How attributeerror: module ‘collections’ has no attribute ‘iterable’ occurs?

“module ‘collections’ has no attribute ‘iterable'” error typically occurs when you are using an older version of Python that does not support the ‘iterable’ function.

The ‘iterable’ function was added to the ‘collections’ module in Python 3.8.

if you are using an older version of Python, you will get an error stating:

AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'iterable'

Here are the other reasons why this error occurs:

  • Typo or incorrect usage of the ‘iterable’ function

For example, if you mistakenly write ‘collections.iterable’ instead of ‘’, you will get the attibuteerror message.

This happens because ‘iterable’ is not a valid attribute of the ‘collections’ module

  • Shadowing the ‘collections’ module with a variable or function that has the same name.

This happens if you have defined a variable or function named ‘collections’ in your code.

By that, it will override the built-in ‘collections’ module and lead to an error.

Now let’s fix this error.

Attributeerror: module ‘collections’ has no attribute ‘iterable’ – Solutions

Here are the alternative ways to fix this Attributeerror:

1. Upgrade to a newer version of Python

The ‘iterable’ function was added to the ‘collections’ module in Python 3.8.

If you are using an older version of Python, you can upgrade to a newer version to access the ‘iterable’ function.

2. Use ‘’

Instead of using the ‘collections.iterable’ function, you can use the ‘’ class to check if an object is iterable.

Here’s an example code:


my_list = [1, 2, 3]

if isinstance(my_list,
    print("my_list is iterable")
    print("my_list is not iterable")

3. Check for typos and name conflicts

Make sure that you have spelled the function correctly.

Moreover, Make sure that you are not accidentally shadowing the ‘collections’ module with a variable or function of the same name.


In conclusion, this article “Attributeerror: module ‘collections’ has no attribute ‘iterable'” means that the Python module “collections” does not have an attribute called “iterable”.

By following the given solution, surely you can fix the error quickly and proceed to your coding project again.

I hope this article helps you to solve your problem regarding an attributeerror stating “module ‘collections’ has no attribute ‘iterable’.

We’re happy to help you.

Happy coding! Have a Good day and God bless.

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