Airline Reservation System Project in C++ With Source Code

The Airline Reservation System in C++ is developed using C++ programming language. In this project is a console application that can let you assign a reservation seat.

Users can quickly create, cancel, and check for passengers, as well as display airline status reports, among other things. This mini project has fewer features, but they are the most important ones.

Project Name :airline reservation system
Project Platform :C/C++
Programming Language Used:C++ Programming Language
Developer Name
IDE Tool (Recommended):Dev-C++/Codeblocks
Project Type :Desktop Application
Database:Stores data in .DAT file
Airline Reservation System C++ Project With Source Code Information

Then airline reservation system project in C++ with output displays the reservation number. Similarly, if a user wishes to change a reservation, he or she must include the current seat number and choose a new seat number. The system makes canceling a reservation simple; all the user has to do is include their reservation number.

A airline reservation system project report in C++ advantage is that it allows for more efficient airline seat reservations and better service.

Within the project the user will perform a variety of tasks. This simple console application project with a simple coding structure that beginners can easily understand and learn.

These are the following features of the system

  • Make Reservation Menu
    • This is where the customer’s flight reservation seat is registered and a reservation number is given.
  • Cancel Reservation Menu
    • You can cancel a reservation seat from this menu by entering the customer reservation number.
  • Search Passenger Menu
    • By entering the customer reservation number, you can cancel a reservation seat from this menu.
  • Change Reservation Menu
    • You can change your reservation by entering the reservation seat in this menu.
  • Print a List Menu
    • You can see a list of passengers who have been reserved in this menu.
  • Search Status Report Menu
    • You can see the complete reservation for a single flight from here.

This console Application also includes a downloadable airline reservation system in c++ for free, just find the downloadable source code below and click to start downloading.

Anyway if you want level up your knowledge in programming especially C/C++ Programming Language, try this new article I’ve made for you Best C Projects with Source Code for Beginners Free Download 2022.

To run this airline reservation system in C++ with source code make sure that you have a Code Blocks or any platform of C++ installed in your computer.

Airline Reservation System C++ Project With Source Code Steps On How To Run The Project

Time needed: 5 minutes

These are the steps on how to run Airline Reservation System C++ Project With Source Code

  • Step 1: Extract file.

    Second, after you finished download the source code, extract the zip file.

  • Step 2: Open CodeBlocks

    Third, open “CodeBlocks IDE”.
    Airline Reservation System Project in C++

  • Step 3: Open Project.

    Fourth, open file tab and Open File after that open folder AirlineReservationSystemC++ then click the “Airline Reservation System.c“.
    Airline Reservation System C++ Project Step 4

  • Step 4: Run Project

    Fifth, run the project.
    Airline Reservation System C++ Project Step 5

Downloadable Source Code


This airline reservation system project in C++ documentation is only a project made for school requirement purposes only. You can download this source code and modify it to suit your client requirements, since this is a student project it means you cannot really expect 100% functionality from this.


If you have any questions or suggestions about airline reservation system project in c++ pdf, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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