Database Design for High School Enrollment System

Database Design for High School Enrollment System

The Database Design for High School Enrollment System for Cauayan National High school. The school will become efficient and productive with the help of the proper administration. One function of an administration is the registrar’s office where confidential works are being managed. The traditional way of banking data’s are manually formed which offers less productive and security in terms of storing records.

            Now, the advancement of technology is being introduced to eliminate the old system. This is a computerized enrollment system created in Java application to assist the enrollment process of the students in Cauayan National High School to cater the freshmen, transferees, and the old students.

            With this advance computer enrollment system, CNHS can perform the following functions: (1) lessen the working time, (2) serves as the information saving bank(database), (3) less effort but giving more productivity, (4) lastly, can manage a mass number of student applicants. This program is estimated to last for a lifetime if maintained well and can be done within 2-3 months of development.


  1. To handle a max registration of the student.
  2. To process registration in less time workload
  3. Manage user and employee
  4. Generate and Process user-Friendly Reports

You can check here the sample Online Student’s Management System in PHP with Full Source Code (2020).


            These tables below provide the entire database table description and details such field names, descriptions, datatypes and character length.

Table 1: tblStudent

Field Name Description Type Length
Stud_ID (PK) ID number of the Student INT 11
First_name First name of the Student Varchar 50
Middle_name Middle name of the Student Varchar 50
Last_name Last name of the Student Varchar 50
Age Age of the Student INT 11
Gender Sexuality Varchar 50
Address Where the student live Varchar 50
Birthday When did the student born Varchar 50
Birth_place Where did the student born Varchar 50
Status Student’s status Varchar 50
Nationality Student’s nationality Varchar 50
Religion Student’s religion Varchar 50
Stud_phonenum For emergency purposes Varchar 50

Table 2: tblStud_details

Field Name
Description Type Length
Detail_ID (PK) Details ID for recognition INT 11
Stud_ID (FK) ID number of the Student INT 11
Fathers_name Student Father’s name Varchar 50
Occupation Father’s work Varchar 50
Mothers_name Student mother’s name Varchar 50
Occupation Mother’s work Varchar 50
Guardians_name Other Family support Varchar 50
Occupation Guardian’s occupation Varchar 50
Parents_address Where the part of Family live Varchar 50
Parents_phonenum For emergency purposes Varchar 50

Table 3: tblRequirements

Field Name
Description Type Length
Requirements_ID (PK) Requirements ID for recognition INT 11
Stud_ID (FK) ID number of the Student INT 11
NSO Live of Birth boolean 5
Baptismal Registration of Baptism boolean 5
Entrance Exam Result To know whether the student passed or failed Varchar 50
Certificate of Transfer Transfer Records boolean 5

Table 4: tblTransaction

Field Name Description Type Length
Trans_ID (PK) Payment ID for recognition INT 11
Stud_ID (FK) ID number of the Student INT 11
Employee_ID (FK) ID number of the Employee INT 11
Particular_payables Names of payables Varchar 50
Amount_paid Number of money payment Varchar 50
Balance Amount of payments remain    
Payment_date Date paid Varchar 50
Payment_time Time paid    

Table 5:  tblSchool_year

Field Name Description Type Length
Stud_ID (FK) ID of the Student INT 11
Year School year INT 11
Semester Semester per year Varchar 50

Table 6: tblEmployee

Field Name Description Type Length
Employee_ID (PK) ID of the Student INT 11
First_name Employees’ Firstname Varchar 50
Middle_name Employees’ middle name Varchar 50
Last_name Employees’ lastname Varchar 50

Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 1: Proposed Cauayan National High School Enrollment System Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 1: Proposed Cauayan National High School Enrollment System Entity Relationship Diagram shows the system entity relationships in each entity and their supposed functions in each relationship.

For More Database Design Examples

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