Bolaloy’s Rice Milling Management System Database Design

Bolaloy’s Rice Milling Management System Database Design

The Bolaloy’s Rice Milling Management System Database Design is a database design system that makes the work of a cashier or a user easy.

This kind of system is having an attribute of what you called, saving the data where you entered the information of customer in the said system.

This system is also having automatic computing of the cost of a product or item.

The Rice Milling Management System is easy to use. Like for instance, the user will fill-up the form according to or based on the information and identification of the customer.

And it has a solution provided or guide for you to be not lost in the procedure. And talking to the quality of a system, the efficiency, learnability, and effectiveness are used in creating in this system.

Bolaloy’s Rice Milling Management System Background and Features


Bolaloy’s Rice Milling Management System is installed in Brgy Rumirang Municipality of Isabela Negros occidental. The name of the System is derived from the last name of the owner.


  • Manage customer
  • Save Personal information
  • Computing cost
  • Check remaining stocks


Data Dictionaries

These tables below provide the complete database tables details such as Field Name, Descriptions, data types, character lengths.

Table 1:    tblStocks

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Stocks_idStocks numberint11
Co_idCustomer idInt11
Co_fNameCustomer-first nameVarchar50
Co_lNameCustomer Last nameVarchar50
Job_idJob titleVarchar50
Phone_noCustomer contactVarchar50
Date_StoredDate of when StoredDate10

Table 2:    tblcustomer

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Customer_idCustomer numberint11
fnameCustomer-first nameVarchar50
lNameCustomer last nameVarchar50
AddressCustomer addressVarchar50
Job_idJob titleVarchar50
Contact_No.Customer contactVarchar50

Table 3:    tblemployee

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
emp_idStocks numberint11
First_nameCustomer-first nameVarchar50
Last_nameCustomer last nameVarchar50
EmailCustomer EmailVarchar50
contact_noEmployee Contact noVarchar50
hire_dateHire dateDate11
Job_idJob titleVarchar50
Monthly_salaryemployee salaryInt11

Table 4:    tblricehistory

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Customer_idCustomer numberint11
r_CodeRice codeVarchar50
r_VarietyRice VarietyVarchar50
r_qtyRice quantityInt50
r_PriceRice priceInt50
r_TotalRice totalInt50
historyDateHistory DateDate11

Table 5:    tblRecords

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Costumer_idcustomer informationInt7
cFnameCustomer-first NameVarchar50
cLnameCustomer last nameVarchar50
Contact_noCustomer No.Int11
Rice_CodeRice CodeInt11
VarietyRice NameVarchar50
Rice_VolumeRice QuantityInt11
Price_per_sackRice Price Per SackInt11
SubTotalOverall total costint11
storedDateDate when StoredDate11

Entity Relationship Diagram

Bolaloy’s Rice Milling and Sales System Entity Relationship Diagram show the system entity relationships in each entity and their supposed functions in each link.

Figure 1. Bolaloy’s ER Diagram for Rice Milling Management System 

The proposed Bolaloy’s Rice Milling Management System Entity Relationship Diagram are the entity of the proposed Bolaloy’s Rice Milling Management System Database Design, which are presented by tables; the tables are made to meet the required specification of the system and provide much more specific details of each entity within the system.

Download the full documentation of Rice Milling Management System Database Design PDF here. lastCommitBolaloy

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