Hotel Management System Project Activity Diagram – This is an illustration of the hotel management software’s commitment to its users.
This designed activity diagram is used to make an explanation of how your proposed capstone project will interact with its users.
The users of this hotel management would be the guests or customers, employees, and the hotel admin, and they are essential in creating its activity diagram.
By determining the users of the system, it would be much easier for you to build the interactions and activities in the system.
Then you will be able to foresee the behavior of the system towards its users. So you should make sure that your system is user-friendly and effective for its users.
What is a Hotel Management System UML Activity Diagram?
To have a clear understanding of it, let me tell you its purpose and importance.
The hotel system must include an activity diagram so that programmers can determine how the software should interact with its users.
It is because the activity diagram guides the programmer in creating the software and its must-have behavior.
So if you want friendly and effective or easy-to-use software, then you must also complete the activity diagram.
Through the activity diagram, you’ll be able to illustrate the flow of activities and know what should be the interactions between the system and its users.
Activity Diagram Symbols:
Now before we create the UML Activity diagram of Hotel Management System, you must know first the symbols used to make it. And here are the symbols used in Activity Diagram.

You must be familiar with these symbols in order for you to distinguish what should go in the illustration to avoid misunderstandings.
This is also to educate you about the activity diagram symbols so you and the users will understand the system’s behavior.
In addition to that, being familiar with these activity diagram symbols will help you show the detailed parts and interactions that should happen when you develop the system. Then this thought enables you to have the right ideas on how to develop the system that you want.
Additional Knowledge
The Hotel Management System activity diagram works perfectly with the other UML diagrams that were available on our site.
They are the Hotel Management System Use Case Diagram, Data Flow Diagram, Entity Relationship Diagram, and many more.
These diagrams served as the blueprint designs to foresee the needed functions of a working hotel management system.
Activity Diagram of Hotel Management System Project
Time needed: 5 minutes
Here’s the activity diagram samples of the Hotel Management System that you may use as UML for your final year project.
Note that you may change the ideas given in this activity diagram to meet the scope of the hotel management system project that you desire. The given ideas here are sorted based on the system users to give you more detailed examples.
- Hotel Management System Activity Diagram for the Guest or Customer Side
Here’s a designed activity diagram for the hotel guest side, which shows the approach of the Hotel Management System for them. The scenarios shown in the diagram were all based on the activities done in making reservations at a hotel or inn.
With the help of this activity diagram, the development of the hotel management system project for the guest side would be much easier for the programmer.
That is because this illustration guides the programmer on how the software should interact with the customers or guests. - Hotel Management System Activity Diagram for Hotel Admin’ Side
This time, the diagram that you can see is a designed activity diagram for the hotel admin side. The users that will use this design are the qualified individuals that can handle the financial transactions and important records of the hotel management system.
As a result, this diagram will now direct the programmer as to where the critical transactions should be placed and who should handle them.
This design activity diagram helps in making sure that the important roles in the hotel management system will be given to the qualified ones. It could help boost the performance of the hotel and provide justification for every transaction made. - Hotel Management System Activity Diagram for Employees’ Side
Another activity diagram designed for the hotel management system is for the employee’s side. This is to give you more detailed information on every module that should be present in this software.
So the design shows you the scenarios present in the employee’s roles. They are the ones who accommodate every reservation made in the hotel. And with the use of this system, monitoring or checking of new reservations and preparing for each will be much easier for them.
Most of all, these activities must be present in the activity diagram for the system because they are essential in doing the hotel management project.
You should be informed that these diagrams can be modified to achieve your desired system behavior. You can also create your own unique system function to justify all of your project needs.
And if you want, you can copy all the ideas presented here, so you won’t need to create a new one.
It is essential for you to know the diagrams used to design and develop the hotel management system. This is due to the fact that without it, it is impossible to create a fully functional system.
But if you create this activity diagram, you will know the possible inputs and scenarios that the system should process and perform. Not only that, but you will identify the processes that are required and connect them to the other UML Diagrams.
Recommended Articles from the Author:
- Hotel Management System UML Diagrams
- Hotel Management System Class Diagram | UML
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- DFD for Hotel Management System
Now, what have you learned through our discussion? Have you determined the diagrams that you must create? What project do you have in mind?
And, if you have any suggestions or questions about our discussion, please leave them in the comments section. Those are highly appreciated. Thank you so much and have a good day!
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