What is Typeerror: failed to fetch? How To Fix it?

Have you encountered the TypeError: Failed to fetch error message at some point in your work?

If you’re a programmer or web developer, this error is inevitable and can be frustrating and time-consuming to troubleshoot.

However, understanding its causes and how to prevent it can save you a lot of time and headaches in fixing it.

What is Typeerror?

It’s quite common to encounter the TypeError when trying to carry out an operation or call a method on a value that doesn’t match its data type. This error can occur in several programming languages such as Python, Java, and JavaScript.

Some common triggers for TypeError include trying to use a string method on a numeric value, adding or subtracting a string from a number, or passing a wrong data type argument to a function.

What is Typeerror: failed to fetch

TypeError: Failed to fetch is a common error that appears in the console of a web browser when a JavaScript fetch() method fails to retrieve data from a server or an API.

This error indicates that the fetch() method was not able to complete the request successfully.

When this error occurs, it prevents the web application from fetching the required data, and can affect the functionality of the web application.

TypeError: Failed to fetch” occurs for multiple reasons

These are the multiple reasons why TypeError: Failed to fetch occurs:

  • An incomplete or incorrect URL is passed to the fetch() method.
  • Specified wrong protocol in URL.
  • Passed the wrong method or headers to the fetch() method.
  • The server making a request does not send back the correct CORS headers.

How Typeerror: failed to fetch occur

Here is how this Typeerror: failed to fetch occurs:

  • A missing or misspelled file name in a URL:
A missing or misspelled file name in a URL
  • A server outage or network connectivity issue:
A server outage or network connectivity issue
  • A resource that has been moved or deleted:
A resource that has been moved or deleted

How to fix Typeerror: failed to fetch

There are various typical causes for this error. However, you can resolve it by following these steps to troubleshoot and fix the issue:

  1. Check the URL

    To ensure a smooth experience, it’s important to double-check the accuracy of the entered URL and make sure it’s free of any errors or typos before making any fetch requests.

  2. Verify Server Availability

    To ensure a successful retrieval of data, it is important to verify that the server you intend to access is fully operational and functioning correctly.

    If there are any issues or the server is offline, your request for data retrieval may not be fulfilled.

  3. CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)

    If you are making a fetch request to a different domain or port, the server needs to have proper CORS headers set up to allow cross-origin requests.

    Check if the server is configured to allow requests from your domain or use JSONP if CORS is not possible.

  4. Network Connectivity

    Verify your internet connection and make sure you have access to the internet. The error can occur if there’s a problem with your network connection.

  5. SSL and Mixed Content

    To ensure that web browsers do not block insecure requests, it is important to utilize secure (HTTPS) URLs for all requests on websites hosted with HTTPS, especially when accessed from a secure page.

  6. Check for Errors in the Response

    In case the server sends back an error status code like 404 Not Found or 500 Internal Server Error, the fetch request will not be successful.

    It is recommended to check the response provided by the server to identify the problem.

  7. Handle Promise Rejection

    To handle errors properly, it is recommended to enclose your fetch request in a try-catch block.

    This will enable you to catch any rejected promises and display or log the error details for debugging purposes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does TypeError failed to fetch mean?

When encountering the error message “TypeError: Failed to fetch” in your web browser’s console, be aware that the JavaScript fetch() method was unable to successfully retrieve data from a server or API.

What is the quickest way to fix the type error that reads “Failed to Fetch”?

To resolve the “failed to fetch” error, it’s crucial to ensure that the fetch method receives the accurate configuration, such as the URL, HTTP method, and headers.

Moreover, it’s vital to validate that the requested servers have appropriately set the CORS header in conjunction with the response.


In conclusion, understanding TypeError and “Failed to fetch” errors is an important part of web development. By following the given solutions outlined in this article, you can prevent these errors from occurring and ensure that your web applications run smoothly.

We hope that this guide has helped you resolve this error and get back to coding.

If you are finding solutions to some errors you might encounter we also have  TypeError: not supported between instances of ‘str’ and ‘int’

Thank you for reading!