Typeerror: oauth2strategy requires a clientid option

Encountering errors like typeerror: oauth2strategy requires a clientid option is common in any programming language.

In this article, let us learn what exactly the cause of this error is.

Here, you will also be able to learn how to solve this error.

Let us start by knowing about this error.

What is typeerror: oauth2strategy requires a clientid option?

The typeerror: oauth2strategy requires a clientid option is an error message that can appear in Node.js applications.

It appears in Node.js applications that use the Passpot.js library for authentication.

This particularly occurs when setting up the OAuth2Strategy.

This error means that when initializing an instance of the OAuth2Strategy class, the necessary clientID option was not found.

What is the clientID option used for?

The clientID option is used to distinguish client information when performing authentication requests to an OAuth2 provider.

Now let us move on to our solution.

Typeerror: oauth2strategy requires a clientid option – SOLUTION

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To fix this error, make sure you are giving the clientID option when initializing an instance of the OAuth2Strategy class.

Here is a guide you can follow to solve this error:

  1. Check the OAuth2 provider’s documentation.

    The first step is to check the OAuth2 provider’s documentation that you are using.

    Do this to distinguish the particular requirements for the clientID option.

  2. Ensure to pass the clientID option to the OAuth2Strategy.

    The next step is to ensure that the clientID option is passed to the OAuth2Strategy constructor.

    This is when you create a new instance of the strategy.

  3. Verify that the values entered in clientID and registered in the OAuth2 provider match.

    Make sure that the value entered for the clientID option is appropriate for your application.

    And, make sure it matches the one you registered with the OAuth2 provider.

  4. Set your environment variables properly.

    Ensure that your environment variables are set properly and are available to your application.

    Do this if you are using them to store your client ID.

  5. Double-check your configuration.

    Check your configuration if, even after verifying the clientID option, you still encounter this error.

    Then, ensure that you have provided all the options needed for your particular use case.

See also: Typeerror: boolean value of na is ambiguous


The typeerror: oauth2strategy requires a clientid option occurs in Node.js applications that use Passpot.js for authentication.

You can quickly fix this error by making sure you are giving the clientID option when initializing an instance of the OAuth2Strategy class.

By following the guide above, you will surely solve this error quickly.

That is all for this tutorial, IT source coders!

We hope you have learned a lot from this. Have fun coding!

Thank you for reading! 😊